I didn't see any unit tests for this method. Is this intentional?
def parse_file_extension
if new_resource.extension.nil?
# purge any trailing redirect
url = new_resource.url.clone
url =~ /^https?:\/\/.*(.gz|bz2|bin|zip|jar|tgz|tbz)(\/.*\/)/
url.gsub!($2, '') unless $2.nil?
# remove tailing query string
release_basename = ::File.basename(url.gsub(/\?.*\z/, '')).gsub(/-bin\b/, '')
# (\?.*)? accounts for a trailing querystring
Chef::Log.debug("DEBUG: release_basename is #{release_basename}")
release_basename =~ %r{^(.+?)\.(tar\.gz|tar\.bz2|zip|war|jar|tgz|tbz)(\?.*)?}
Chef::Log.debug("DEBUG: file_extension is #{$2}")
new_resource.extension = $2
Where would I go about adding unit tests? I'd like to demonstrate that the regexes are pretty brittle. For example, this does not match: "http://eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/jetty/stable-9/dist/jetty-distribution-9.0.6.v20130930.tar.gz&r=1".
I didn't see any unit tests for this method. Is this intentional?
Where would I go about adding unit tests? I'd like to demonstrate that the regexes are pretty brittle. For example, this does not match: