In v1.0.0, there is a single freeform field that briefly describes what element(s) / skeletal regions are included in a specimen. This should be standardized for terminology (e.g., mandible vs. hemimandible vs. lower jaw), grammar (e.g., mandible vs. mandibular), and granularity (e.g., vertebrae vs. intercentra, neural spines). Additional binary columns should also be created for skeletal regions (e.g., cranial, postcranial, axial, limb), possibly down to the level of individual elements. High-level granularization will likely need to be a multi-step process over several versions.
Part/counterpart specimens and natural mold/cast specimens should also be identified by separate columns.
In v1.0.0, there is a single freeform field that briefly describes what element(s) / skeletal regions are included in a specimen. This should be standardized for terminology (e.g., mandible vs. hemimandible vs. lower jaw), grammar (e.g., mandible vs. mandibular), and granularity (e.g., vertebrae vs. intercentra, neural spines). Additional binary columns should also be created for skeletal regions (e.g., cranial, postcranial, axial, limb), possibly down to the level of individual elements. High-level granularization will likely need to be a multi-step process over several versions.
Part/counterpart specimens and natural mold/cast specimens should also be identified by separate columns.