brutella / hkknx-public

hkknx is a HomeKit KNX bridge for KNX.
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Cannot connect to HKKNX #204

Closed biben14 closed 1 year ago

biben14 commented 1 year ago


The bridge was working fine for me.. after coming back from holiday, the bridge stopped working..i cannot connect to the bridge anymore.. all seems to work fine as in Status is all green. I reset the bridge, restart the system, restart the pi, delete the old bridge in home, turned home off an on at icloud… Don't know what to do anymore

Best Regards Biben

hr-automation commented 1 year ago

Can you please give more details on your HKKNX Version? Log-Files? Any warnings when adding the bridge to Home?

fuji4 commented 1 year ago

Mir gehts genauso. Musste es neu aufsetzen, da die alte SD-Karte defekt war und jetzt kann ich mich nicht mehr verbinden... Versuche mal aus den Logs was rauszukriegen.

EDIT: Kommando retour: Über den QR-Code gehts nicht, aber manuelles Hinzufügen mit PIN-Eingabe hat funktioniert.

brutella commented 1 year ago

@fuji4 Danke für den Hinweis mit dem QR-Code. Du hast Recht, der QR-Code ist falsch und deshalb kann die Brücke nicht hinzugefügt werden. Sollte in Version 2.4.1-b2 behoben sein.

@biben14 Please try to set a port for the HomeKit bridge under Settings → HomeKit Bridge → Port. Then restart your iOS devices and try to connect to the bridge again. If you are using the qr code to add the bridge to HomeKit, you should install version 2.4.1-b2, where the qr code is fixed.

biben14 commented 1 year ago


i tryed the newest Version of the bridge. qr code and numeric didnt work. Newest ios. No warnings, just after a while, that the bridge cannot be added. I put the port 3366 for testing, no change… ios and pi restarted several times… also downgraded the bridge to 2.3 for testin

brutella commented 1 year ago

Is your pi connected via LAN or WiFi to your home network?

biben14 commented 1 year ago


brutella commented 1 year ago

What log messages do you see in the web interface under "Console" when you try to add the bridge to HomeKit?

biben14 commented 1 year ago

no messages at all

brutella commented 1 year ago

Please update to version 2.4.1 and try again.

brutella commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this issue? Are you still unable to connect to hkknx?

brutella commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity