bryanph / GeistMap

An experimental personal knowledge base with a focus on connections
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature ideas #57

Open bryanph opened 7 years ago

IniZio commented 7 years ago

Would it be beneficial to have electron version?

bryanph commented 7 years ago

@IniZio yes, I agree for offline use that is very useful

rigille commented 7 years ago

I miss links to specific sections of nodes. Example:

rigille commented 7 years ago

A summary of changes made in the last day/week

Also, a way to revert those changes. Recently I tried to move a chunk of text from one node to another. The changes were not saved properly (Maybe because different tabs were saving conflicting things). At the end, the text got removed from the original node but didn't make it into the new one. It was very frustrating :/

bryanph commented 7 years ago

@Ri73 sorry about that, I recently had the same issue. Haven't been able to reproduce it yet. Definitely very frustrating :( Some sort of revision system would definitely help a lot. This is quite a lot of work though unfortunately. I'll try and see if I can reproduce the bug. Adding a warning whenever content is not saved when closing a tab should probably also help.

rigille commented 7 years ago

You're right, a warning would probably help.

bryanph commented 7 years ago

By @erros84:

Feature Request: Dynamic Table of Contents showing Headings of a Node's document #111

Since there is so much empty space to the left and right of a Node's document, it would be nice to use some of that space for a floating table of contents showing the headings. Maybe it could be updated with each save.

Starting with H1 (#110) would also make it easier to manage this TOC.

rigille commented 7 years ago

Some remarks on the WYSIWYG editor


Edge Case

When the text cursor is at the end or the beginning of a link the current editor adds everything you type to the link. This gets somewhat annoying when editing. I suggest handling links in a similar way to WordPress' editor:

fora do link

The cursor starts adjacent to the link but outside of it. Anything I type is just regular text. If I press left:

dentro do link

The cursor remains in the same place but it's now inside the link. Anything I type is considered part of the link.

An intuitive, mouse-free way to edit URL's

When inside the link the WordPress' editor displays that little box with the URL, I think it's a good idea to allow the user to access it via the keyboard with the following logic: screenshot-2017-11-5 diagrama em branco lucidchart Pressing up/down while inside the link box would result in either returning to the original line or going up/down a line. Also, it would be important to automatically select the whole URL when entering the box since URL's generally get replaced entirely instead of edited.

LaTeX Blackholes

Currently, if you move the text cursor to a LaTeX equation it gets stuck or does weird things. That's a big problem because it hinders the ability to navigate the text using arrow keys. I suggest a similar approach to the one with the links: fora da eq Press left dentro da eq Press up dentro da eq2 Press down dentro da eq Press left dentro do link

Yes, I did those on MS Paint haha. Hope it was clear.

MPX10L commented 6 years ago

Feature request: Middle mouse button to open a clicked node in a new tab.

The map views are a little bit more volatile than I would like them to be. This would be an easy and quick way to look into a few nodes and close them again without the need of additional navigating.

winterlaite commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks for this project. I'm still trying to add a URL to an external website. Is that possible? Also, I just deleted a node from the right-hand panel without deleting the link first. That appears to have crashed by session.

BrunoVernay commented 5 years ago

It would be nice to have imports. From Workflowy or any outliner, OPML format.