bryanbcook / azdevops-testplan-extension

Azure DevOps extension that can publish cross-platform test results to a Test Plan
12 stars 4 forks source link

Install via fork and Publish - error on execution index.js not found #25

Closed MGana closed 4 months ago

MGana commented 4 months ago

Description I tried to use the exetesion following the instruction of this description

I just published the extension and use it for my organization

when execting the tasks , I faced this error

[error]File not found: '/home/vsts/work/_tasks/PublishTestPlanResults_9f8d55a9-9f5e-4e77-a924-2a48c17b65d7/0.1.0/index.js'

- task: PublishTestPlanResults@0
    testPlan: 'TestPlanTemplate'
    testResultFormat: 'jUnit'
    testResultFiles: 'results/combined-report.xml'
    testRunTitle: 'PublishedTestsResults'

Environment Details

Pipeline Output

provide output from the build with diagnostics enabled (system.debug variable set to 'true'). Mask secrets or sensitive information with xxx:

Starting: PublishTestPlanResults
Task         : Publish Test Plan Results
Description  : Publishes cross-platform test results (xUnit, JUnit) to an Azure DevOps Test Plan
Version      : 0.1.0
Author       : Bryan Cook
Help         : 
##[error]File not found: '/home/vsts/work/_tasks/PublishTestPlanResults_xxxx-9f5e-4e77-a924-xxxxx/0.1.0/index.js'
Finishing: PublishTestPlanResults

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour: 1- Login to the Marketplace ( 2- Click on the Publish extensions link 3 - Click on the Create Publisher button and fill in the basic details. 4- Clone the repository locally : 5- Install tfx extensions: npm install -g tfxcli 6 - Create the extension: tfx extension create -r src 7 - Upload the extension (*.vsix) to your publisher. 8 - Share the extension with your organization. 9 - Use the extension in my pipeline

Expected behaviour

Any idea on how to fix this index.js issue



bryanbcook commented 4 months ago

Few observations:

  1. The instructions I provided for the other extension will not work in this scenario. The other repository has no code to compile; This repository is TypeScript and needs to be compiled.
  2. You made zero modifications to the unique identifiers in the vssextension.json or task.json. It's possible that you just created a duplicate in the marketplace and have broken my extension which will prevent me from making my extension public. Please delete your extension!
  3. Publishing a duplicate is completely unnecessary and not supported as part of my private preview. In the other scenario, I cannot make the deployment queueing extension public because it contains a pipeline decorator which cannot be published publicly for security reasons. This extension is simply not public because it's a private preview.

Please acknowledge when you have deleted your extension.

MGana commented 4 months ago

I deleted my extension Thanks !