bryntum / support

An issues-only repository for the Bryntum project management component suite which includes powerful Grid, Scheduler, Calendar, Kanban Task Board and Gantt chart components all built in pure JS / CSS / TypeScript
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[REACT] PDF Export Missing Cells #5619

Open bmblb opened 1 year ago

bmblb commented 1 year ago

Forum post

Hi Bryntum, I hope this finds you well

I've been thoroughly debugging why a customer's gantt PDF export will show the task names beyond a certain row as blank. Its actually an intermittent issue, fails 3 out of 4 tries. I was curious and tried adding a 5 second wait 'onBeforePdfExport', but the result was the same.

I compared against your examples, and was able to find the breaking difference. The issue only happens when the request HTML has task name classes like 'b-react-portal-container', and these only happen when we use a custom 'TaskNameRenderer' in 'Columns.js'. Is it possible there is an upstream bug with React portals and PDF export?

Issue persisted with a simplified 'TaskNameRenderer' that just returned a span. We need the custom 'TaskNameRenderer' to satisfy business logic with links.

Could you please help direct me to not face this issue, whether that be fixing upstream or a workaround like forcing TNR not to use portal or simple rendering them 'onBeforePdfExport'?

Many thanks, Ben

taauntik commented 12 months ago

Reported here

This is the pdf output Gantt (2).pdf