brunorpinho / tsvi

Timeseries Viewer
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Sample mth5 for development #1

Closed kkappler closed 2 years ago

kkappler commented 2 years ago

While TSVI is intended to be quite general, the specific use case it will initially evolve around is mth5 magnetotelluric data archives.

Some mth5 data archives should be provided as files.

Here is a synthetic example from aurora. This should contain two stations, one called "test1" and the other called "test2" test12rr.h5.gz

Here is a link to a 4-station archive being developed in the aurora cas04 tests.

kkappler commented 2 years ago

Besides having some h5 files available, we need an jupyter notebook that shows some examples of extracting the xarray time series from the h5 files. I will work on making a notebook like this, following this approximate psuedocode:

import pathlib
from mth5.mth5 import MTH5
mth5_path = pathlib.Path("test12rr.h5")
mth5_obj = MTH5(file_version="0.1.0")
mth5_obj.open_mth5(mth5_path, mode="r")
station_1 = mth5_obj.get_station("test1")
run_001 = station_1.get_run("001")
run_ts = run_001.to_runts()
xr_ds = run_ts.dataset
kkappler commented 2 years ago

added ipynb example for loading and accessing data