bsatrom / Knockout.Unobtrusive

Unobtrusive View to ViewModel bindings for KnockoutJS
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Supporting Knockout 2.0 (prev 1.3) #12

Open rniemeyer opened 12 years ago

rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

Adding some information here related to changes in 1.3 that might be interesting to this project.

1.3 now supports the idea of a bindingProvider. The default bindingProvider reads bindings off of the "data-bind" attribute and converts them to an object in the proper context. This bindingProvider can be swapped out, which could allow this project to create an unobtrusiveBindingProvider.

Here is a sample where the bindings live on an object and do not need to be applied in any other way to the element:

There are also new functions (ko.dataFor and ko.contextFor) that can be used to retrieve the information from an element about the data that could have been bound against it. This is useful for many reasons. One is to use it with event delegation, like jQuery's live/delegate to avoid attaching event handlers to every element. Here is the sample sample with the "remove" functionality added using this idea:

1.3 should be in beta in the next week.

bsatrom commented 12 years ago

At first glance, I would say this kind of obviates the need for Knockout.Unobtrusive, doesn't it? Not that I have a problem with that. Unobtrusive binding support is great, and having it officially in the framework is even better. :)

Let me know if I'm missing something though...

-----Original Message----- From: rniemeyer [] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:14 PM To: Brandon Satrom Subject: [Knockout.Unobtrusive] Supporting Knockout 1.3 (#12)

Adding some information here related to changes in 1.3 that might be interesting to this project.

1.3 now supports the idea of a bindingProvider. The default bindingProvider reads bindings off of the "data-bind" attribute and converts them to an object in the proper context. This bindingProvider can be swapped out, which could allow this project to create an unobtrusiveBindingProvider.

Here is a sample where the bindings live on an object and do not need to be applied in any other way to the element:

There are also new functions (ko.dataFor and ko.contextFor) that can be used to retrieve the information from an element about the data that could have been bound against it. This is useful for many reasons. One is to use it with event delegation, like jQuery's live/delegate to avoid attaching event handlers to every element. Here is the sample sample with the "remove" functionality added using this idea:

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rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

The default bindingProvider will only deal with data-bind attributes. So, this plugin would still be able to work as it does now. However, the ability to swap in a new bindingProvider creates the possibility for this plugin to become a "unobtrusiveBindingProvider" where you could simplify the design and avoid the work of even populating the data-bind attribute by having the bindingProvider read the binding object directly. Just something to think about... Given the extensibility point that will exist, I think that it makes some sense.

bsatrom commented 12 years ago

Good points, thanks Ryan, and I like the idea of saving setting every attribute with a custom provider. I'll take a look at 1.3 this week.

scottmessinger commented 12 years ago

Any news on this? I'd love to test it out for you if you're looking for some beta users of the new version.

bsatrom commented 12 years ago


Still on my list, but I haven't gotten to it yet, unfortunately. Sorry about that. I will take a look by this weekend, though, and let you know what I throw together.

bsatrom commented 12 years ago

Now that 2.0 is out, I think it's time to revisit this.

rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

Would be happy to kick around some ideas for this one. I'll see if I can take a closer look at how this might work with a custom binding provider.

bsatrom commented 12 years ago

Hey Ryan,

That would be awesome, I'd love to have the help. I created a feature branch for this yesterday, and started stubbing out some tests based on Steve's post and previous fiddles you've shared. Documentation here is sparse, so it would be cool if we can use this as an example for other folks hoping to do the same.

On 2/14/12 7:50 PM, "rniemeyer" <reply+i-1486050-d56e02899ff697f3f4360a76bce185abe8f9381a-108356@reply.gith> wrote:

Would be happy to kick around some ideas for this one. I'll see if I can take a closer look at how this might work with a custom binding provider.

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rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

This blog post might help as well:

bsatrom commented 12 years ago

Thanks Ryan, that post did help clarify it a ton. I have a branch with the beginnings of the binder, and one passing test, so we're rolling along. Should be pretty downhill from here.

rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

Looked at your code a bit.

I know that it is just getting started, but here are some thoughts/comments (I am looking at the JavaScript output):

Some general thoughts: -the original plugin is keyed off of the binding names and can use conventions nicely. If you want to support this API still, then you could take in that structure and build a bindings object from it. The object would be keyed by id/class/name and have a value of the appropriate binding accessor. Maybe that was what your plan was already.

Look forward to seeing where it goes from here. Let me know how I can help.

bsatrom commented 12 years ago

Hmm, I don't think that's the latest. Did you try to run the tests?

Thx for the feedback!

From: rniemeyer Sent: 2/16/2012 10:18 PM To: Brandon Satrom Subject: Re: [Knockout.Unobtrusive] Supporting Knockout 2.0 (prev 1.3) (#12)

Looked at your code a bit.

I know that it is just getting started, but here are some thoughts/comments (I am looking at the JavaScript output):

Some general thoughts: -the original plugin is keyed off of the binding names and can use conventions nicely. If you want to support this API still, then you could take in that structure and build a bindings object from it. The object would be keyed by id/class/name and have a value of the appropriate binding accessor. Maybe that was what your plan was already.

Look forward to seeing where it goes from here. Let me know how I can help.

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rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

Just meant that it wasn't testing the binding yet:

get('#firstName').setAttribute('value', "Steve")

equals(get('#firstName').getAttribute('value'), "Steve");
bsatrom commented 12 years ago

Ah crap.

So, yeah. I totally whiffed on this one. Really funny now that I go back and look at that test. This is what I get for trying to get at least one passing test before wrapping, and doing so with the kids hanging all over me. :)

Now that I have the right test, things are good and failing again. I'm sure I'm pretty close, hopefully I can look at it this weekend. Thanks for your feedback, again Ryan. Keepin' me honest, I like it. :D


On 2/16/12 11:45 PM, "rniemeyer" <reply+i-1486050-d56e02899ff697f3f4360a76bce185abe8f9381a-108356@reply.gith> wrote:

Just meant that it wasn't testing the binding yet:

get('#firstName').setAttribute('value', "Steve")

equals(get('#firstName').getAttribute('value'), "Steve");

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rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

This is just a dev branch, no big deal. You are getting the right structure in place and are on the right track. Have kids hanging over me at this very moment, so I know how that is :)

bsatrom commented 12 years ago


Some specific answers to your feedback above:

"the original plugin is keyed off of the binding names and can use conventions nicely. If you want to support this API still, then you could take in that structure and build a bindings object from it. The object would be keyed by id/class/name and have a value of the appropriate binding accessor. Maybe that was what your plan was already."

With all of that, I'm actually toying with the idea of shutting down Knockout.Unobtrusive and shipping these custom bindingProviders as a new project. Tentative name at this point is Knockout.Announcer.

Anyway, let me know what you think about all of this, and what I have so far.

rniemeyer commented 12 years ago

@bsatrom - sounds good. will have to take a closer look at the changes. Moving it to a new project sounds fine to me. Announcer is catchy. Unobtrusive is kind of nice, because people get the point of it without more context.

Would be happy to help with the project, wherever it lives.

bsatrom commented 12 years ago

good points, both. Maybe its fine as is. I've never been crazy about the name, but it is clear.