bruntonspall / xgovslackbot

A Slackbot for managing the cross government slack instance
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Expand invite function for direct_mention users #84

Closed joelgsamuel closed 4 years ago

joelgsamuel commented 5 years ago

Same functionality, adds some prose to remind them that direct_message also works.

I think this'll work. I think its easier to duplicate the function.

bruntonspall commented 5 years ago

Should this actually invite people by mention or should it insist on direct message? Tempted to remove the inviting by mention and just reply that you should invite by message instead

joelgsamuel commented 5 years ago

Tempted to remove the inviting by mention and just reply that you should invite by message instead

This makes sense to me

bruntonspall commented 4 years ago

Closing this as invites no longer work :(