brvier / ownNotes

a markdown notes taking application with ownCloud/WebDav synchronization.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Properly manage filenames #4

Open silverhook opened 10 years ago

silverhook commented 10 years ago

I'm using ownNotes to write .markdown (which is the proper extension for it, not .md) files on ownCloud, which are then further processed into a blog using Pelican.

Therefore I need the filename extensions to be intact.

Currently ownNotes adds .txt to whatever the user enters in the first line of the note.

This in turn changes e.g. ownnotes-test.markdown into ownnotes-test.markdown.txt, which messes things up for me.

What's more, ownNotes sometimes shows the extension and sometimes not — this adds further confusion.

In order of my preference, here are some solutions:

P.S. Thanks for the wonderful app(s), BTW :smile_cat:

silverhook commented 10 years ago

Another annoyance I found is that if you try to change the base of the filename in ownNotes, it rename the extension (back) to .txt.

brvier commented 10 years ago

I ll add option for next version.

silverhook commented 10 years ago

@khertan: You rock! :smile_cat:

brvier commented 9 years ago

No sorry, all my sailfish applications development are suspended currently.

silverhook commented 9 years ago

Oh, well. I’ll wait.

Unless it’s a very easy fix and I can try it myself.