THREE.WebGLProgram: Program Info Log: C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
[Violation] 'requestAnimationFrame' handler took 77ms
Canvas2D: Multiple readback operations using getImageData are faster with the willReadFrequently attribute set to true. See:
When I using SkinView3D in vue, three.js throws a warning, don't know how to fix it.
core code: