It appears that I am not able to connected to Tableau Online when using Tabcmd(). Have attached the screenshot of the error message. Running the same configuration directly on tabcmd.exe
Script details:
from tableau_tools import
from tableau_tools.tabcmd import
from tableau_tools.tableau_rest_api import
from tableau_tools.tableau_documents import
Hi. It appears that I am not able to connected to Tableau Online when using Tabcmd(). Have attached the screenshot of the error message. Running the same configuration directly on tabcmd.exe
Script details: ` from tableau_tools import from tableau_tools.tabcmd import from tableau_tools.tableau_rest_api import from tableau_tools.tableau_documents import
logger = Logger(u'abc.log')
tabcmd_dir = u"C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.5\extras\Command Line Utility\" tabcmd_config_location = u'C:\Users\DataSpark Analytics\AppData\Local\Tableau\Tabcmd\' server = u'https://online.tableau.com' site_content_url = u'abc' username = u'{abc@abc.com.au}' password = u'{abc}'
tabcmd = Tabcmd(tabcmd_dir, server, username, password, site=site_content_url, tabcmd_config_location=tabcmd_config_location) tabcmd.enable_logging(logger) `