An issues-only repository for the Bryntum project management component suite which includes powerful Grid, Scheduler, Calendar, Kanban Task Board and Gantt chart components all built in pure JS / CSS / TypeScript
We have turned on the dependencyEditFeature and noticed that you can only open it by double clicking on a dependency line. The rest of the items on gantt can be opened by right clicking.
To make the experience consistent please also support open dependencyEditFeature right clicking on a dependency line (see picture v6.0.4)
Also in general it's hard to highlight dependencies lines so if you can improve that as well it would be great.
Forum post
We have turned on the dependencyEditFeature and noticed that you can only open it by double clicking on a dependency line. The rest of the items on gantt can be opened by right clicking.
To make the experience consistent please also support open dependencyEditFeature right clicking on a dependency line (see picture v6.0.4)
Also in general it's hard to highlight dependencies lines so if you can improve that as well it would be great.
Regards Johan "