brunoherbelin / vimix

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After compiling on 20.04 unable to execute vimix #45

Closed DarrellJonsson closed 1 year ago

DarrellJonsson commented 2 years ago

Where is the executable file or command to run after compiling vimix from git repository on Ubuntu 20.04?

brunoherbelin commented 2 years ago

Hey Darrell ! Great that you switch to vimix :)

1) if you followed the README, the sources are in 'vimix' and the build is done is 'vimix-build' : the vimix executable is 'vimix-build/vimix'

Here is what it could look like after compilation:

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/bhbn/Development/github/build-vimix
[204/204] Linking CXX executable vimix
bash:~/github/build-vimix$ ls          __cmrc_vmix-resources    libGLAD.a
CMakeCache.txt       compile_commands.json    libIMGUI.a
CMakeFiles           CPackConfig.cmake        libOSCPACK.a
cmake_install.cmake  CPackSourceConfig.cmake  libvmix-resources.a
_cmrc                ext                      vimix
bash:~/github/build-vimix$ ./vimix 

2) For Ubuntu 20.04, you can also use the Snap of vimix to avoid compiling :

$ snap install vimix (or from the GUI software manager)

DarrellJonsson commented 2 years ago

NOTE: OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Per the readme instructions following these today (as yesterday) I've the same results.

Instructions at first appear to be a success, yet the application will not execute, as the executable does not seem to be in the package.

Yesterday I executed $ git clone --recursive Today I executed $ git pull ...Already up to date.

The I follow these instructions

$ mkdir vimix-build $ cd vimix-build $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../vimix

**** Results look good

-- Congratulations! All external packages have been found.

-- Using 'CMakeRC ' from -- /usr/share/cmake;/home/darrell/vimix/cmake/modules. -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/darrell/vimix-build

***** Yet when I try to execute the app...something isn't correct I do not see a folder "build-vimix" resulting from this but I do see "vimix-build" "vimix-build" which contains the same components you list as "build-vimix"

$~/vimix-build$ ls CMakeCache.txt _cmrc CPackConfig.cmake Makefile CMakeFiles __cmrc_vmix-resources CPackSourceConfig.cmake cmake_install.cmake compile_commands.json ext

Instead of /build-vimix$ ./vimix I issue command line

$~/vimix-build$ ./vimix returns error

bash: ./vimix: No such file or directory

Please advise

brunoherbelin commented 2 years ago

did you run

cmake --build .

from the vimix-build directory?

DarrellJonsson commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your help. I'll need to check it next Monday, and reply here.

DarrellJonsson commented 2 years ago

Still can not start vimix after running cmake. I ran it again just to make sure get the following response.

[ 2%] Built target IMGUI [ 2%] Built target GLAD [ 5%] Built target OSCPACK [ 6%] Built target TINYXML2 [ 75%] Built target vmix-resources [100%] Built target vimix [100%] Built target glm_static

Tried issuing .vimix from ~/vimix folder & ~/vimix-build folder .vimix is not found.

-rwxrwxr-x 1 darrell darrell 9,0M Mai 3 15:52 vimix

I do see an 9mb file in the folder called vimix yet nothing is executable. Please advise

brunoherbelin commented 2 years ago

Well, it looks like you have everything good : the 'vimix' program is executable (-rwxrwxr-x) and has the good size (~9Mb)

to run it from the terminal, you type ./vimix (notice the ./ that says "from this directory", followed by the name of the file to execute vimix)

I also tried from the "Files" gnome UI and it should work by double-clicking on the vimix icon.

brunoherbelin commented 1 year ago

Hey! Any progress with that?