bryceco / GoMap

OpenStreetMap editor for iPhone/iPad
ISC License
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Better GPX management on homepage #714

Open Cm-8 opened 5 months ago

Cm-8 commented 5 months ago

When a user active the collection of points for the GPX track, is it possible to insert/display dedicated function keys on the home page?

For example:


bryceco commented 4 months ago

I'm not opposed to this, but it's a little bit more complicated than it seems because of the weird way GPX traces are implemented in the app: We record GPX traces any time GPS is enabled, regardless of whether you have the GPX display enabled. The original implementation was meant to answer the question "Where have I already mapped today?" rather than as a GPX recording tool. It would require some engineering work to convert this to what people more typically expect the GPX workflow to be.

It's not something I'm going to work on, but if someone else wants to do this (and there are plenty of other GPX-related features that could be added, like waypoints) I'm happy to accept a PR.