bsamuels453 / With-Fire-and-Iron

Airship combat simulator I'm working on in my spare time. Most of the code is based on one of my older sim projects, Forge. Check out the issues section to see what modules I'm working on at the moment.
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cannonball collision optimization #25

Closed bsamuels453 closed 11 years ago

bsamuels453 commented 11 years ago

-give each hull panel a custom SOI based on its size -maybe use backface culling to eliminate panels -implement grouped SOI so that the hull mesh is broken into a dozen or so groups of panels, probably can split the area airship occupies into 3d cells, then use manhattan to populate the cells. On the bright side this means we can use manhattan instead of classic for checking cells. the only trick will be determining each cell's GOI because of variable hull panel SOI -figure out why cannonballs are dropping dead and fix it

bsamuels453 commented 11 years ago

this will likely be bundled with the new decal-projection-on-damage stuff and hullSection optimizations

bsamuels453 commented 11 years ago

ever since the decal change, there have been a lot less possible interception targets (about 1/10th of original). Ever since that change, I've been unable to cause performance issues using cannonballs intersecting an airship's aabb. This was tested for about 10 minutes and I got up to the point where 400+ cannonballs were active and I still couldnt get enough stuck in the airship's aabb to cause any real lag. For that reason this bug will be closed until further notice.