brymer-meneses / grammar-guard.nvim

Grammar Guard is a Neovim plugin that checks your grammar as you write your LaTeX, Markdown or plain text document.
Apache License 2.0
154 stars 6 forks source link

Permission error when installing #12

Open piersolenski opened 2 years ago

piersolenski commented 2 years ago

When I run :GrammarInstall I get the following error when trying to start vim:

Spawning language server with cmd: `/Users/piers/.local/share/nvim/lsp_servers/ltex/ltex-ls` failed with error message: EACCES: permission denied

David-Else commented 2 years ago

This plugin doesn't do anything more than the default nvim-lspconfig config right now, I suggest you use that:

If you are using Linux and already have Java on your machine, you can copy my install, run with sudo:



# Call with arguments (${1} location,${2} filename,${3} sha)
download_verify() {
    curl -LOf "${1}${2}"
    echo "${3} ./${2}" | sha512sum --check

tar --no-same-owner -C $BIN_INSTALL_DIR/ -xf $LTEXLS_FILENAME --no-anchored 'bin' --strip=1
tar --no-same-owner -C $BIN_INSTALL_DIR/ -xf $LTEXLS_FILENAME --no-anchored 'lib' --strip=1
ln -s $BIN_INSTALL_DIR/bin/ltex-ls $BIN_INSTALL_DIR/ltex-ls

If that is not what you want, it might help you DIY. I hope so :) Bonus, here is my config:

-- ==================
--      ltex-ls
-- ==================
nvim_lsp.ltex.setup {
  on_attach = on_attach,
  settings = {
    ltex = {
      disabledRules = { ['en-US'] = { 'PROFANITY' } },
      dictionary = {
        ['en-US'] = { 'perf', 'ci' },