brunobeeee / drinklog

A habit tracker for tracking water intake.
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Minimize the CSS and JS files built by Parcel #38

Open brunobeeee opened 5 months ago

brunobeeee commented 5 months ago

Normally Parcel builds everything in a nomal and a .min version. Latter wich would be preferable for prod. I can't tell why this is not working atm.

brunobeeee commented 5 months ago

I'm going crazy with this bc I can't tell why the minification isn't working. I specified a targed with optimize: true as shown here.

Running the build with --log-level verbose is showing that optimize is indeed set to true:

               Entry: src/index.js
              Output: dist/index.js
              Format: esmodule (inferred from package.json#type)
             Context: browser (default)
             Engines: > 0.5%, last 2 versions, not dead 
        Library Mode: false (default)
Include Node Modules: true (default)
            Optimize: true 

But for whatever reason it is not outputting the minified files. There is no other error in the build logs to be seen.

Maybe I submit an issue at the parcel repo.