brunobord / pomodorock

A single webpage pomodoro timer / tracker that keeps ZERO KNOWLEDGE of your data on the server-side.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
17 stars 5 forks source link

Allow creating new timers #10

Open nfroidure opened 11 years ago

nfroidure commented 11 years ago

Be able to add a timer name, icon and duration.

brunobord commented 11 years ago

that'd mean the user would have to build the timer and the associated message at the end of it. i.e. edit the HTML tags. Why wouldn't you just want to fork this repository, slightly edit the buttons to adapt it to your needs?

nfroidure commented 11 years ago

I do not use your software ;). You asked ideas, i gave some. DWTFYW

brunobord commented 11 years ago

you... what? you don't use Pomodorock? YOU DO NOT USE POMODOROCK???? how do dare you?!!!!
