brunyman / MPDB

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What happens when you have two servers that are of differing minecraft versions? #112

Open Mariocraft95 opened 1 year ago

Mariocraft95 commented 1 year ago

Hey, thinking about buying this since it looks to be what I am looking for with a plugin.

I want to add an older version of minecraft to my server and have the inventories sync in the best way possible. I have a 1.20.1 server that I want to have connected with a 1.16.5 server. How would this plugin handle the sync? Will it just delete the items that are from later versions? Or will the sync break in other ways?


brunyman commented 1 year ago

Hi, this plugin will save the player inventory content on disconnect in a database as a base64 string. Then on join it will load that inventory content in the game from the database. If the game version is different and some items do not exist in that version those items will be discarded by the game on load, items that exist will load fine. As the game discarded them when the inventory content is saved again in the database those items will also be lost on the other servers that use the same database.