Hello i encountered following situation:
When playing AnimationSequencerController (OnEnable,OnAwake or using Play() from code) OnStart and OnProgressEvent are being fired every time but OnFinishedEvent is fired only once when sequencer ends (When playing again, only OnStart and OnProgressEvent are being fired).
Using AnimationSequencerController.Play with onCompleteCallback works properly though so its not big of a deal, just wanted to raise this error. Thanks for amazing plug-in :)
Hello i encountered following situation: When playing AnimationSequencerController (
or usingPlay()
from code)OnStart
are being fired every time butOnFinishedEvent
is fired only once when sequencer ends (When playing again, onlyOnStart
are being fired).Using
works properly though so its not big of a deal, just wanted to raise this error. Thanks for amazing plug-in :)Unity 6000.0.7f1 DOTween 1.2.765 [Release build] Sequencer 0.5.4