bryan-bartow / plugin for Homebridge
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Siri Commands #1

Closed farberm closed 8 years ago

farberm commented 8 years ago

I have installed things but have two questions.

I labeled the name as House Alarm but in app it just shows up as 'Alarm"

I am not sure this is why I also am having problems with Siri changing the state of the alarm from Away to Night to Disarm to Home

What commands are being used/understood by Siri

farberm commented 8 years ago

OK I changed the name to "Security Panel" to make sure the word Alarm did not conflict with the App Alarm. But still connot get Siri to do Away, Night, Disarm or Home command?

lorddaren commented 8 years ago

I tried several voice commands and no dice. I did find if I said "Security system arm stay" it would come up with a response of "No burglar alarm system found." I checked in my Insteon+ app and it isn't showing registered as a Security system. I wonder if there is some more configuration with home bridge that needs to be done.

dhut1832 commented 8 years ago

I am having the same issue as well with trying to change the alarm state with Siri. I also have it set to arm stay in the "Good night" scene. Siri will arm the alarm to stay, but always says she has trouble with the device.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

I apologize for just now getting to this. Somehow, my Github notifications were turned off :( I've never been able to find any concrete commands for Siri to directly manipulate the security system. I had to setup up scenes, like @dhut1832 did, to get anything to work. That said, I have a "Good Morning" scene which disarms the system, a "Good Night" scene which sets it to Armed - Stay and an "I'm Leaving" scene which sets it to Armed - Away. All of them work fine.

The only issue I've had is that sometimes the site is slow to respond, so Siri will tell me she can't communicate with all of my devices. A few seconds later, however, the alarm will finally be set.

thoppa commented 8 years ago

I can't seem to get this to work at all. When I try to change the state, either through siri or another app like iDevices, I get the "can't find the state" error. I've tried using scenes as well to no avail.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@thoppa Did you check the site to see if there are any "nag" screens, as mentioned in the readme?

thoppa commented 8 years ago

Yes. I double checked that.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@thoppa The plugin is trying to find elements on the page with ids of ctl00_phBody_ArmingStateWidget_btnDisarm, ctl00_phBody_ArmingStateWidget_btnArmStay or ctl00_phBody_ArmingStateWidget_btnArmAway. If you login to on your browser, can you find those elements in the page source?

thoppa commented 8 years ago

Yes. Hmmm. Maybe that phantomjs install didn't complete properly after all. Unless you have a different idea, I'm going to investigate on that front.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@thoppa I can't think of any other reason it would fail to find those elements. Either that or we're using different versions of phantom and the API changed between versions.

bmartin5692 commented 8 years ago

Having the same issue as @thoppa on my setup. I am using Rpi2 and followed the link provided by @thoppa in #2 to install Phantomjs on Rpi. I've verified no nags and I can see the elements on the site, but get the same errors when attempting a state change.

Phantomjs -v shows 1.9.8.

Logged in to attempting to set state::2 Can't find state element [Security panel] { message: 'Can\'t find the state element', success: false }

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

I'm having intermittent issues with this as well, although sometimes it's working. I can only guess that the site is being slow to respond and my plugin is timing out before the DOM is rendered. I could try increasing the timeout, but I think HomeKit / Siri have their own internal timeout, which will cause the device to report a failure.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@Danimal4326 gave me a great idea with #3. I switched the plugin to point to the "mobile" version of's site and it works much faster. Try it out and let me know what you think.

bmartin5692 commented 8 years ago

It is much faster and working great now.

dhut1832 commented 8 years ago

Just tested and worked a lot faster for me. Thanks!

nmcdan75 commented 8 years ago

Great addition for homebridge! Though I am thinking of switching to Xfinity Home.

It's working as long as I incorporate the command into a scene.

What commands are being directly understood by Siri as of right now?

I have MyQ setup through If I want to connect MyQ to homebridge, I have to disconnect it from :-/.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@nmcdan75 The commands I've been able to setup and successfully use are:

Of course, there may be others. I've never seen an "official" list.

nmcdan75 commented 8 years ago

Thanks @bryanbartow - I jumped on the bandwagon six years ago. I think I may have been a little too hasty to be an early adopter.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@nmcdan75 Were you able to use any or all of those commands?

nmcdan75 commented 8 years ago

@bryanbartow Thank you, yes I was. I am at the point of using just for an alarm and a garage door monitor. Appreciate your work!

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@nmcdan75 No problem. If no one else has any suggestions, I'll close this later today.

thoppa commented 8 years ago

Hmmm. I updated to use the mobile version of the website. BUT, this website gives me permanent nag-type pop-up. "Welcome to the new Home screen view!...." So, the plugin crashes. I'm hoping that after a few more days they will decide the home screen view isn't all that "new."

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@thoppa That's interesting. I was never shown that screen and I used logged in to the mobile site for the first time a few days ago.

farberm commented 8 years ago

Where do I change things to the mobile website an what is the website address?

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@farberm You update to the latest version. It's pointing to the mobile site.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Was a server api key used or client api key utilized. If the client pi key was utilized, what domain was utilized.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

@jeremysmith214 Server API key. No domain necessary.

bryanbartow commented 8 years ago

I'm going to close this as no conversation has taken place in a good while.