bsc-iitm / Data-Visualization-Design-CS4001

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Graded Assignment-1 (May Term 2023) :- Visualization Critique #10

Open Jimmi-Kr opened 1 year ago

Jimmi-Kr commented 1 year ago

For the graded assignment 1, find a simple, stand-alone, static visualization and write a short critique on: How effective is it at what it aims to do? What works well and what doesn't? What could be better? (See Week 1, Part 7 lecture video for a briefing of the assignment)

Make your submission as a comment. It should contain:

Here are samples (sample 1,sample 2, Sample 3) of how this is to be submitted. Use examples that are not used in the samples.

sayan10rakshit commented 1 year ago

Top 50 Fast Food Chains in The US

Roll No: 21F1002696

Fast Food Chains With The Most Locations In The U.S. (as of 2023) Image source:

What works

What doesn't work

What can be improved

h1m4n3hu commented 1 year ago

Drugs World

Name: Himanshu Soni Roll No: 21f2000698

Drugs World Source:

What works:

What doesn't work:

What could be better:

anant7k commented 1 year ago

Visualizing Currencies’ Decline Against the U.S. Dollar

Anant Kumar BS, 21f1000683


Visualizing-Currencies-Devaluation-Against-the-U S -Dollar_main_Dec-14

What works

What does not work

What can be improved

savindraiitm commented 1 year ago

Mercator projection

Name: Savindra Singh Shekhawat Roll No: 21f1003973

The Mercator projection (/mərˈkeɪtər/) is a cylindrical map projection presented by Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569.

I chose this as i believe we use this map in daily life (Google maps, textbooks, articles etc) but many of us don't know it's actually showing countries with misleading sizes.

Article URL: Wikipedia

mercator-vs-truesize (1) Img Source: Visual Capitalist

What works

It is the standard map projection for navigation because it is unique in representing north as up and south as down everywhere while preserving local directions and shapes. The map is thereby conformal.

What doesn't work:

The Mercator projection inflates the size of objects away from the equator. This inflation is very small near the equator but accelerates with increasing latitude to become infinite at the poles. As a result, landmasses such as Greenland, Antarctica, Canada and Russia appear far larger than they actually are relative to landmasses near the equator, such as Central Africa.

Examples of size distortion

Visit for interactive map to know true sizes better.

Khushiin commented 1 year ago

TOPIC: Renewable Energy and Batter Installations in the U.S. in 2023. STUDENT: Khushee A Namdeo, 21f3001500 URL:



Positives (What works well): 1) The different sources of renewable energy are color-coded with different colors each. This makes it visually appealing. 2) The relative size of bars provides some amount of comparison of renewable energy available in each country. 3) The picture is a representation of more than one type of renewable energy, hence providing us with more information on each country. 4) The arrangement of the different countries is according to their actual position in an actual map, which makes it more informative.

Negatives (What doesn't work well): 1) If I want to make comparisons between each source of energy production in different countries, then it becomes very difficult to do so. 2) The countries having very less amount of renewable energy have quite a flat surface to be seen in the pictorial representation and hence difficult to compare again. 3) The significance of the interruption of the picture of clouds in between the pictorial representation of a few countries is unclear. 4) A few data are labeled while others are not. The significance of labeling the ones which are labeled and the significance of not labeling the others are again not clear. 5) It is unclear if we have to compare the height, the area, or the volume of the bars representing the amount of renewable energy in each of the countries. 6) There might be countries which have good amount of certain source of renewable energy but have poor amount of some other renewable energy. This is not well specified in the representation and hence doesn’t provide us with a wholesome comparison in each country and the available renewable energies in each country. 7) It is difficult to find the %difference in the amount of renewable energy in the different countries mentioned.

How effective was the representation?

-> Though the representation is able to convey the basic idea behind the availability of different renewable resources in the different countries, it is only decently informative for an ordinary man who doesn't have much depth of knowledge in this area. But for someone who has the depth of knowledge in this area, this representation seems to be very basic. Thus, the data storytelling should have been better.

What could have been better?

1) For better clarity, we can represent each type of renewable energy separately for each country. 2) We can avoid a 3D representation of data and use a histogram/ pie chart for comparisons. 3) A bubble kind of representation for each type of renewable source of energy would have been a better way to represent the data.

iSarthakGautam commented 1 year ago

CO2 Emissions

Name: Sarthak Gautam Roll No: 21f1000864


The visualisation under review presents the topic of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their impact on global climate change. It aims to highlight the responsibility of regions, countries, and individuals in reducing emissions. Link to article: CO2 Emissions.


The visualisation can be found at the following URL: Image.


What works well:

Effectiveness of the representation:

The current representation of CO2 emissions effectively conveys the basic idea. However, for individuals with a deeper understanding of the subject, the visualisation falls short in providing meaningful insights. To enhance its effectiveness, a more robust data storytelling approach is recommended. Techniques such as incorporating a pie chart or other interactive elements can provide a more comprehensive and engaging exploration of the data.

Areas for improvement:


In conclusion, while the visualisation effectively conveys the concept of CO2 emissions, there are several areas that can be improved to enhance its clarity, readability, and context. By refining colour selection, addressing readability and empty spaces, providing additional context, and incorporating interactive elements, the visualisation can become more informative and engaging for users seeking a deeper understanding of CO2 emissions.

sejalanandIITM commented 1 year ago

Ranked: Top 10 Most Valuable Airline Brands Since 2013

The visualization titled "Ranked: Top 10 Most Valuable Airline Brands Since 2013" presents the most valuable airline brands from North America, Europe, Asia and Middle East.

How effective is it at what it aims to do?

By looking at an overall perspective, the visualization is somewhat effective in detailing the most valuable brands every year from 2013 to 2022. One cannot comment on the most valuable brands across all the years. Only by looking at the section of a particular year, the top 2-3 can be quickly figured out.

What works well?

What doesn’t work well?

What could be better?

prateek-ganguli commented 1 year ago

The Rise and Rise of A.I.: Large Language Models (LLMs)

Name: Prateek Ganguli Roll: 21f1004044


The Rise and Rise of A.I.: Large Language Models (LLMs)

Pros (What works)

Cons (What doesn't work)

Suggestions for improvement

blackpearl006 commented 1 year ago

Name : Ninad Aithal Roll no: 21f1006030

Global Carbon Footprint


url :




upatil98 commented 1 year ago

Which countries directly import the most Russian gas

Name: Uday Patil Roll: 21f1003481


Which countries directly import the most Russian gas

Pros (What works)

deep87we commented 1 year ago

Name :Deepanshu Mahajan Roll no:21f1006962


Screenshot 2023-06-17 at 11 02 50 AM

Pros 👍


Suggestion for improvements :

  1. Reduce clutter: If the bubble chart becomes visually cluttered with too many overlapping bubbles, consider using techniques to declutter the chart. This can include adjusting bubble sizes, using transparency or color-coding to differentiate overlapping bubbles, or grouping similar data points together.2.
  2. Highlight important data points: If there are specific data points that require emphasis, consider highlighting them using different colors, shapes, or sizes. This draws attention to key information and helps users focus on important insights.
Vishvam10 commented 1 year ago

Name : Vishvam Sundararajan S Roll No : 21f1005939


(Kindly ignore the popup in the visualization. It is due to mouse hover 😅)


What works

What doesn't work

What can be improved

Prahlad19 commented 1 year ago

Ranked: The World’s Biggest Steel Producers, by Country

Name: Prahlad Singhania Roll No: 21f1006059



What works:

Data is augmented very well throughout the visualization wherever necessary. • Addition of descriptive notes in certain part of visualization makes it more comprehensive and understandable • Visualization is formatted very well. Firstly it shows the current scenario of steel production in various country and then it illustrates how the current leading steel producer enhance their journey from scratch.

What doesn’t work:

• Pie chart is not appropriate in this scenario. It is suited only when we quantify something in proportion instead of marking in numbers. • The unit of steel is not constant throughout the graph. • The size of slices is inconsistent with respect to holding capacity • While illustrating the journey of current leading steel producer, it fails to mark prior leading steel producer ad its proportion.

What can be improved:

Bar graph would have been the most appropriate in this visualization. • The unit of steel production should either be in terms of mt or bt throughout the visualization. • It should also mark the leading countries and their proportion while illustrating the journey of current leading steel producer.

afnan-ahmad commented 1 year ago

The Next Billion Internet Users

Critique by: Afnan Ahmad | 21F1003730

Source: | Carmen A. (August 2020)

Visualization about the next billion internet users

What works

What doesn't work well

What could be improved

dipak-patil-iitm commented 1 year ago

The Rise and Rise of A.I. Large Language Models (LLMs) & their associated bots like ChatGPT

Critique by: Dipak Patil (21f1004451) Source:


What works:

What doesn't work:

What could be improved

VarnikaRB commented 1 year ago

LGBTQ+ representation on TV

Critique by: Varnika Bagaria | 21f1007039

Source: Data Visualization image

What works

What does not work

What can be improved

abulaman8 commented 1 year ago

Operation "RED OCTOBER"

submission by: S Abulaman (21f1000506)

Red October impact data viz by Kaspersky Labs cyberattack

What's Good

What's Bad

Ways to Improve

PavanReddy28 commented 1 year ago

Top 2000 songs ever made

Name : Pavan Kumar Reddy Yannam ID: 21F1005053 Source:

Figure 1: Songs1

What Works

What doesn't work

What could be better

Varun-Sood-IIT commented 1 year ago

Topic Name: "Which Countries are Granted the Most Patents?"

Image Source: Click Here for "Which Countries are Granted the Most Patents?"


Image Source: Click Here for "Which Countries are Granted the Most Patents?"

What works

What doesn't work

What could be improved

21f1004666 commented 1 year ago

Governance of different countries across the world

Name: Andiboyina Mourya Chakradhar Nagesh Roll no: 21f1004666

infograph image

What works

What doesn't work

What can be improved

SrivinaySridhar commented 1 year ago

France’s Defensive map in the 2018/19 Football World Cup season

Name: Srivinay Sridhar Roll number: 21f1006569



What works

What does not work

Ways to improve

S-D-P commented 1 year ago

Name: Siddhi Dhirajkumar Pandirkar RollNo: 21f1001177

Visualization Link Article Link



  1. Effectiveness: The polar chart effectively presents the relationship between education, child marriage, and underage pregnancy for 36 different states and union territories of India. It allows for a quick visual comparison of the prevalence of child marriage and underage pregnancy among women with at least 10 years of education across different regions.
  2. Design Elements: The polar chart is visually engaging and allows users to explore the data for different regions easily. The chart is very simple and minimalistic, which leads the viewer directly to the point. The labels and legends are clear and properly aligned, making it easy to identify and understand the variables being represented.
  3. Insightful Analysis: The visualization highlights the correlations between education and the prevalence of child marriage and underage pregnancy. It enables viewers to identify regions with higher or lower rates of child marriage and underage pregnancy among women with at least 10 years of education, leading to the insights about the impact of education on these issues.


  1. The chosen polar chart may not effectively convey the intended message about the relationship between education, child marriage, and underage pregnancy. It could benefit from a different chart type that offers clearer representation and easier interpretation of the data.
  2. One potential improvement could be the use of a line chart, where each parameter (education, underage pregnancy, child marriage) is represented by a separate line. This would allow for a more direct comparison between the variables and provide a clearer understanding of the relationship.
  3. Alternatively, a combination of a bar chart for education and line charts for underage pregnancy and child marriage could be considered. This would enable the viewer to easily grasp the impact of education on reducing child marriage and underage pregnancy.
  4. However, it is important to acknowledge that implementing these suggestions may require more horizontal space to accommodate all 36 regions effectively. The trade-off between data representation and available space should be carefully considered to ensure the visualization remains clear and informative.
viboognesh commented 1 year ago

HIV Prevalence Map Critique image

What Works:

  1. The data graphic is clear and easy to understand. The colours are easy to distinguish, and the labels are clear and concise.
  2. The data graphic is visually appealing. The colours are used effectively to create a sense of urgency, and the overall design is eye-catching.
  3. The data graphic is relevant to the WHO's mission. The WHO is an organisation that works to improve global health, and this data graphic highlights a significant public health problem.

What Doesn't Work:

  1. The data graphic does not provide enough context. It would be helpful to know the total number of people living with HIV in the world and the number of people who have died from AIDS.
  2. The data graphic does not provide any analysis. It would be helpful to know why the HIV prevalence rate is so high in sub-Saharan Africa and what is being done to address the problem.
  3. The data graphic does not include any calls to action. It would be helpful to know what people can do to help reduce the spread of HIV.

What Can Be Improved:

  1. The data graphic could be improved by providing more context. This could be done by adding the total number of people living with HIV in the world and the number of people who have died from AIDS.
  2. The data graphic could be improved by providing some analysis. This could be done by explaining why the HIV prevalence rate is so high in sub-Saharan Africa and what is being done to address the problem.
  3. Including some calls to action could improve the data graphic. This could be done by suggesting ways that people can help reduce the spread of HIV.
21f1005173 commented 1 year ago

Name : M.S.Srinivass Roll Number : 21f1005173

Source :


Pros :

Cons :

priyanka-maz commented 1 year ago

Major Music Streaming Services Compared

Name : Priyanka Mazumdar Roll No. : 21f1000367

Data Visualization Image Source: Visualization Link , Article Link



Suggestions for Improvement

mb1AtGithub commented 1 year ago

Name : Manisha Bapat Roll no: 21f1000449

Critique on visualization published by Simon Scarr



  1. Colour : Red which matched the title about deaths count.
  2. Inverted axes : The bars point down, giving the effect of blood dripping down, very evocative.
  3. Axes labels well set to help viewers see, realize and read downwards.
  4. Important events in the timeline have been marked explicitly
  5. The complete count mentioned within the bar graph, with different colours for coalition deaths and civilian deaths
  6. Blood drops below the chart show the different sub-counts for civilian deaths
  7. Separate charts giving details about coalition deaths.


  1. Not a very familiar way of plotting- and thus reading graphs for many viewers.
  2. Some readers might take time to understand the inverted axes, and read it.
  3. A lot of information packed in a one page visualization.

Conclusion: The visualization serves the purpose it was created for.

SrijanShukla commented 1 year ago

to pu

Name: Srijan Shukla Roll No.: 21f1000671

ESPN CricInfo Cities with the best batting talentESPN CricInfo Cities with the best batting talent source:

The written texts associated with the graphics need to be read in order to understand the meaning of the visualization. The color combination of red and blue used in the visualization is considered unfriendly to the eyes. The visualization does not fit neatly into any specific visual data visualization type, but it is closest to a bar chart. Instead of using bars, the designer used different shapes to represent each city, which makes it difficult to grasp the differences between them. In a typical bar chart, the height of each bar represents a difference, but in this visualization, the shapes' size, height, or width does not convey any meaningful difference. Despite Mumbai having the lowest average, it is visually portrayed as the tallest shape, further complicating the understanding of the data.

abhishekVH commented 1 year ago

Forbe's Top 50 Sports Franchices By Longetivity And Success

Name : Abhishek Kumar Gupta Roll Number : 21f1007086


Image link


  1. Effective use of visual elements to convey information.
  2. Engages and captures the attention of the audience.
  3. Enables comparisons and trends analysis.
  4. Visually appealing.


  1. Overemphasis on aesthetics at the expense of clarity and accuracy.
  2. Lack of context or inadequate labeling, making it challenging to understand the data's significance
  3. The top heading is confusing as it talks about players while the data shows different sports franchises.
  4. The heading talks about 50 different franchises while we can see only few colors.


  1. The labelling could be better
  2. More information is needed on what this visualization actually is.
Shreyays commented 1 year ago

Name: Shreya Y Roll number: 21f1002768


dceb06152938069 63427f28b2510

The attached chart intends to present statistics of the Nobel Prize recipients from 1901 to 2021.

What works:

Concise representation: It presents the complete picture of nobel prize winners in chemistry at a glance. Usage of scale: Uses appropriately scaled visual elements to represent metrics such as age and experience. Relevant information presented: The chart does not contain any redundant information.

What does not work:

Use of a single colour scheme : The use of a single colour makes it difficult to distinguish among the various statistics being presented. For instance, male and female data points are not clearly visible. Too many data points: The chart contains statistics of nobel laureates across 100 years, each of which is presented as a single data point. Lacks granularity: While the chart represents each prize winner, it being a static chart does not provide detailed information about each person. Vague title: The title is 'Statistics of Nobel Prizes in Chemistry 1901-2021, however there is no information at a glance on what kind of statistics are being represented.

What could be done better?

Context: Providing a year-wise summary chart as a contextual starter for the current chart will help the reader get top down understanding of the data. Grouping of the data points: Grouping data points by age, year, sub-domain etc. could provide a chart which is interpretable effortlessly. Labelled data: The data points could be labelled for better and quicker readability.

harshadpaikrao commented 1 year ago

Global EV Production 2022. Name : Harshad Shahu Paikrao Roll no. 21f1002085


image link :

What works:

  1. Ranks are clearly mentioned.
  2. Captures the number of units manufactured as well as the growth rate.
  3. Manufactures are grouped by countries which gives good idea about major EV manufacturing countries.
  4. Legend in the right top corner help reading the graph.

What Doesn't Work:

  1. Every circle represents two data points : Number of units and Growth rate. Here the size of circle corresponds to data and color corresponds to growth rate. One realizes this only after careful observation, initially the colors don't make any sense.
  2. Size of circles in not proportionate to the data (number of units). e.g. Tesla production is almost 2.25 times that of gm. But the sizes of respective circle could not convey that.
  3. Choice of colors for the growth rate is not impactful. e.g. the cluster of German manufactures appears to be almost the same shade, however the growth rate ranges from 0 to 39%.
  4. Brand name are not mentioned anywhere only logos are used. This may not be helpful in case of new or less popular brand.

Suggestions for Improvement:

  1. Better choice of colors and separate display for number of units and growth rate.

Conclusion : Overall the Visualization serves the purpose of showing the ranking but does not represent the data in correct proportion.

faridkhan5 commented 1 year ago

Apple Q4 FY22 Income Statement Name: Farid Khan Roll no: 21f1002045


What works?

  1. The diversification of revenue streams gives a clear and all those thin pipes becoming a large pipe gives a good understanding of how all segments contribute to the revenue
  2. The thickness of the stream gives a good idea about the amount of money contributed
  3. The choice of colors, where green color which symbolizes a successful operation used for profits and red used for all expenses, clearly distinguishes the profits from the expenditure

What doesn't work?

  1. The streams look very cluttered, as it is difficult to track which stream belongs to which segment
  2. The services segment needs to be placed further away from the products segment, as it looks like the logos are parts of the products segment
  3. The choice of color for the revenue segment is very dull which gives the impression that revenue is not an important aspect
  4. Few factors are bigger in text size in comparison but the amount contributed by them is lesser than the other factor which gives a false perception that they are more important

What can be done?

  1. There needs to be a direction displayed to indicate the flow of money, as it is not understandable in the first glance as to where the money is coming from
  2. The segment can be mentioned in the stream itself, making it easier to keep track of which stream belongs to which segment.
  3. The color of the revenue stream can be changed to yellow since red and green together become yellow and this will indicate that they are then further separated
  4. The size of the block of a factor should be proportional to the money accumulated by that particular factor eg; Revenue is more than the products segment, so the size of the revenue block could be bigger such that it shows that it contains more money
  5. The text size of factors can also be adjusted such that they are proportional to the amount of money contributed by them