brunormferreira / react-rewired-boilerplate

this is a simple template to start react applcations without laziness. [to update]
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Custom Template #2

Open hyanmandian opened 4 years ago

hyanmandian commented 4 years ago

Hello! How are you?

I would like to give you a little idea to improve your boilerplate. Sometimes is too boring run git clone and remove .git directory just to start a new project, instead of that, you can create a custom template and just run a command.

If you need some example about how to do this, you can check this link or check my boilerplate. I converted my boilerplate to a custom template and it helps me a lot!

brunormferreira commented 4 years ago

What's up bro? I'm fine, thanks, and u?

Thank you very much for the tip dude, you opened my mind hehehe, there was no thinking about making the repo a template, I was coding in Angular lately and I ended up leaving this repo aside, then I'm slow on it.

Thank you again bro, I will definitely implement this, and exclude .git on every clone is really a pain! hahaha