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Massive dupe glitch! #123

Open Simul4kruM opened 6 months ago

Simul4kruM commented 6 months ago

Hey... This plugin got a massive dupe glitch and finally we found out, how to reproduce... We are running a waterfall network with backend servers on paper 1.20.1 and plugin version 4.10.0

If a player got his inventory completely full and ports to another server e.g. from citybuild to farming, then ports back to citybuild server, the item in hotbar slot 9 (the one on right side) will be duplicated at the location while syncing. It doesn't matter, what item it is. It could be a stone block, a pickaxe or even a filled shulker box, everything will be duplicated...


Simul4kruM commented 6 months ago

Sorry, here a better pic, where the duped item can be recognized... image

svaningelgem commented 5 months ago

Hello @Simul4kruM , I'm considering to use this plugin as well, but while reviewing the reactions (and issues), I saw yours. I noticed that you said it's valid on 4.10, but is it still so on 4.11 (the latest)?

Simul4kruM commented 5 months ago

Hi @svaningelgem I did not install 4.11 because my server is still running on 1.20.1. But the only fact, that there was no reply to this post, would be a warning to me, if I would be interested in installing this plugin. What would you do as a dev of a plugin, if someone posts a thread with title "Massive dupe glitch!"... Just ignore? ;-)

There are other plugins on spigotmc, doing the same thing without glitch and - surprise, surprise - they are completely free...

svaningelgem commented 5 months ago

Indeed, that's one thing I would work arduously on! And I've been looking into others, but didn't encounter one that was able to cover enderchests, armors and 1.20. Maybe my search terms aren't proper ("server share inventory plugin spigotmc")? Would you be able to share what search terms I could use to find these other free ones you are pointing to?

Simul4kruM commented 5 months ago

minecraft plugin mysql sync ...should do it. ;-)