bryanedds / Nu

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Separate render pass (after depth clear) for absolute 3D surfaces? #659

Open bryanedds opened 9 months ago

bryanedds commented 9 months ago

Currently, the absolute 3D surfaces share the same depth buffer with relative 3D surfaces. We're not sure if this is what we really want. We could have each render in their own pass and depth buffer so the relative surfaces won't overwrite the absolute ones. The case where this might make sense is if absolute rendering were intended for 3D in the UI. In fact, what might have to happen to support that use case is to have the drawing order be -

1) Relative 3D 2) 2D 3) Absolute 3D 4) ImGui

Let's consider doing this.

bryanedds commented 9 months ago

Or alternately, don't support absolute positioning for 3D rendering.