brunolcarli / GithubGameOff2023_main_repository

Main repository to the Github Game Off 2023 grouping the system services that implements the game front-end, back-end and project documentation
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Dragons #5

Open brunolcarli opened 10 months ago

brunolcarli commented 10 months ago


{'Aqua Mistdancer': {'atk': 8,
  'df': 7,
  'element': 'water',
  'hp': 40,
  'name': 'Aqua Mistdancer',
  'skill1': 'hydro blast',
  'skill2': 'aquatic agility',
  'skill3': 'tidal surge',
  'spa': 7,
  'spd': 9,
  'spdf': 8,
  'species': 'coatyl',
  'trait': 'aquatic resonance'},
 'Aqua Rippleblade': {'atk': 8,
  'df': 6,
  'element': 'water',
  'hp': 38,
  'name': 'Aqua Rippleblade',
  'skill1': 'tidal slash',
  'skill2': 'aqua ward',
  'skill3': 'torrential strike',
  'spa': 7,
  'spd': 9,
  'spdf': 8,
  'species': 'coatyl',
  'trait': 'fluidic mastery'},
 'Aqua Tidewalker': {'atk': 7,
  'df': 8,
  'element': 'water',
  'hp': 42,
  'name': 'Aqua Tidewalker',
  'skill1': 'aquatic pulse',
  'skill2': 'whirlpool shield',
  'skill3': 'crystal cascade',
  'spa': 6,
  'spd': 7,
  'spdf': 9,
  'species': 'wyvern',
  'trait': 'oceanic affinity'},
 'Aurora Stormrider': {'atk': 9,
  'df': 7,
  'element': 'wind',
  'hp': 35,
  'name': 'Aurora Stormrider',
  'skill1': 'whirlwind slash',
  'skill2': 'aerial mastery',
  'skill3': 'tempest dance',
  'spa': 8,
  'spd': 8,
  'spdf': 6,
  'species': 'coatyl',
  'trait': 'gale affinity'},
 'Gaia Earthshaper': {'atk': 9,
  'df': 9,
  'element': 'earth',
  'hp': 44,
  'name': 'Gaia Earthshaper',
  'skill1': 'rockslide',
  'skill2': 'terraform',
  'skill3': "nature's embrace",
  'spa': 7,
  'spd': 6,
  'spdf': 8,
  'species': 'drake',
  'trait': 'earth affinity'},
 'Ignis Flamecaster': {'atk': 10,
  'df': 8,
  'element': 'fire',
  'hp': 46,
  'name': 'Ignis Flamecaster',
  'skill1': 'hellfire burst',
  'skill2': 'demonic shield',
  'skill3': 'scalding touch',
  'spa': 9,
  'spd': 6,
  'spdf': 7,
  'species': 'drake',
  'trait': 'infernal aura'},
 'Inferno Blazebringer': {'atk': 10,
  'df': 8,
  'element': 'fire',
  'hp': 48,
  'name': 'Inferno Blazebringer',
  'skill1': 'infernal eruption',
  'skill2': 'demonic fortitude',
  'skill3': 'scorching chains',
  'spa': 9,
  'spd': 6,
  'spdf': 7,
  'species': 'drake',
  'trait': 'hellfire aura'},
 'Pyro Emberforge': {'atk': 8,
  'df': 6,
  'element': 'fire',
  'hp': 38,
  'name': 'Pyro Emberforge',
  'skill1': 'inferno strike',
  'skill2': 'flame shield',
  'skill3': 'ember burst',
  'spa': 9,
  'spd': 8,
  'spdf': 7,
  'species': 'coatyl',
  'trait': 'blazing resilience'},
 'Terra Earthshaker': {'atk': 9,
  'df': 9,
  'element': 'earth',
  'hp': 50,
  'name': 'Terra Earthshaker',
  'skill1': 'earth rend',
  'skill2': 'natural armor',
  'skill3': 'verdant embrace',
  'spa': 7,
  'spd': 6,
  'spdf': 8,
  'species': 'coatyl',
  'trait': "nature's blessing"},
 'Terra Stonewarden': {'atk': 9,
  'df': 9,
  'element': 'earth',
  'hp': 45,
  'name': 'Terra Stonewarden',
  'skill1': 'earthquake slam',
  'skill2': 'stone armor',
  'skill3': "gaia's embrace",
  'spa': 7,
  'spd': 6,
  'spdf': 8,
  'species': 'coatyl',
  'trait': 'earthen fortitude'},
 'Zephyr Skydancer': {'atk': 7,
  'df': 5,
  'element': 'wind',
  'hp': 29,
  'name': 'Zephyr Skydancer',
  'skill1': 'gust burst',
  'skill2': 'skyward leap',
  'skill3': 'feather storm',
  'spa': 8,
  'spd': 10,
  'spdf': 6,
  'species': 'wyvern',
  'trait': 'aerial grace'},
 'Zephyr Stormcaller': {'atk': 9,
  'df': 7,
  'element': 'wind',
  'hp': 43,
  'name': 'Zephyr Stormcaller',
  'skill1': "storm's wrath",
  'skill2': 'cyclone shield',
  'skill3': 'aerial onslaught',
  'spa': 8,
  'spd': 8,
  'spdf': 6,
  'species': 'drake',
  'trait': 'tempest affinity'}}
brunolcarli commented 10 months ago

