Closed nonPointer closed 8 months ago
Hello @nonPointer,
there is still a green loading indicator visible on your screen. This normally means, that the app is still loading data from the internet. So in your case it could be that the correct background tile isn't fully loaded yet. Did the green loading indicator go away after a few seconds?
Hello @nonPointer,
there is still a green loading indicator visible on your screen. This normally means, that the app is still loading data from the internet. So in your case it could be that the correct background tile isn't fully loaded yet. Did the green loading indicator go away after a few seconds?
Hi Patricks,
The loading indicator disappears after a few seconds, but the labels still seem blurry, like bitmap instead of vectorgraph (font). Attached are the screenshots of GoMap and, both used OpenStreetMap as data source.
The background layer (which you are seeing) is just a bitmap tile layer and it looks like you are zoomed in very deep.
You can change the background layer by tapping the map icon, but afaik the only vector based layer is the one where you can also change the data.
Thanks for your explanation!
This is an interesting topic. As @patricks says these are bitmap tiles. At a given non-integer zoom level (like z=16.5) there's a choice of showing lower-zoom tiles that will have larger text that is blurry, or higher-zoom tiles that is crisp but with smaller text. When displaying aerial imagery we prefer displaying higher-zoom imagery. But with the Mapnik tiles we prefer the lower-zoom tiles to prevent text from being too small to easily read, at the cost of them being fuzzy.