bsansouci / reasongl

Reason bindings to WebGL and OpenGL.
107 stars 8 forks source link

Merge all reasongl backends #1

Closed Schmavery closed 6 years ago

Schmavery commented 6 years ago

Now that we have support for conditionally compiling multiple backend implementations to the same module-name within one package (using either matchenv or new support for -bs-D BSB_BACKEND in bsb-native), there's no need for these to all be separate packages. This will greatly reduce the cost of maintenance by not forcing us to make 3 separate updates for every change to reasongl and hopefully also make it less likely that we'll mess up one of those updates.

This pulls in all history from the 3 repos so there are quite a few commits.

There's still a little testing happening still but this repo isn't used for anything so there's no danger in having this change on master.