bryceikeda / SpotTutorial

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Build and Run #1

Closed MrRobotoW closed 2 years ago

MrRobotoW commented 2 years ago

Nice video. I'm trying to build and run, however ROS-TCP-Endpoint is empty?

bryceikeda commented 2 years ago

@MrRobotoW Hi, I just added the instructions on how to get the project working correctly. Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully it clears some things up? Let me know if you can get it working or not.

MrRobotoW commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply, I will read that, implement and report back ASAP.

MrRobotoW commented 2 years ago

No joy yet...

On this step add the dot: git clone .

Once built and run I get a slight twitch on the legs when joint subs connect: roslaunch ros_tcp_endpoint endpoint.launch

and then only scrolling bag info in the second terminal and no spot movement: rosbag play joint_data.bag

I tried this on wsl2 and VirtualBox VM with the same results.

I did try option 2 with no joy either, teleop is sending but no movement on spot. Typo on this line, remove a roslaunch: roslaunch roslaunch teleop_legged_robots teleop.launch robot_name:="spot1"

Any ideas?

bryceikeda commented 2 years ago

Thanks for testing out the project.

One thing I would check is whether your ROS_IP is set to your IP address. In a terminal type

echo $ROS_IP

If that comes back blank, then set that to whatever your hostname -I IP address is.

If that is set correctly, could you tell me if you see a message being received in Unity? When you press play on Unity, a stats window should pop up in the top left of the game scene. If it says "Last Message Received:" None. Then it is something with your ROS connection. If it is receiving messages then it is a Unity script problem.

MrRobotoW commented 2 years ago

Got it! Thanks. that was it along with ROS_MASTER_URI was not set either. I searched a little and found this link helpful:

bryceikeda commented 2 years ago

@MrRobotoW Awesome, I expect the robot behavior to still be a bit unstable so please let me know if you figure out better stiffness, damping and force values or if you find any other techniques to make the control of the Spot robot better!

Thanks for testing out the repository, I will add these steps to the description.