I have a problem with the plugin. It's not saving any money from the towns and nations from the Towny plugin.
The Towny developers told me, that this is a economy plugin based problem.
Essentials itself did the job, but we needed a mysql plugin and your plugin itself does a good job. (But not good enough)
We need to be able to store NPC Money in the database.
If you need any other informations, please tell me. :D
default config.yml for EssentialsMysqlStorage
config version 1.22.4
MySQL Database details
MySQL server address
#MySQL server port (default 3306)
Port: 3306
#Database name (NOTE! You need to create the database, then the plugin will create the tables.)
#Table name (the plugin will auto create them)
TableName: 'Essentials_userdata'
#User name
#User password
#SSL connection
SslEnabled: false
#This maintenance task runs async with a 2 min delay after the server starts.
#Enable or disable database clean up of old accounts. | (true or false)
enabled: false
#Inactivity in days. Default 60 days.
inactivity: 60
Plugin settings.
Built in support for other plugins.
# NOTE! A server restart is needed for changes here to take effect!
#Support for QuickShop plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/quickshop.18676/
#If you use Essentials Economy and QuickShop plugin enable this option. If you use other economy plugin keep it disabled.
#Set the tax value same as in QuickShop config. To disable set: QuickShopTax: 0.00
QuickShop: false
QuickShopTax: 0.05
#Support for ChestShop plugin: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/chestshop
##If you use Essentials Economy and ChestShop plugin enable this option. If you use other economy plugin keep it disabled.
ChestShop: false
#Enable support for plugin ShopChestPlayerShopGUI+: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playershopgui.37707/
PlayerShopGUI-Support: false
#Enable support for plugin AuctionHouse: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/auctionhouse.61836/
AuctionHouse-Support: false
#Enable support for plugin ShopChest: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/shopchest.11431/
ShopChest-Support: false
#Delete the entire Essentials/userdata folder on server shutdown or restart.
#NOTE! Will delete all users files. Make sure you import them first.
RemoveUserDataFolder: false
#Delete the data file for players that leave the server after his data is saved on database.
RemoveUserFile: false
#Save online players data files to database. If this is disabled the data will be saves only when the player leaves the server.
#Enable or disable the data save task. | (true or false)
enabled: true
#Time between data saves in minutes. | Default 3 min.
interval: 3
#Hide the data save task log messages.
hideLogMessages: false
#Prevent saving of some Essentials users data.
#Enable or disable the filter.
enabled: false
#The following data will be removed from essentials users data file when saving.
- 'logoutlocation'
- 'lastlocation'
#Add support for essentials commands when players are offline.
#Support for essentials /pay command for offline players.
PayCmd: true
#Support for essentials /balance command for offline players.
BalanceCmd: true
#Support for essentials /seen command for offline players.
SeenCmd: true
#Support for essentials /eco commands for offline players.
EcoCmd: true
Chat messages with color and format codes support.
NoPermission: '&4[EMS] &cYou don''t have permission!'
ImportCmd: '&2[EMS] &aImport essentials data started! Check server console for progress.'
ExportCmd: '&2[EMS] &aExport essentials data started! Check server console for progress.'
CmdNotFound: '&4[EMS] &cCommand not found! For help do /ems'
MoneySymbol: '$'
MoneySyncDisabled: '&4[EMS] &cMoney sync is disabled.'
BalTopTitle: '&6&l Money Top 10'
BalTopUpdate: '&2[EMS] &aUpdating Money Top 10 list...'
BalTopEmptyDB: '&4[EMS] &cDatabase is empty!'
BalTopUsage: '&4[EMS] &cUsage: &6/baltop'
RemoveCmdUsage: '&6[EMS] &eUsage: &6/ems delete '
RemoveCmdComplete: '&2[EMS] &aUser removed from database!'
RemoveCmdNotFound: '&4[EMS] &cUser not found in the database!'
ReloadCmdWarning: '&cThis plugin does not recommend server reloads. If you have issues after running this command stop using it.'
PlayerNotFound: '&4[System] &cPlayer not found!'
PayAmountPositive: '&4[System] &cAmount must be positive!'
PayFormatError: '&4[System] &cAmount must be a number!'
PayNoMoney: '&4[System] &cYou do not have sufficient funds!'
PayComplete: '&2[System]&a $ has been sent to&e '
TakeComplete: '&2[System]&a $ has been taken from&e '
ResetComplete: '&2[System]&a Money reset complete for&e '
BalanceCmd: '&2[System]&a Balance of&e &a:&c $'
ReloadCmd: '&2[System]&a Config reload complete'
DatabaseTaskStart: '&6[System]&e Command will run in background for all players in database! Check console for progress...'
DatabaseTaskRunning: '&4[System]&c A database task is already running! Please wait until it''s done, check console for progress.'
Hi, I have a problem with the plugin. It's not saving any money from the towns and nations from the Towny plugin. The Towny developers told me, that this is a economy plugin based problem.
Essentials itself did the job, but we needed a mysql plugin and your plugin itself does a good job. (But not good enough)
We need to be able to store NPC Money in the database.
If you need any other informations, please tell me. :D
default config.yml for EssentialsMysqlStorage
config version 1.22.4
MySQL Database details
Database: Mysql:
MySQL server address
Plugin settings.
Built in support for other plugins.
Chat messages with color and format codes support.
Minecraft Color and Format Codes: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Formatting_codes
ChatMessages: NoPermission: '&4[EMS] &cYou don''t have permission!' ImportCmd: '&2[EMS] &aImport essentials data started! Check server console for progress.' ExportCmd: '&2[EMS] &aExport essentials data started! Check server console for progress.' CmdNotFound: '&4[EMS] &cCommand not found! For help do /ems' MoneySymbol: '$' MoneySyncDisabled: '&4[EMS] &cMoney sync is disabled.' BalTopTitle: '&6&l Money Top 10' BalTopUpdate: '&2[EMS] &aUpdating Money Top 10 list...' BalTopEmptyDB: '&4[EMS] &cDatabase is empty!' BalTopUsage: '&4[EMS] &cUsage: &6/baltop' RemoveCmdUsage: '&6[EMS] &eUsage: &6/ems delete'
RemoveCmdComplete: '&2[EMS] &aUser removed from database!'
RemoveCmdNotFound: '&4[EMS] &cUser not found in the database!'
ReloadCmdWarning: '&cThis plugin does not recommend server reloads. If you have issues after running this command stop using it.'
PlayerNotFound: '&4[System] &cPlayer not found!'
PayAmountPositive: '&4[System] &cAmount must be positive!'
PayFormatError: '&4[System] &cAmount must be a number!'
PayNoMoney: '&4[System] &cYou do not have sufficient funds!'
PayComplete: '&2[System]&a $ has been sent to&e '
TakeComplete: '&2[System]&a $ has been taken from&e '
ResetComplete: '&2[System]&a Money reset complete for&e '
BalanceCmd: '&2[System]&a Balance of&e &a:&c $'
ReloadCmd: '&2[System]&a Config reload complete'
DatabaseTaskStart: '&6[System]&e Command will run in background for all players in database! Check console for progress...'
DatabaseTaskRunning: '&4[System]&c A database task is already running! Please wait until it''s done, check console for progress.'
Minecraft Color and Format Codes: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Formatting_codes
KickMessages: saveAndKickCommand: '&cServer is restarting please come back in 20 seconds.'