bryanmk / IndieProject

WoW Quest Helper
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Week 4 ready for review #1

Open bryanmk opened 1 year ago

bryanmk commented 1 year ago

@pwaitemadisoncollege week 4 complete.

  1. Hibernate, annotations, testing everything, debugging, lots of key learning from this week.
  2. Getting everything to function in my project was challenging. It's one thing to code along in a weekly exercise, it's another to actually implement everything on your own and not miss anything. There were a number of small details that I missed/forgot and had to go figure them out.
  3. I had lots of problems to solve haha. First I couldn't deploy my app at all, I figured out quickly that there was no war file, and I opened up maven view and saw that I wasn't building and installing before the run. So that fix was quick because I knew what to do. Then I couldn't get my results.jsp to work, that had to do with hibernate.cfg.xml, but I got it eventually. That was just a dumb mistake because I knew I had already changed it, so it didn't pop into my head to look there. Turns out I had changed the test directory one, but not the one in my actual source code. Then I couldn't get my quest results jsp to work for a different error, and that had to do with hibernate annotations and naming conventions. That took me a while to figure out, mostly just changing stuff and seeing how the errors changed, eventually figuring out that I had to name everything just "id" with no other nonsense. Then I had to figure out why one test (update) wasn't working, and that took me a while of digging through stack overflow and baeldung and hibernate. I figured out I needed to add a transaction to the method in the DAO to actually get it to update. That one was driving me nuts in the debugger, because every step of the was was good until the assertEquals. The retrievedQuest just refused to be the right thing. But yeah, lots of work fixing stuff this week, which I suppose is good. Now I have two fully tested dao's and functional databases.
  4. I went ahead and watched most of the videos from week 8 to learn about API's and implementing them. I created a developer account with battlenet and got my OAUTH stuff, and now I can have something like 36000 requests per hour, so that will never be an issue with the app once I get all that stuff incorporated.
pawaitemadisoncollege commented 1 year ago

Hi @bryanmk! Wow! Look how much you've learned and been able to resolve this semester! That is awesome news that you already have your api auth set up already - that'll pay off, along with completing the exercise for week 4 in your project. So much good stuff!

Quick note: I did not receive notification of this issue due to a typo in my username @pwaitemadisoncollege vs @pawaitemadisoncollege. If you'd like to give me read permissions on your repository (settings in Github), that will provide you with the autocomplete feature with my username and save you some typing!

On to week 5 - more practice with Hibernate and one-to-many relationships!