We are getting unusual result some times when running a test case.
The Selenium Library Keywords throw an error like "Exception" and fails the
entire test case.
The issue gets resolved when we kill the Grid Hub instance that is running in
our server & started it again and re-registered the Selenium RCs configured in
Hudson service.
Grid Hub version: selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar
Please find below the Robot Framework's Error log
-+KEYWORD: SeleniumLibrary.Open Browser http://www.google.com, *firefox
Documentation: Opens a new browser instance to given URL.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20130423 09:01:41.786 / 20130423 09:01:48.848 /
09:01:48.845 INFO Opening browser '*firefox' to base url
-+KEYWORD: SeleniumLibrary.Maximize Browser Window
Documentation: Maximizes current browser window.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20130423 09:01:48.855 / 20130423 09:01:48.927 /
-+KEYWORD: SeleniumLibrary.Title Should Be Google
Documentation: Verifies that current page title equals `title`.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20130423 09:01:48.931 / 20130423 09:01:49.088 /
09:01:49.088 INFO Page title is 'Google'.
+-KEYWORD: SeleniumLibrary.Capture Page Screenshot MainPage.png
Documentation: Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the
Start / End / Elapsed: 20130423 09:01:49.091 / 20130423 09:01:50.045 /
09:01:50.042 FAIL Exception
In the above scenario Capture Screen Shot Keyword failed by throwing an
Please help us in resolving this issue since it has a huge impact.
Many Thanks in Advance...
Original issue reported on code.google.com by malarava...@gmail.com on 25 Apr 2013 at 6:43
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 25 Apr 2013 at 6:43