bryntum / support

An issues-only repository for the Bryntum project management component suite which includes powerful Grid, Scheduler, Calendar, Kanban Task Board and Gantt chart components all built in pure JS / CSS / TypeScript
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`beforeEventDelete` not triggered by key shortcuts #8469

Closed taauntik closed 7 months ago

taauntik commented 7 months ago

Forum Post

As seen in the documentation it states that the beforeEventDelete event is triggered by [Del] or [Backspace] keys but that doesn't seem to happen.

chrome_WQRfQJarnJ In this example you can check the behaviour with the following code: You will see that the debugger line is hit when you delete the event from the context menu but not when you press either [Del] or [Backspace]

import { Toast, ArrayHelper, DateHelper, Scheduler, SchedulerEventModel } from '../../build/schedulerpro.module.js?474079';
import shared from '../_shared/shared.module.js?474079';
/* global $ */

class Match extends SchedulerEventModel {
    static get fields() {
        return [
            { name : 'duration', defaultValue : 3 },
            { name : 'durationUnit', defaultValue : 'h' }

const scheduler = new Scheduler({
    appendTo              : 'container',
    startDate             : new Date(2020, 8, 18),
    endDate               : new Date(2020, 8, 29),
    viewPreset            : 'dayAndWeek',
    rowHeight             : 85,
    barMargin             : 0,
    fillTicks             : true,
    tickSize              : 215,
    createEventOnDblClick : false,
    // These are set to null to have less default styling from Scheduler interfering with custom CSS.
    // Makes life easier when you are creating a custom look
    eventColor            : null,
    eventStyle            : null,

// CrudManager is used to load data to all stores in one go (Events, Resources and Assignments)
crudManager : {
    autoLoad : true,

    // This config enables response validation and dumping of found errors to the browser console.
    // It's meant to be used as a development stage helper only so please set it to false for production systems.
    validateResponse : true,

    eventStore : {
        // Provide our custom event model representing a single match
        modelClass : Match
    transport : {
        load : {
            url : 'data/data.json'

features : {
    // Features disabled to give a better demo experience
    eventDragCreate : false,
    eventResize     : false,
    columnLines     : false,
    // Initial sort
    sort            : 'name'

columns : [
    { text : 'Name', field : 'name', width : 130 }

// A custom eventRenderer, used to generate the contents of the events
eventRenderer({ eventRecord, assignmentRecord, renderData }) {
        { resources } = eventRecord,
        // 19:00
        startTime     = DateHelper.format(eventRecord.startDate, 'HH:mm'),
        // First resource is the home team, second the away
        [home, away]  = resources,
        // If the assignment being rendered is the home team, this is a home game
        homeGame      = assignmentRecord.resource === home;

    // Different icons depending on if the game is at home or away
    renderData.iconCls = homeGame ? 'b-fa b-fa-hockey-puck' : 'b-fa b-fa-shuttle-van';

    // HTML config:
    // <div class="time">19:00</div>
    // Home - Away
    // <div class="arena">Arena name</div>
    return {
        children : [
                className : 'time',
                text      : startTime
                text : `${} - ${away?.name || 'TBD'}`
                className : 'arena',
                text      : home.arena

listeners : {
    // Listener called before the built-in editor is shown
    beforeEventEdit({ eventRecord, resourceRecord }) {
        const teams = eventRecord.resources;
        // Show custom editor

        // Fill its fields
        if (teams.length === 0) {
            // New match being created
        else {
            $('#away').val(teams[1]?.id || '');
        $('#startDate').val(DateHelper.format(eventRecord.startDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD'));
        $('#startTime').val(DateHelper.format(eventRecord.startDate, 'HH:mm'));

        // Store record being edited, to be able to write changes back to it later
        this.editingRecord = eventRecord;

        // Prevent built-in editor
        return false;
    //Here I've added a hander for beforeEventDelete
beforeEventDelete(e) {

    paint({ firstPaint }) {
        if (firstPaint) {
            const me = this;

            me.onEditorShow = me.onEditorShow.bind(me);
            me.onEditorClose = me.onEditorClose.bind(me);
            me.onEditorSaveClick = me.onEditorSaveClick.bind(me);
            me.onEditorCancelClick = me.onEditorCancelClick.bind(me);

            // Focus control when editor is shown
            $('#customEditor').on('', me.onEditorShow);
            // If they exit *not* via the save click, remove any provisional record added via context menu
            $('#customEditor').on('', me.onEditorClose);
            // When clicking save in the custom editor
            $('#save').on('click', me.onEditorSaveClick);

            if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox|Safari/)) {
                $('#cancel').on('click', me.onEditorCancelClick);

    beforeDestroy() {
        $('#customEditor').off('', this.onEditorClose);
        $('#customEditor').off('', this.onEditorShow);
        $('#save').off('click', this.onEditorSaveClick);
        $('#cancel').off('click', this.onEditorCancelClick);

onEditorShow() {

onEditorClose(e) {
    if (this.editingRecord?.isCreating) {
        delete this.editingRecord;

onEditorCancelClick() {

onEditorSaveClick(e)  {
        }           = this,
        // Extract teams
        home        = $('#home').val(),
        away        = $('#away').val(),
        // Extract date & time
        date        = $('#startDate').val(),
        time        = $('#startTime').val(),
        oldTeams    = editingRecord.resources,
        newTeams    = [resourceStore.getById(away), resourceStore.getById(home)],
        teamChanges =, oldTeams, true);

    if (home === away) {'A team cannot play itself');
        return false;
    if (!home || !away) {'Both teams must be selected');
        return false;

    // Prevent multiple commits from this flow

    // Avoid multiple redraws, from event changes + assignment changes


    // Update record
        startDate : DateHelper.parse(date + ' ' + time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')

    // Update the two teams involved
    eventStore.unassignEventFromResource(editingRecord, teamChanges.toRemove);
    eventStore.assignEventToResource(editingRecord, teamChanges.toAdd);


    // If it was a provisional event, passed in here from drag-create or dblclick or contextmenu,
    // it's now it's no longer a provisional event and will not be removed in the focusout handler
    // Also, when promoted to be permanent, auto syncing will kick in if configured.
    editingRecord.isCreating = false;


    // Redraw once
matsbryntse commented 7 months ago

Should listen to beforeAssignmentDelete instead