brutella / hkcam

Open-Source HomeKit Surveillance Camera
Apache License 2.0
920 stars 141 forks source link

flag provided but not defined: -pin #112

Closed sylwesterr closed 2 years ago

sylwesterr commented 3 years ago

I just installed, using "Ansible way" hkcam on my PiZeroW and all I am getting is this in the log:

2021-05-03_11:16:18.92151 flag provided but not defined: -pin 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92180 Usage of hkcam: 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92214 -data_dir string 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92221 Path to data directory (default "Camera") 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92244 -h264_decoder string 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92251 h264 video decoder 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92275 -h264_encoder string 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92281 h264 video encoder (default "h264_omx") 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92310 -input_device string 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92317 video input device (default "v4l2") 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92357 -input_filename string 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92365 video input device filename (default "/dev/video0") 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92391 -loopback_filename string 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92398 video loopback device filename (default "/dev/video1") 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92421 -min_video_bitrate int 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92428 minimum video bit rate in kbps 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92451 -multi_stream 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92457 Allow mutliple clients to view the stream simultaneously 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92480 -verbose 2021-05-03_11:16:18.92486 Verbose logging (default true)

the service is being run by runsv with the following command line:

/etc/init.d $ cat /etc/service/hkcam/run

!/bin/bash -e

exec 2>&1

# Load in config settings . /boot/hkcam.txt

# Default to 720p for now v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1280,height=720,pixelformat=YU12 v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=rotate=$HKCAM_ROTATION

exec hkcam --data_dir=/var/lib/hkcam/data --verbose=true --min_video_bitrate=$HKCAM_MIN_BITRATE --multi_stream=$HKCAM_MULTI_STREAM --pin="02004006"`

Please advise how it is supposed to run using custom provided pin (the only thing I did was to change the defined in this command line default "00102003" to my custom pin, via entry in /boot/hkcam.txt, nothing else) if that parameter is apparently not defined?

kunday commented 3 years ago

Looks like if you installed hkcam via ansible script you will run into this issue -

brutella commented 2 years ago

Please update to the latest version of hkcam.