bsc-iitm / Data-Visualization-Design-CS4001

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Graded Assignment-1 (Jan Term 2024) :- Visualization Critique #20

Open Jimmi-Kr opened 8 months ago

Jimmi-Kr commented 8 months ago

For the graded assignment 1, find a simple, stand-alone, static visualization and write a short critique on: How effective is it at what it aims to do? What works well and what doesn't? What could be better? (See Week 1, Part 7 lecture video for a briefing of the assignment)

Make your submission as a comment. It should contain:

Here are samples (sample 1,sample 2, Sample 3) of how this is to be submitted. Use examples that are not used in the samples.

Saikat88 commented 8 months ago




Name - Saikat Samanta (21f1003501)

SushmitaNandy commented 8 months ago

Visualizing Interest in Generative AI by different Countries



Effectiveness of the visualization

The effectiveness of the data visualization is intriguing and it also depends on its audiences and purpose. The accompanying text provides context about AI’s impact on art during COVID-19 lockdowns. This context enhances understanding but might be missed by viewers who focus solely on the visual elements. For experts or researchers, this visualization offers valuable insights. For a broader audience, simplifying the design and emphasizing key takeaways would enhance its effectiveness.



Student name & Roll : Sushmita Nandy (21f1005425)

rt1916-IITM commented 8 months ago

Predicting the Future of Media and Entertainment

Name: ROYCE TOMY (21F1001916)



The Visual titled "Predicting the Future of Media and Entertainment" aims to provide key highlights via a variety of graphs and charts to convey a large volume of data in a digestible format.



Potential Improvements

MajorHamol commented 8 months ago

2024 Prediction Consensus

Name: Amol HATWAR <21f1000451>


Link: 2024 Prediction Consensus

The visualisation summarises predictions for 2024 by analysing over 700 articles, reports, podcasts, and interviews from a multitude of sources and serves as a "pulse" of what to expect this year.

What works well?

  1. Familiar tabular format of rows and columns keeps things simple
  2. Statements have been categorised into distinct topics like Economy, Technology, Markets...
  3. Topics have a colour-coded legend
  4. Every cell of the table has a unique forward-looking statement
  5. Number of circles / bubbles in a cell indicate predictive power / expectation of a statement by experts

What doesn't work well?

  1. Statements seem to have been littered on the table randomly
  2. The unit and the nature of smaller circles / bubbles in a cell isn't known
  3. When a cell is crowded and overflowing with bubbles it makes making relative comparisons based on visual density difficult
  4. Mixing semantic positives and negatives in predictive statements increases cognitive load. For example, a cell with the statement "Hollywood's influence continues to wane" with a low bubble density can lead to wrong interpretations
  5. Choice of colours and making bubbles in individual cells transparent may reduce accessibility, especially for the visually impaired.

What could be better?

  1. Grouping and ordering of topics (alphabetically?) and statements (confidence?) could have further simplified the table
  2. What do the bubbles in a cell signify? Is it the number of experts who voted, or their confidence, or even the occurrences of the statements in the corpus that was summarised? A note or a legend detailing the unit and nature of an individual bubble in a cell would have helped
  3. A small panel inside every cell that mentions the number of bubbles in that particular cell could have helped, especially in crowded cells
  4. The overall distribution of topics and forward-looking statements in the corpus isn't known. The summary may be riddled with sampling bias
  5. A little interactivity would have helped traceability. For example, clicking bubbles to navigate to actual sources and references.
gokulakrishnanbalaji commented 8 months ago

Where Do the World’s Wealthiest People Live?

Name: Gokulakrishnan B (21f1006866)

VORO_Millionaires-Country_Main source:

What works well?

What doesn't work well?

What could be better?

soumyanamboo commented 8 months ago

Map of Life Expectancy Gains From Breathing Cleaner Air

Name: Soumya V Namboodiripad (21f1004752)



The satellite-derived data from the 2023 Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) shows how exposure to particulate matter in the air can impact average life expectancy of residents in different cities. Using this data, a map visualization is created of life expectancy gains (the deeper the hue, the higher the gain) if all people around the world breathed cleaner air.



Manaswita06 commented 8 months ago

Life Expectancy and Income of 182 nations in the year 2015

Source of chart:


This is Edward Tufte's Gapminder chart, which shows the Life Expectancy and Income of 182 nations in the year 2015. It's a powerful tool for showing trends and relationships between multiple variables, where each bubble is a country, size is the population and color is the region.

Observation from the chart: No nation with a level 4 life expectancy is very short, and no nation with a level 1 life expectancy is particularly lengthy. Most people reside on levels 2 and 3, which are in the middle. Depending on how money is spent, life expectancy varies greatly in the middle.



Name and Roll number: Manaswita Mandal (21f1004567)

shrikrishna97 commented 8 months ago

Microplastics impact on fish shown in pictures/Plastic Profusion

Source: image3 This data visualization example was made by National Geographic and shows all plastic waste into the oceans. An average rate of about 9 million tons of plastic is thrown in the oceans a year. Some elements such as wind and waves eventually break down ocean plastic to bits and the graphic shows how critical the situation is in some parts of the oceans.




Name: Shri Krishna Pandey (21f1006966)

kaushikpatriot commented 8 months ago

image Source:

What is this? This infographic attempts to explain the different states of consciousness in Buddhism. It maps the states of consciousness to the planes, the embodiment at each of those states, the experience one has and the concentration levels. From this picture one can understand the path ones efforts in spiritual practices prescribed by Buddhism can take us through.

What's good..

  1. The graphic nicely separates the different states of consciousness and maps to the various attributes of being, in that state
  2. The graphic also nicely tries to illustrate the embodiment using metaphors.
  3. The overall path of different states of consciousness and the associated experiences is well illustrated
  4. The Intersection between the state with hindrances to the 'dhyana state' illustrates ones access to concentration from being highly distracted.
  5. The qualities that emerge with the higher states is also mapped well with varying colour coding.

What's not..

  1. Usually, the path from lower to higher states of consciousness is seen figuratively as moving from bottom to upper states. This graphic has reversed the direction with 'lower' states being presented on the top. This could have been reversed with a pointer to guide the viewer.
  2. It is not clear if each of the five hindrances map one to one to the embodiments or not. If they do, there seems to be some mismatch in mappings. It is a bit vague.
  3. The plane, seems to be a hanging property of the graphic. Containing the states within planes may have been a better idea, considering the planes will directly lead to the states.
  4. The absorption states are simply labelled 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. without names. It would have been clearer to name them.
  5. The qualities that emerge with higher states, seem to be retro-fitted into the graphic for coverage purposes. They are not directly relatable to the corresponding embodiment or the state of consciousness.

Name & Roll Number: Kaushik V - 21f1001083

Astroficboy commented 8 months ago

Name - Pranav Wankhedkar (21f1000120)

Title - Charted: 50 Years of Music Industry Revenues, by Format Link Music-Industry-Revenues-2023_03-2


  1. The visualization employs a thoughtful selection of color schemes, effectively distinguishing between different categories.
  2. The use of an orange hue to highlight CDs draws immediate attention, emphasizing their prominence as the most successful medium for selling music.


  1. The absence of tick labels on the Y-axis detracts from the clarity of the information presented.
  2. The positioning of the X-axis in the middle of the chart creates confusion in relation to the Y-axis. It's unclear whether values below the X-axis indicate negative sales, leaving viewers with an unanswered question.
  3. The circular diagram, resembling a traditional Venn diagram, may mislead readers. It suggests that CDs are the most successful medium, encompassing Ringtone, Ad-Supported Streaming, Digital License, etc. A more straightforward bar chart would have been a clearer choice to convey this message.
  4. Origin of some of the categories cannot be seen behind some other categories in the 'Revenue by year' chart. A comparative line chart would have been a better choice.
DebapriyoSaha commented 8 months ago

Data Visualization on Top Trade Partner of MENA Region

Source: Visualizing the Top Trading Partners of MENA Countries


The above data visualization shows the top trade partners of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. The colorful lines is used to connect the countries that trade with each other. The thickness of the lines indicates the trade volume. It also shows some notes on the trade patterns and the role of China as a major import source

What works well:

  1. It is visually attractive and engaging using different colors to distinguish between countries.
  2. It shows the trade flow directions clearly and effectively, using lines to connect countries that trade with each other.
  3. It provides some context and explanation for the data, such as the role of China as a major import source and the importance of petroleum in Italy’s imports.

What doesn't works well:

  1. It does not provide a legend or a scale to explain the significance of thickness of the lines or color variation, which could lead to misinterpretation.
  2. It can be confusing and complex to follow the overlapping lines, especially for countries that have multiple trade partners.
  3. It does not show the actual values or proportions of the trade, limiting quantitative analysis and comparison.
  4. The text is small and hard to read in some parts of the visualization.

What can be improved:

  1. Show the actual values of trade - The data visualization does not provide any quantitative information for each trade route which limits the analysis and draw conclusion
  2. Provide legend - A legend can be added which could help the user to understand the data in a better way and compare various trade routes
  3. Reduce the clutter of the lines - The overlapping lines create difficulty to identify each country's top trade partners clearly. A more distinct way of representing these connections could enchance the readability.

Name: Debapriyo Saha Roll Number - 21f1004645

TheMandalorian1 commented 8 months ago

World's Population at 8 Billion People

Name: ADITYA DHAR DWIVEDI Roll Num: 21f1001069

DVD1 3

The visualization is a pie chart that shows the world's population at 8 billion people. The pie chart is divided into different regions, each of which is represented by a different color slice. The size of each slice corresponds to the percentage of the world's population that lives in that region.



Yalinisaravanan commented 8 months ago

Data Visualization of Plastic Waste Pollution and Management



This visualization explores which countries in 2010 produced the largest amount of plastic waste and what percentage of this was inadequately managed, but more importantly how does this management correlate to the nation’s GDP per capita.

On the left side, we see the distribution of total plastic waste generation by continent, leading into segregation by country, measured in order of tones per year. This leads into the estimated total percentage of this waste that was inadequately disposed. Finally, these findings are presented with the caveat of the individual country’s GDP per capita.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 204522 Screenshot 2024-01-30 204619 Screenshot 2024-01-30 204706


  1. This visualization brings in unique parameters such as GDP per capita, providing a more nuanced and insightful perspective on the correlation between waste management and economic indicators.
  2. Effectively communicates the message that inadequate waste management correlates with a decrease in GDP per capita, which can raise awareness and prompt action.
  3. The color scheme used differentiates continents, it is subtle and aids in easy identification and comparison without overshadowing the data.
  4. Larger waste-generating countries are easily accessible and comparable, facilitating the extraction of meaningful insights.


  1. This visualization is not so economic. It requires reading of long sentences in "Did you know?" section. It also requires time to figure out. Improvements could be made for a more concise presentation.
  2. The key take away made from this visualization is zero the percentage of inadequately managed waste, higher the GDP per capita. To highlight this they have given bold font to the countries name with 0% inadequately managed waste and also highlighted the GDP per capita circle. But the bold font and highlighted circle are not visible and prominent. A change of color or different size of font or some other prominent highlighting could be made to highlight this key take away.
  3. The overlapping of GDP per capita circles creates confusion, making it challenging to associate a circle with a specific country. Improvements in the arrangement or labeling of circles would enhance data clarity.
  4. The absence of numerical values for GDP per capita and waste tones hinders data accessibility. Including these values could improve the viewer's understanding of the data.
  5. Countries that generate less waste are mentioned using thin lines, making it difficult for viewers to locate a specific country and its GDP per capita.
viraj19r commented 8 months ago


The above visualization uses a unique approach, similar to an infographic, to showcase the impact and size of the largest nuclear explosions ever detonated. It features a series of explosion image examples that help visualize each explosion's scale and impact. The use of images effectively conveys the destructive power of each blast in a way that is easy to understand and remember.

Image source


•⁠ ⁠Visual Appeal: The visualization is visually engaging, using realistic images of nuclear explosions to represent data. •⁠ ⁠Comparative Scale: It provides a comparative scale of the explosions with notable landmarks like Mount Everest for context. •⁠ ⁠Key Information: The inclusion of key information such as the name, date, and yield of each explosion is helpful for understanding the data. •⁠ ⁠Clarity in Data Representation: The use of height lines makes it easy to compare the magnitude of different explosions visually. •⁠ ⁠Inclusion of Icons: Icons for human and geographical scales provide additional context.


•⁠ ⁠Cluttered Appearance: There's a lot going on in the image; it might be overwhelming or confusing at first glance. •⁠ ⁠Readability Issues: Some text elements are small and may be difficult to read, especially on smaller displays or prints. •⁠ ⁠Color Choices: The color scheme, while dramatic, might not be the best for readability and clarity. •⁠ ⁠Lack of Detailed Information: While it provides an overview, there isn’t much detailed information about each event or its global impact. •⁠ ⁠Sensitivity to Topic: The topic is sensitive; the visual representation might not convey the gravity associated with nuclear explosions.

Viraj Sharma(21f1003723)

Purva0808 commented 8 months ago

Data Visualization of top 50 websites


What the visualization aims to depict :

This visualization highlights the undeniable influence of internet giants like Google, YouTube, and Facebook, collectively gaining an astounding 152 billion monthly visits. Utilizing data from SimilarWeb as of November 2020, the visualization provides a comprehensive ranking of global websites, shedding light on user engagement and the evolving dynamics of the internet landscape.

What works well :

  1. The chart effectively presents a clear segmentation of the top websites based on their ranks. This allows viewers to quickly understand the hierarchy and relative positions of each website within the list.

  2. The chart includes clear connections between parent companies, which aids in drawing conclusions about the relationships. This can be crucial for understanding how certain companies are affiliated or part of larger corporations.

  3. The inclusion of additional comments on the chart provides valuable context and supplementary information. This can be essential for interpreting the data accurately and understanding any specific nuances or factors affecting the rankings.

What doesn't work well:

  1. To enhance clarity, using different colors to categorize websites based on the type of industry they cater to would have been beneficial. This would make it easier for viewers to quickly identify and associate companies with specific industries.

  2. If the chart is solely based on the number of monthly visitors, it may lack a comprehensive overview of the websites. Including other essential aspects, such as revenue or market share, would provide a more holistic understanding of the company's performance.

  3. To provide a more detailed analysis, using different colors to represent the country-wise and age-wise distribution of users would enhance the chart's information. This would allow viewers to discern patterns or trends based on geographical and demographic factors.

Name : Purva Sharma Roll Number : 21f1006847

Tris-utkarsh commented 8 months ago

Title : Budget allocation by India Government in FY-22 using donut chart.

Name: Utkarsh Gaurav
Roll no. :21f1001336


Source :

What Works well:

  1. Visual Engagement : The chart is effective at capturing attention due to its visual appeal. The circular shape is intuitive for representing a whole budget.

  2. Simplified Representation : For a basic overview of the budget distributio, the donut chart can effectively convey the relative proportions of different expenditure categories.

  3. Proportion Display : The chart can easily show the proportion distribution of each category, helping the viewers understand the relative significance of different parts of budget.

What doesn't work well :

  1. Limited Information : The chart might not provide a nuanced view of the budget.
  2. Precision Issues : Representing values in paisa on a donut chart may lead to precision issues. Viewers might struggle to interpret the exact values hence affecting the accuracy of understanding.
  3. Comparison Difficulty : Comparing the sizes of segment in donut chart may be less acurate compared to other chart types, making it challenging for viewers to make informed comparisons.

What could be better:

  1. Data Labeling : To address precision, including data labels or an accompanying table can provided viewers with exact values for each expenditure category.
  2. Limited Categories : Since the budget has numerous categories, using a different chart type, such as stacked bar chart or a treemap, might bemore suitable displaying a larger amount of data.
  3. Interactivity : Adding interactive elements can allow users to explore the data in more detail without cluttering the initial view.
  4. Clear Information Design : Ensuring that the chart is clearly labeled and the color choices are meaningful. Providing a legend or labels directly on the chart can enhance understanding.
  5. Consider Audience : Asses the level of details the audience needs. If the aim is to provide a high-level overview , a donut chart may be suitable. However, for more in-depth analysis, consider using other visualisation types.
AaryaM2609 commented 8 months ago


Source :


The above visualization represents "The Top 10 Most-Visited Websites Every Year Since 1995". It uses a subway map-style design to track the popularity of various websites over time. Each line represents a different website, with the line's color corresponding to the website's brand color. The timeline progresses from left to right, starting in 1995 and ending in 2023. Key internet players like AOL, Google, and Yahoo are prominently featured, with Google maintaining a dominant presence in recent years.

Critique :

Pros :


What can be improved:

Name : Aarya Motiwala Roll Number : 21f1003998

Puravasu-Jaideep-Sesha commented 8 months ago

Title: Every Song With Over 1 Billion Spotify Streams


Source -


The visualization showcases Spotify's journey from its European launch in 2008 to becoming the world's leading audio streaming service with 456 million users across 183 markets. It highlights major artists' hits accumulating billions of streams and Spotify's creation of the Billions Club playlist in July 2021. The visualization arranges the playlist by decade and artist, providing insight into music streaming trends over time.

What Works

What does not work


Puravasu Jaideep Sesha 21f1000162

kuine commented 8 months ago


Image Link

Critique by: Shine Priyan (21f1003384)

Title: Ranking the Largest Companies by Revenue: USA vs. China

The visualization is for a comparative analysis between the top 15 firms in the US and China Markets by revenue.

What works well? • Helps identify the distribution of revenue among these companies for each country. • Names of the firms do indicate how the largest firms in the Chinese markets are owned by the State whereas the largest firms in the US markets are not state-owned, giving a hint about the different political philosophies in both countries. • Revenue figures are presented in the same currency units helping compare the firms. • Provides trivia about 2 firms to give a sense of its strength.

What does not work well? • Difficult to compare the revenue of firms at the same rank in each country although there are light gray colored rings that help in comparison but their color blends into the background. • The distortion in the bar width and placement around the circle makes it difficult to compare linearly. • Aggregate revenue of the firms could be mentioned. • Difficult to judge if the height of the bar must be measured from the center of the disc or the circumference.

What could be better? • The operating sector of each firm could be mentioned indicating top industries that generate these revenues. • The color scheme has a very strong contrast and it would be uncomfortable for someone to observe information with multiple visualizations with the same template, some lighter color schemes would have made it easier to use. • The baseline from where the bars are produced could be on a straight line allowing easier observations.

nikhil2003272 commented 8 months ago

21f1001903 Yanamadala Sai Nikhil

Philosophy: A visual depiction of ideas

IMG_6283 Pros:

Conceptual Representation: The visualization effectively captures a spectrum of ideas related to functionality and synthesis, providing a conceptual framework for understanding philosophical concepts. Clarity of Axes: The axes, representing the dys-functional and synthesize-loose/weak spectrums, offer a clear structure for organizing and interpreting. Visual Balance: A balanced distribution of words across quadrants contributes to visual harmony and aids in conveying a comprehensive view of the philosophical landscape. Engagement: The placement of words along the axes(as we go from left to right it becomes functional and as we move from top to bottom it becomes weak)allows viewers to engage in thoughtful reflection on the relationships between various philosophical ideas.


Size:The size of the words may draw unwanted interest of the viewers in the first quadrant the word genius looks big and in the fourth quadrant the words are very small Color and Design Impact: If color or design elements are utilized, there's a risk of these elements overshadowing the conceptual content. It's crucial to ensure that visual enhancements do not detract. Subjectivity: The positioning of concepts along axes might reflect a subjective interpretation. It's essential to consider whether different viewers might interpret the same words differently in terms of functionality and synthesis. Limited Explanation: Without additional context or labels, the words themselves might lack sufficient explanation, making it challenging for viewers to fully grasp the intended meanings or significance of each concept.

asswin-123 commented 8 months ago

Name: Asswin Karuppaiah PL Roll no: 21f1001419

Link: [


Title: Charted: Social Media Usage by U.S. Teenagers

Social Media Usage by U.S. Teenagers

Short Critique: The visualization effectively presents data on social media usage among U.S. teenagers. It aims to inform viewers about the popularity of various social media platforms among this demographic group.

maniesh1 commented 8 months ago

CO2 Emissions Through Time (1950–2022) Manish Kumar(21f1004259)


Description: A comprehensive view of CO2 gas emission with the rise and fall of the contribution of world region over the year 1950 to 2022.

Critique:- Pros:


Ak7210 commented 8 months ago

Global Social Mobility Index (2020) Name:- Ajeet Kumar Roll no:- 21f1006807

Source 7e0748170675501 646259845da9c

The visual graph illustrates the Global Social Mobility Index (GSMI) and the ranking of numerous highly populated countries. It also presents all the indicators used for calculating the GSMI, accompanied by their respective scores. This depiction effectively demonstrates the influence of indicators such as health, education access, education quality and equality on the GSMI.




VarunV2421 commented 8 months ago

US Interest Rates Forecasted Over Time

Name: VS Varun Roll: 21f1002421

Link: Reddit


Description: The white line shows the US Federal Interest Rate over time. The colored (pink and blue) offshoots indicate forecasted interest rate, sourced from Blue lines indicate upward sloping interest curves, red ones indicate downward sloping curves.

What it does well:

What doesn't work so well:

How it could be improved:

harshOpensource commented 8 months ago

The World’s Biggest Steel Producing Nations

Name- HARSH BARDHAN Roll No: 21f1004807


Source Link -

Short Critique

Effectiveness : The visualization effectively presents the data on global steel production by country in 2022. It highlights the dominance of China in steel production, which is more than half of the world’s total. The use of a data to present the data allows for easy comparison between countries.




Sharmaom24 commented 8 months ago

Name: Om Sharma Roll no: 21f1004424

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 2 46 28 PM

How effective is it at what it aims to do? The image is effective at showing the dominance of the "Big 3" tennis players (Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, and Novak Djokovic) in Grand Slam tournaments over the past 20 years. It is clear from the chart that these three players have won the majority of the tournaments in this time period.

What works well?

What doesn't work?

What could be better?

sarthak-iitm commented 8 months ago

India's Rural - Urban Milk Consumption

Name : SARTHAK KHANDELWAL Roll Number : 21f1004405


The visualization is done on the map of India, where the color code depicts the consumption. Darker the shade represents higher consumption of milk in India in the year 2011-2012. Highest consumer of milk seems to be Haryana, closely followed by Punjab for Rural area whereas Rajasthan and Himanchal Pradesh joins Punjab in Urban area.

Source :



Rajkishore2904 commented 8 months ago

Analysis of Elon Musk's Tweeter Feed

Name - Rajkishore Nandi Roll no - 21f1006016


Source :

Description :

The visualization compiles 15000 tweets of Elon Musk and speaks about what subjects he focusses on the most, how his twitter behavior has evolved over the years and how his tweets are correlated to his businesses and main events in his business.

Pros :

Cons :

Improvements :

anirudhssidhu commented 8 months ago

Ransomware Attacks by Sector

Name: Anirudh Singh Siddhu Roll No: 21f1001587


A data visualization of recent and notable ~630 ransomware attacks. This visualization is aiming to present the sector affected by ransomware attack in terms of revenue. The biggest industry to be affect by it is Energy followed by Tech industry.

Source: (




  1. Keep only those circles which could be marked or labelled, otherwise omit them.
  2. The name of the industry should be written in bold outside the circle, so as to avoid overlapping.
  3. A timeline should be made available outside the visualization or have some consistency in keeping the year associated with the company.
rrohnyy02 commented 8 months ago

World's leading natural gas producers and the top importers of Russian gas, as well as the impact of sanctions on Russian gas exports

Name: Rohan Khandelwal Roll no: 21f1005976



How effective is it at what it aims to do?

The infographic aims to show the world's leading natural gas producers and the top importers of Russian gas, as well as the impact of sanctions on Russian gas exports. It is moderately effective at doing this, but it could be improved in a few ways.

What works well?

  1. The infographic is visually appealing and uses a clear color scheme.
  2. The charts and graphs are easy to read and understand.
  3. The text is concise and to the point.

What doesn't work well?

  1. The infographic does not explain the methodology used to calculate the impact of sanctions on Russian gas exports.
  2. The infographic does not consider the impact of sanctions on other countries, such as Germany, which is heavily reliant on Russian gas.

What could be better?

  1. The infographic could be improved by including sources for the data.
  2. The infographic could be improved by explaining the methodology used to calculate the impact of sanctions on Russian gas exports.
  3. he infographic could be improved by considering the impact of sanctions on other countries.

The infographic could be improved by adding a title and a brief explanation of what it is trying to show. Overall, the infographic is a decent attempt to visualize complex data, but it could be improved by providing more context and information.

ajith1119 commented 8 months ago

Data Visualization Society - State of the Industry Survey Review

Name: V Ajith Roll No: 21f1005919

penelopeprivett_dvssurveyreview Source:

Description: The visualization represents Data visualization tools mostly used for visualizing the data, Types of charts used in the visualization and Platforms used for sharing the visualization.



shaumikiitm commented 8 months ago

A heatmap for frequency of birthdays

Name: Shaumik Khanna RollNo: 21f1005771



How effective is it at what it aims to do?

The infographic aims to show the which dates of the year people get their birthday on. One would expect a distribution like this to be uniform. The heatmap tries to show how there do exist small variations in the frequency. It is moderately effective at doing this, but it could be improved in a few ways.

What works well?

What doesn't work well?

What could be better?

ineerajrajeev commented 8 months ago

20 Years of Apple vs. Microsoft

Name: Neeraj Rajeev Shetkar Roll no.: 21F1006328



The provided graph illustrates the performance comparison between tech giants Apple and Microsoft over the past two decades. The graph visually represents the events and developments experienced by each company and their impact on the respective evaluations.



  1. The graph covers most of the events in last 2 decades.
  2. Different contrasting colours used for different companies helps viewer clearly distinguish.
  3. Products launched and companies acquitted are shown along with symbol so that person who may not recognise the company by name may remember by its logo.
  4. Date of creation of visualisation and sources of data mentioned so as to verify the authenticity.


  1. Many of the events missing from the timeline which made huge impact on the company market cap such as Stepping down of Bill Gates as chairmen of Board at Microsoft. Resignation of some significant faces at Apple such as Johnathan Ive, Angela Ahrendts.
  2. Several product launches missing from the graph making huge impact such as Windows 11, Apple Vision Pro, Apple Silicon, etc.
  3. The Graph could have had company evaluation since the company were listed or the company started which cold have provided much more intuition of the company's journey to Microsoft : 298B in 2004 and Apple: 8.3B in 2004.
  4. The graph baseline does not start at 0 rather it starts at 8.3B and distance between 8.3B and 298B at the beginning gives wrong intuition about the actual difference between the market caps.

Suggestions for Graph Improvement:

  1. Event Inclusion: Expand the timeline to encompass critical events that significantly influenced market caps.
  2. Product Launch Integration: Incorporate key product launches to illustrate their impact on company evaluations.
  3. Historical Market Caps: Include data from the companies' initial listing or founding to present a holistic view of their market cap evolution.
  4. Baseline Adjustment: Consider starting the graph from zero to provide an accurate visual representation of the differences in market caps.
mukeshmlb92 commented 8 months ago

Name: Mukesh K Roll no: 21F1000478

Title: A cup of joe

Source ThirdwaveCoffee

Description: The infographic titled "A cup of joe" is designed to compare the prices of various beverages at premium coffee chains. The message that Third Wave's beverages are more economical is effectively conveyed through the comparative pricing.

What Works Well:Comparative Pricing: The infographic successfully compares the prices of beverages across different coffee chains, making it easy to identify the most economical options. • Design and Aesthetics: The use of coffee-relevant color themes and clear icons for each type of beverage enhances the visual appeal and aids in quick identification. • Information Layout: The horizontal alignment of coffee chains and their respective prices facilitates easy cross-comparison between different chains for a specific beverage type. • Price Visibility: Prices are displayed in a bold font that draws attention and is easy to read, effectively highlighting the key information. What Could Be Improved:Volume Information Consistency: The representation of beverage volume varies and should be standardized to allow for an accurate comparison of price per volume across chains. • Symbol Clarity: The meaning of symbols like asterisks and crosses is not immediately clear. A legend or key should be provided for quick reference. • Accessibility: The reliance on green color to convey price information could be problematic for color-blind users. Including patterns or shading would make the data accessible to a wider audience. • Readability of Small Text: The volume of beverages and footnotes are in a smaller font size, which could be difficult for some users to read. This information should be more prominent. • Explanation of Special Characters: There is a need for immediate clarification of special characters used in the graphic to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of the data.

sanket21f1007096 commented 8 months ago

Name: Gaikwad Sanket Sanjay Roll no: 21f1007096

Title: Stolen Paintings Source


Description: The visualization shows the thefts of 40 paintings: they are thefts committed since 1900 to today. For each theft, the following data are indicated: author of the painting, year of the theft, whether the painting has been found or not, title and centuries of the painting. The visualization also shows the cases in which the works were stolen from the same museum.

What works well:

What does not work well:

What could be better:

AlapeAniruddha commented 8 months ago

Name: A Aniruddha Roll: 21F1005327

Title: Codebases, Millions of lines of Code



Description The visualization compares the codebase of various applications on the basis of lines of code. The visualization has considered applications across games, operating systems, vehicles and even organisms.

What works well

What does not work well

What could be better

DEENA0503 commented 8 months ago

Title: 2024 U.S. Clean Electricity Outlook

Name: DEENA GAUTAM Roll Num: 21f1001012


This visualization shows the projected generation capacity of different clean electricity technologies in the U.S. for 2023 and 2024, measured in gigawatts (GW) using bar chart.

Pros: • It can effectively show the percentage growth projected for different electricity sources (battery storage, solar, wind, etc.) in 2024 compared to 2023, allowing for easy visual comparison between them. • It highlights specific details such as the significant growth rate in battery storage capacity with visualization. The relative sizes of bubbles represent growth rate of each technology. • The graph can visually represent the diversification of the U.S. energy portfolio, showcasing the rising prominence of renewables and energy storage compared to traditional sources like coal. • All the categories are represented with an appropriate image which makes it attractive and easy to comprehend.

Cons: • Absence of y-axis can be deceiving. The major difference of generation capacity between battery storage and geothermal is easy to misinterpret. • The colors are not used effectively to represent each category differently. • A graph alone might not provide enough context for understanding the reasons behind the different growth rates or the overall significance of the data.

What could be better?

• Line graph: This could show the trend of growth over time for each source, providing a more nuanced picture. • The bars can be easily color-coded to distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources, emphasizing the shift towards renewables.

lehani1 commented 8 months ago

Visualization of rivers and lakes

Review by: Name: Lehani Raj Mohanta Roll No: 21F1003574

Source : Click here


_The rivers kind of resembles of a left skewed gaussian distribution :openmouth:


The above visualization is a hand colored engraved view of the comparative length of the rivers and the size of lakes around the world. It was made by John Emslie and was published as "Panoramic plan of the principal rivers and lakes" in 1850. The map was created using a technique called stipple engraving, which involves creating an image by making tiny dots with a sharp tool.

This visualization illustrates 42 principal rivers in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.


The illustration of the rivers and the lakes are done in a way that is very intuitive to the viewer. At a glance, one can compare the length of the rivers and the size of the lakes.



How can it be improved upon?

krishnaditi commented 8 months ago

Title:- "Exploring the Ripple Effects of the Russian Invasion on Ukraine's Scientific Landscape"

Name:- Aditi Krishana; Roll No.: 21f1004270




Color Coding: The use of distinct colors for Russia, Ukraine, and the world effectively aids in distinguishing between different entities, contributing to clarity.

Labeled Sectors: The inclusion of icons and text to explain specific impacts in each sector adds granularity and helps viewers understand the detailed consequences.


Small Text: The small text size poses a readability challenge, potentially hindering the audience's ability to comprehend the information easily.

Information Overload: The infographic may suffer from presenting too much content simultaneously, risking cognitive overload for viewers. This could impact the effectiveness of the message delivery.


Enlarge Text: Increasing the text size would enhance readability, making it easier for viewers to absorb the information without straining their eyes.

Simplify Layout: Streamlining the layout by breaking down complex information into more digestible chunks or using a clearer visual hierarchy could improve the overall comprehension of the infographic.

In summary, while the infographic is somewhat effective in conveying interconnected impacts, improvements in text size and layout simplicity would enhance its overall effectiveness and user experience. The critique acknowledges the unique context of comparing a visual representation to conveying information about a complex topic.

Abhishekgu commented 8 months ago

Name: Abhishek Gupta Roll Num: 21f1004820 Title: Monthly Traffic Growth source : WhatsApp Image 2024-02-04 at 8 28 37 PM ![Uploading Top_50_Websites_V4-2.jpg…]()

Positive points:

The visualization is clear and easy to understand. The bars are clearly labeled and the colors are well-chosen. The visualization shows a clear trend of growth. This is a positive point because it shows that social media platforms are growing in popularity. The visualization includes a source, which is a positive point because it allows viewers to learn more about the data. Negative points:

The visualization does not show the data for all social media platforms. This is a negative point because it makes it difficult to compare the growth of different platforms. The visualization does not show the reasons for the growth. This is a negative point because it makes it difficult to understand the factors that are driving the growth of social media platforms. The visualization does not show the negative impacts of social media. This is a negative point because it gives an incomplete picture of social media. Overall, the visualization is a good way to show the growth of social media platforms. However, it would be improved if it showed more data and considered the negative impacts of social media.

Here are some additional points to consider:

The visualization only shows data for a limited time period. It would be interesting to see how the growth of social media platforms has changed over time. The visualization only shows data for global traffic. It would be interesting to see how the growth of social media platforms varies by country or region. The visualization does not show how social media platforms are used. It would be interesting to see how the use of social media platforms varies by user demographics or platform.

phanijallipalli commented 8 months ago

image Link - Click

By : Phani Kumar Jallipalli - 21f3002478

Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Diabetes for the Global Adult Population (50 Largest Countries)

This visualization The percentage of adults worldwide who have been diagnosed with diabetes or have elevated blood glucose levels, with adjustments made for differences in age distributions across populations of Largest 50 countries.

Pros :


How it can be improved

PriyaNathani commented 8 months ago


by Priyanka Nathani : 21f1005807

This is Data visualization for top Share Holders of Byju's


  1. It gives a good visualization of comparative holdings of top share holders in Byju's
  2. The Byju's founder family group and board members are identified separately.
  3. Just by looking at the chart one can get a feel of who is a bigger share holder.
  4. Good choice of graph as it is synonymous with who has a bigger share in the pie.


  1. The choice of a semi-circle instead of complete pie-chart makes the chart difficult to read as there are many share holders
  2. The choice of semi-circle gives an initial feeling that it only refers to half the value.
  3. The share holders are neither mentioned alphabetically nor with respect to their holdings, which lead to going back and forth between the legend and the chart.

Additional points:

  1. It would have been a good idea had the graph also included details like: Total percentage held by family group and board members; Total percentage of non-family largest share holders. It would have been easily comparable to others.
Shabarish1403 commented 8 months ago

Ethnicity in Top 1000 IMDB Movies


P V Shabarish 21f1001346




Points to be Improved:

HungryPanda0212 commented 8 months ago


Image Source -

by : Nisankara Chandana - 21f1005727

Population density map of myanmar

This visvalization is of a 3D population density of Myanmar across the country

Pros :

Cons :

Points to Improved

Charan1152 commented 8 months ago

Graded Assignment 1 - Global Sentiment Analysis

Name: Kruthiventi M R S Sai Charan Roll No.: 21f1004450

Source: Global Sentiment Analysis - SentDex image

In this visualization, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages that come into picture.



Points to be Improved

Thank You

himadridixit commented 8 months ago

Title: The $80 Trillion World Economy in One Chart

Roll No.: 21f1006310



This visualization shows the world economy in 2017 with the global GDP estimated around $80 trillion.

What I like

What I don't like

What can be improved

DevanshGandhi-16 commented 8 months ago

Microsoft Q2 FY-24 Income Statement

Name: Devansh Gandhi Roll No: 21f1002115

breaking-down-microsofts-financial-performance-v0-ftvyysroznfc1 Source: Reddit

This infographic aims to visualize Microsoft's Q2 FY24 income statement, offering a snapshot of the company's financial performance.It is clear, concise, and visually appealing. However, there are a few areas where it could be improved.



Suggestion for improvements:

Overall, the Sankey diagram is a good way to visualize the flow of Microsoft's revenue. However, it could be improved by making it easier to compare values and by reducing the clutter.

hanani8 commented 8 months ago

Hanani Bathina 21f1006169

How Apple Makes Money!

photo_2024-02-04_22-35-33 URL: Source

How effective is it at what it aims to do?

It is one of the finest visualizations I have seen in a while. Zero ambiguity, and the information is displayed succinctly. Apple has a lot of soft power, and its actions have a lot of fallout effects on various aspects of our society. This visualization is, according to me, aiming to spark a conversation around Apple and possibly help people connect dots with other tangential information. It perfectly does it.

What works well and what doesn't?

The funnel-in and funnel-out way of laying the information is very good. It gives data points like iPhone, Mac, iPad their own importance, helping the viewer compare between them, and at the same time indicating that it is part of the product lineup.

The choice of colors for Revenue, Costs, and Profits is very natural and obvious. The dark-green, dark-gray, and dark-red portions being of the same width make it very easy to compare between data points. The pixel-to-$1B ratio is very cleverly chosen, thus resulting in a not-so-bloated graph but at the same time being legible. Data points like {Products, Services}, {iPhone, Mac, iPad}, etc., being on the same column make it easy to compare between them.

In the Revenue sections, the name, YoY, and the $B are on the left side of the darker region, whereas in the Cost and Profits section, it is on the right side, with no exceptions. This uniformity gives a nice symmetry to the graph.

Overall, this seemingly fun graph has sparked off many tangential conversations about R&D, Services, Streaming Shows, Population Density in Fertile Basins, etc., which is a sign of a good visualization.

What could be better?

Maybe having an even darker shade to proportionally color the bands to indicate the previous year's performance, to accompany the YoY number, would be a good addition. Comparing the numbers with other easily understood numbers like GDP of countries will offer a nice perspective, thus sparking off even more conversations.

prakhar-20 commented 8 months ago

Small States: Big Players in Development and Governance

Name : Prakhar Bansal Roll No. : 21f1003810


Source -

About the visualization This visualization gives us the information about the Human Development Index and the Government effectiveness in the year 2017. It also includes graphs of political stability, control of corruption, freedom rating for various countries. All these graphs are grouped by population sizes into 3 categories, that are small, midsized, and big states. Here the states also contains countries. The world map in the top right corner shows the populations of different counties categorized into 3 categories. The blue means that the population is more than 35 million, yellow means between 5 and 35 million and red means less than 5 million. It shows the global distribution of the population. The other small 5 graphs tells that small states tends to be more political suitable, have lower levels of corruption, enjoy more political freedom but small states improve less and have even lost some ground. Small states have maintained or even improved their performance on other governance indicators in recent years, despite having made less progress on the HDI.



Improvements that can be done

arunkumariitm commented 8 months ago

Name: Arunkumar N Roll No: 21f3000442

Title: U.S. Streaming Subscribers: Projections for 2027



About the visualization:

This visualization from Visual Capitalist dives into the future of the U.S. streaming market, offering a glimpse at what it might look like in just three years. Using a simple bar chart format, it presents projected subscriber numbers for four major streaming platforms in 2027: Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+. Each platform is distinguished by a unique color, making it easy to compare their anticipated subscriber bases at a glance.


