bryoz / reactphoto

A react photo portfolio
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[QA] Test at scale #30

Open bryoz opened 4 years ago

bryoz commented 4 years ago

Using many photos/folders, attempt to build a working site.

Are there any points of concern? Broken images or navigation? From a design point, is the general experience good at larger sizes?

Note also performance.

bryoz commented 3 years ago

From experience via bryPhoto for the last few months, I've been able to note a few performance issues:

Largest thumbnail size should be identified and created during setup - these should then be used for gallery view. There should be a distinction whether a thumbnail will open a gallery, or open the full-sized image.

A limit to the number of images requested on page load should be set. Using a commonly established navigation pattern, such as 'load more' button, load-on-scroll, or a combination of these should then be used on gallery pages.


I will keep this bug open. I feel to truly test at scale, I will need to add galleries and sub-galleries