bsc-iitm / Data-Visualization-Design-CS4001

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Graded Assignment-1 (May Term 2024) :- Visualization Critique #27

Open Jimmi-Kr opened 4 months ago

Jimmi-Kr commented 4 months ago

For the graded assignment 1, find a simple, stand-alone, static visualization and write a short critique on: How effective is it at what it aims to do? What works well and what doesn't? What could be better? (See Week 1, Part 7 lecture video for a briefing of the assignment)

Make your submission as a comment. It should contain:

Here are samples (sample 1,sample 2, Sample 3) of how this is to be submitted. Use examples that are not used in the samples.

21f1006304ds commented 3 months ago

Name: Rajesh Saha Roll : 21F1006304

Title : How people get around, by modal share %




What worked well:

What could be better:


prashantjnvu commented 3 months ago

Title: Hierarchy of Digital Distractions Student: Prashant Sharma, BS in Data Science and Applications IITM, 21F1004586 Link:



How effective is it at what it aims to do and what works well?

Clear Hierarchical Structure:

  1. Visual Pyramid: The pyramid shape effectively illustrates the concept of increasing distraction levels from bottom to top.
  2. Distinct Sections: Each layer of the pyramid is clearly labeled, showing a gradation from less to more distracting activities.

Effective Use of Color and Space:

  1. Color Gradient: The gradient from light to dark blue provides a clear visual cue about the severity of distractions.
  2. Whitespace Utilization: Adequate whitespace prevents the infographic from appearing cluttered, enhancing readability.

Relatable and Engaging Content:

  1. Use of humorous and relatable examples (e.g., “email linking to video of kittens frolicking”) makes the infographic engaging and memorable.
  2. Descriptions like “email from romantic partner” or “Twitter RT’d by Twitterati” resonate with common digital experiences.

Concise and Informative Text:

  1. Minimal Text: Short descriptions avoid overwhelming the viewer and ensure quick comprehension.
  2. Clear Labels: Each level of the pyramid has clear, concise labels that explain the type of distraction.

Visual Appeal:

  1. Simple Design: Simple, clean design makes the infographic aesthetically ok.
  2. Icons and Symbols: Use of icons and symbols helps in quickly identifying different types of distractions.

What doesn’t work well?

Overgeneralization / lack of credible support for hierarchy:

  1. Overgeneralization of the impact of certain distractions (like – Facebook stranger (hot), stranger (known)), as individual experiences with distractions can vary widely.
  2. Some categories might not accurately reflect the significance of certain distractions for all users.

Subjective Ranking:

  1. Personal Bias: The hierarchy is subjective and not based on empirical data, reflecting the designer’s personal view of distraction levels.
  2. Variability: Different users might rank these distractions differently based on personal habits and preferences.

Small Text and Readability Issues:

  1. Some text of the pyramid is small and may be difficult to read, especially for viewers with visual impairments.
  2. The mid-levels of the pyramid contain more text, making them appear cluttered compared to the upper levels.

Device and Platform Focus:

  1. The infographic focuses heavily on specific devices (e.g., iPhone) and platforms (e.g., Twitter, Skype), which might not encompass all potential digital distractions.
  2. Other significant digital distractions (e.g., gaming, streaming services) are not addressed.

Cultural and Demographic Bias:

  1. The examples used may be more relevant to certain cultures or age groups, limiting the infographic’s applicability to a global audience.
  2. Older generations might not find the examples as relevant as younger, more tech-savvy individuals.
irshad747 commented 3 months ago

For the graded assignment 1, find a simple, stand-alone, static visualization and write a short critique on: How effective is it at what it aims to do? What works well and what doesn't? What could be better? (See Week 1, Part 7 lecture video for a briefing of the assignment)

Make your submission as a comment. It should contain:

  • Title of the example with one image (add URL reference if it is online)
  • Short critique (could be in paragraphs or bullet points)
  • You can edit or update your comment up until the submission deadline but do not make multiple comments. If your GitHub username is not your actual name, include it in the comment/comment title.

Here are samples (sample 1,sample 2, Sample 3) of how this is to be submitted. Use examples that are not used in the samples.

Title: Population Distribution by country Student: Irshad Sareshwala, BS in Data Science and Applications IITM, 21F1004835 Article Link : Image: world-population-at-8-billion

Short Critique Effectiveness:

The visualization effectively communicates the distribution of the world's population by country. It provides a clear, quick understanding of how the global population is distributed geographically.

What Works Well:

Color Coding: The use of distinct colors for each continent makes it easy to differentiate between them also the use of different shade for the countries in the same continent aids in quick identification of each country.

Labels: The labels are clear and appropriately placed, aiding in quick identification of each continent.

Relative Size Representation: Showing regions with the most population as larger helps in quickly understanding the relative population densities of different areas.

Simplicity: The simplicity of the visualization can be a strength, making it easy for viewers to understand at a glance. However, it might also be a limitation if viewers require more detailed information about specific countries or regions.


Lack of Specificity: Not showing countries' original shapes can lead to ambiguity, as viewers may not be able to identify individual countries or regions accurately also Without the actual shapes of countries, viewers might misinterpret the data. For example, a large, sparsely populated country might appear smaller than a small, densely populated country, leading to incorrect assumptions about population density..

Distortion: The use of a globe can distort the perception of population distribution, especially for countries placed near the poles in the visual, which may appear larger than they are in reality.

Lack of Country Details: Viewers cannot see the shapes or boundaries of countries, which may be important for understanding geopolitical contexts or specific population distributions within countries.

Clarity and focus: Since distribution is based on countries the use of continent names for regions may lead to confusion (e.g rest of east Asia 36M). Consider using country names or alternative labels to maintain clarity.

Color coding: Color shades for the countries of a continent should have been selected based on the population of the country.

Suggestions for improvement:

Interactive Elements: Incorporating interactive features like tooltips or clickable regions to display detailed population information for each country.

Data Transparency: Providing access to the underlying data or methodology used for the visualization can enhance trust and understanding among viewers.

Scale Representation: Including a scale or legend to indicate how the globe's size and color correspond to population density can improve clarity.

Kaustav-Goswami9 commented 3 months ago

Title: "The World Wide Web: A Breakdown of Internet Usage by Country"

Name: Kaustav Goswami Roll: 21f1001588

Article Link:

The World Wide Web: A Breakdown of Internet Usage by Country #Infographic


  1. Visual Appeal:

    • The circular format is visually engaging and makes the data more interesting to look at.
    • The use of colors to differentiate various metrics helps in quickly identifying patterns and trends.
  2. Detailed Data:

    • The infographic covers 216 countries, providing a thorough analysis of global internet usage.
    • The breakdown of internet users by country and the percentage of each country's population using the internet offer valuable insights.
  3. Multiple Metrics:

    • It includes various aspects of internet usage such as the total number of users, the percentage of the population online, the share of global internet users by country and the most popular browsers.
    • The heat map in the center showing internet penetration percentages adds depth to the data presentation.
  4. Clear Labels and Legends:

    • Labels and legends are clear and provide enough context to understand the data without needing additional explanations.
    • The color-coding is intuitive, especially in the heat map, where warmer colors indicate higher internet penetration.


  1. Complexity:

    • The infographic is very dense and may be overwhelming for some viewers. The sheer amount of data presented can make it difficult to digest at a glance.
    • The circular format, while visually appealing, can be harder to read compared to a more straightforward bar or line chart, especially for precise values.
  2. Color Usage:

    • Although colors help differentiate data, the palette used for the percentage breakdown around the circle can be confusing. Similar shades may not be easily distinguishable for some viewers.
    • The color scheme in the heat map could be problematic for colorblind individuals and there is no alternative provided for these viewers.
  3. Browser Popularity Section:

    • The section on browser popularity is small and somewhat disconnected from the rest of the data. It might have been more effective if integrated into the main circular chart or given more prominence.
    • The data on browser popularity is minimal compared to the detailed country-by-country internet usage data, creating an imbalance.
  4. Lack of Context:

    • The infographic does not provide information on the sources of its data, which is crucial for validating the information presented.
    • There is no time reference indicating when the data was collected, which is important for understanding the relevance and timeliness of the information.
  5. Interactivity:

    • In a static format, the infographic lacks interactivity, which could have been beneficial for exploring specific data points more deeply. An interactive version would allow users to hover over sections to get detailed information.


  1. Simplify the Design:

    • Simplifying the layout to make it more readable. Breaking it down into multiple smaller infographics or a more traditional format might help in understanding the data better.
  2. Improve Accessibility:

    • Using a more diverse color palette and provide patterns or textures to help differentiate data points for colorblind users.
    • Adding a legend or a tool-tip style interactivity (if digital) would enhance accessibility.
  3. Add Context and Sources:

    • Including the source of the data and the date when it was collected will add credibility and context to the infographic.
    • A brief explanation of key insights or trends observed in the data can help guide the viewer.
  4. Enhance Browser Data Section:

    • Expand the section on browser usage or integrate it more effectively into the main chart. Providing more detailed insights or a separate infographic focused on browser trends could be useful.

Overall, I feel that this infographic is rich in data and visually compelling but simplifying its design, improving accessibility and providing more context would significantly enhance its effectiveness and user-friendliness.

Ruhil-DS commented 3 months ago

Data Visualization Designs - Assignment 1

My Details

Key Value
Name Pushpak Ruhil
Roll no 21F2001180
Date 9 June 2024

Percentage of Americans That Identify As Christians - Fox News

Fox News broadcasted the following visualization which is semantically incorrect. Let's look at it in brief below

image Source(0:22)

What's wrong

Why it's wrong

What could have been right?

Things that are just correct

ranjan-satya commented 3 months ago

Satya Ranjan Sahu 21f1005375 URL:


What they are trying to show:

The rising cost of training AI models over time.

What's working:

What's not working:

neeraj-iit commented 3 months ago

Name - Neeraj Yadav (21f1005729) Title - CO2 Emissions by Country (2019) Link -



Effectiveness: The visualization aims to present the annual CO2 emissions by country for the year 2019. It displays the emissions for each country, which is effective for comparing the values across different countries.

What Works Well:

What Doesn't Work:

What Could Be Better:

Overall, the bar chart effectively communicates the CO2 emissions by country, but some enhancements could improve its readability and provide a deeper understanding of the data.

ShyamSundhar1411 commented 3 months ago

Name - Shyam Sundhar Ganesh Reg No - 21f3001249 Title - Different Data Visualization tools Link - 10-types-of-data-visualization-1 Pros


trxpti commented 3 months ago

CO2 Emission vs. Vulnerability to Climate Change by Nation Across the World


Aim of the given visualization

This visual presents a precise report of CO2 emissions and climate change vulnerability data of nations as of 2010. It aims to gently remind and warn nations to stop excessive CO2 emissions.

How effective is the given visualization?

At first glance, this visual stands out because it is clear and easily understandable. The title, visual, and color labels clearly convey the intended message without clutter, effectively covering the data of all nations.

Things that work well in this visual

Things that don’t work well in this visual

What could be better?

Best Regards, Tripti Arya 21F1005935

harsh18n commented 3 months ago


Visualization Critique: Women's Wages - Jobs with the Highest and Lowest Pay Gaps



The visualization aims to highlight the jobs in which women earn the most and the least compared to men, expressed as a percentage of men's earnings. It effectively demonstrates the disparity in earnings across different occupations, providing a clear comparison between jobs where women are relatively better paid and those where they face significant pay gaps.

What Works Well

What Doesn't Work

Suggestions for Improvement

Harshini Natraj 21f1005191

Sa-N98 commented 3 months ago

Satellites in Low Orbits Are Taking over the Skies

Source: Satellites in Low Orbits Are Taking over the Skies | Scientific American Saranya Nayak 21f1005767


What works?

• Using different contrasting colors to categorize orbits, and sub-categorizing satellites by weight with varying shades of the same color, is an effective method for organizing and displaying data compactly and efficiently.

• Initially, I thought that choosing the origin at the top instead of the bottom for displaying “Satellites in Low Orbits Are Taking Over the Skies” conveyed the opposite meaning. However, I then realized our minds are trained to read from top to bottom. These clever positioning of the origin makes it an effective starting point for the graph.

• Incorporating arrows in the legends, rather than relying solely on numerical labels, provides clear visual cues and enhances the data’s interpretability. It’s a smart way to facilitate quick comprehension.

What doesn’t work/ what can be improved?

• Horizontal grid lines help in aiding data comparison for a specific year. Their absence makes it difficult to interpret the data accurately. Consider adding those grid lines to enhance clarity.

• The uneven pyramid structure can introduce ambiguity when interpreting the length and corresponding satellite count. Opting for a flat base would certainly enhance clarity and readability.



SURAJARS commented 3 months ago

Name - Suraj ARS Reg No - 21f1005229 Title - Famous N.B.A players career points by age Source - Click Here

NBA Players Career Points


  1. Above line diagram addresses popular N.B.A player vocation focuses as per age that they had arrived at in every achievement. Diagram chiefly centers around a player Le Bron James how could he become top scorer

  2. This line diagram says regarding every player perfectly by specifying name close to each line. Through this Basketball fans can understand without any problem.


  1. An excessive number of lines in a diagram makes portrayal monstrous and unfit to appropriately snatch information.

  2. As well as diagram determines current players in Blue variety color which doesn't exactly measure up for well with this setting as we can see players line of Stephen Curry and Rudy not ready to contrast information and different players.

  3. Dim or blurred lines in diagram doesn't address well and an excessive number of lines are available and makes like dissipate outline each lines converge with one another . Any reader not ready to figure out information of past players.

adityar-2309 commented 3 months ago

Name - Aditya R Reg No - 21f1006862 Title - Big Mac Index: Price of a Big Mac in Different Countries Critique:

Effectiveness: The visualization effectively compares the cost of a Big Mac across different countries, providing insight into currency value and purchasing power parity.

What Works Well: Clear Comparison: The bar chart format makes it easy to compare the prices of Big Macs across various countries at a glance. Color Coding: Different colors for each country help to distinguish between them quickly. Data Labeling: Including the actual prices on the bars enhances readability and immediate understanding.

What Doesn't Work: Lack of Context: The visualization does not provide context on why the Big Mac Index is significant or how it relates to currency valuation. Absence of Trend Information: It’s a static visualization and doesn’t show changes over time, missing the opportunity to illustrate trends in currency valuation. Overcrowding: If there are too many countries, the chart can become cluttered, making it difficult to read and compare prices.

What Could Be Better: Adding Annotations: Including brief annotations explaining the significance of the Big Mac Index and its implications for currency valuation would add depth. Trend Line Addition: Incorporating a trend line or small multiples to show changes over time could provide more insights into how the purchasing power of different currencies evolves. Interactive Elements: An interactive version where users can hover over bars to get more detailed information or filter by region could enhance engagement and usability. output

Kirupa-Krishan commented 3 months ago

Name: Kirupa Krishan G Roll: 21f1006352 Title: 2024 Lok Sabha Election Poll Results by Parties in various constituencies


Source Image:

Cons :

  1. The map size could be more prominent and easier to navigate.
  2. The constituencies are not named on the map; hence, it is difficult for someone without location knowledge to know which constituencies are being shown.
  3. There needs to be a clear indication of what the numbers represent, and there is no mention of its use anywhere in the article.
  4. Some smaller constituencies are not shown in the map and, hence, are zoomed in to make it relevant.
  5. Not all the parties are shown on the map; only the major parties of the two major alliances are highlighted. The other parties are clubbed together as one.
  6. The colour coding for various parties has the same colour grading; hence, it is difficult to differentiate one party from the other.
  7. The visualization is in the shape of a map of India, but the amount of data cramped into this small space is more than required.

Things to Improve :

  1. The map can be annotated to give an idea of what the various data points in the map represent.
  2. The representation of constituencies and their winning parties can be represented as a simple table as it is much more easily interpretable.
  3. The parties can be given colors that are not on the same gradients.
srinivesh commented 3 months ago

Infographic that explains an Infographic

Name - S R Srinivasan Reg No - 21f3001249 Title - Infographic on Infographic! Link -




The visualization aims to present essential purpose of an infographic. As the author says, "An infographic is a picture that blends data with design, storytelling, and insights that helps nonprofits concisely communicate messages to their audiences." The creative presentation in this infographic looks to bring out the difference between data, information, presentation, and visualization.

What Works Well

Almost everything seems to work well in the visualization. A few specific items are:

What Doesn't Work

Most of the elements of the visualization fit together and there are very few 'mistakes'.

What Could Be Better

It is quite difficult to improve a product that is already very good. Since lego blocks are often used to create shapes, the last tile could have actually used shapes rather than simple arrnagement of the bricks. The other tiles have an element of 3-dimensions and the last title could have enhanced this further by making the shapes 'interact' with each other.

Ashutosh-tec commented 3 months ago

Name: Ashutosh Kumar Barnwal Roll: 21f1001709 Title: Properties of Money Flow Analysis by Sanky Diagrams




pranaydeep139 commented 3 months ago

Name: Sakiley Pranay Deep Roll number: 21F1005603 Title: Ranked: The 10 Most Visited Countries in 2023 Source:


Objective: This visualization aims to depict the 10 most visited countries in 2023, based on the total number of foreigners entering each country.



What could be improved:

While this visualization effectively fulfills its objective, there are places where it could be improved to make it more effective and accessible.

Indu16910 commented 3 months ago

Name: Tabu Venkata Indumathi Kalla Roll no: ce22b062 Title: Coronavirus World Map Tracking: Geographic Data visualization Screenshot (1444) Objective: This visualization aims to depicts average daily covid 19 cases per 100,000 people around the world. Pros: Easy to Understand: Provides a clear, immediate overview of global COVID-19 case distribution. Geographical Insight: Offers a visual comparison of the pandemic's impact across different regions and countries. Quick Reference: Serves as a quick reference for viewers to grasp the scale and spread of the virus without needing to interpret complex data. Visual Impact: Highlights hotspots effectively, drawing attention to areas with high case counts. Accessibility: Simple to view and interpret, requiring no interaction or additional tools. Consistency: Static nature ensures the information is fixed and consistent, avoiding confusion from real-time changes. Low Resource Requirement: Easier to create and maintain compared to interactive maps, requiring fewer technical resources.

Cons: Lack of Interactivity: Users cannot zoom in/out or click on regions for more detailed information. Outdated Information: Static maps do not update in real-time, potentially displaying outdated data. No Detailed Data: Limited ability to show detailed statistics or trends over time for specific regions. Contextual Limitations: May lack context such as population density, healthcare capacity, or other relevant factors. Visual Bias: Potential for misinterpretation due to the use of colors or size scales without proper context. Fixed Information: Inflexible presentation, unable to adapt to new data or changing circumstances. Accessibility Issues: May not be fully accessible to individuals with visual impairments or those needing alternative formats.

What could be better? To improve the static COVID-19 cases map, adding interactive features like zooming and detailed regional data pop-ups would enhance user engagement and understanding. Incorporating real-time updates and additional context such as population density and healthcare capacity would provide a more accurate and comprehensive view. Ensuring accessibility features and clear legends would make the map more user-friendly and informative for a wider audience.

Souvikx2 commented 3 months ago

Name – Souvik Bhattacharjee Reg No - 21f1003742 Title – Teenage Pregnancies Source -


Objective: This visualization aims capture the reduction of the number of teenage pregnancies rate from 1974-1983 in Toronto, Canada.

Pros: • The visual is eye catching with its calm color scheme and design. • Incorporating the teenage woman in the visual can convey the infographic’s story effortlessly.

Cons: • Using per 1000 as the base doesn’t provide context on the total number of teenagers who are pregnant. • There needs to be clarity for the legends. The blue and pink woman figures on the right used as legends are not easily grasped in the first go. • Both the blue and pink line have been decreasing over the years. Does that mean the percentage of girl teenagers has reduced as well which could be the reason for teenage pregnancy have rate going down. Clarity on this would be useful.

What could be improved: • Use of better legends, for easy differentiation between the lines. • Comparison between the absolute number of girl teenagers and those who are pregnant in Toronto would be more useful and easier to understand.

Ashrey30 commented 3 months ago

Name: Ashrey Roll No.: 21f2000448

Title: The Rise and Rise of A.I. Large Language Models (LLMs) & their associated bots like ChatGPT

URL: The Rise and Rise of A.I. Large Language Models (LLMs) & their associated bots like ChatGPT



The visualization aims to depict the evolution and diversity of large language models (LLMs) over time, highlighting their sizes (in terms of parameters) and categorizing them by the organizations that developed them. It successfully showcases the rapid growth and variety of LLMs from different companies and research institutions, providing a clear historical context and current landscape.

What Works Well

What Could Be Better


Overall, the visualization is effective in communicating the rapid development and diversity of LLMs. Enhancements in handling overlapping bubbles, providing more detailed information, and refining the scale could make it even more informative and user-friendly.

abirChakrabortyIITM commented 3 months ago

Name: Abir Subroto Chakraborty Roll No: 21f2000280 Email:

Title: Visualizing the Biomass of Life

Source: Visualizing the Biomass of Life



The objective of the infographic is to visually compare the biomass of various animal groups on Earth, highlighting their relative carbon weights to educate viewers about the distribution of biomass in the living world.


  1. Visual Clarity: The 3D block representation is intuitive, making it easy to compare different groups at a glance.
  2. Color Coding: Consistent use of color across all groups helps in maintaining visual coherence and differentiating categories effectively.
  3. Contextual Information: The text accompanying each block provides context about the animal groups, including examples and key statistics, enhancing comprehension.
  4. Proportional Representation: The proportionality of the cubes accurately reflects the data, making the scale differences apparent.
  5. Engagement: The design is visually engaging, which can capture the audience's attention and make the information more memorable.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Scale Detail: While the cube representation is effective, adding a numerical scale on the side could help in precisely understanding the dimensions of each block.
  2. Additional Annotations: More detailed annotations or callouts on certain blocks could provide further insights or highlight interesting facts.
  3. Simplifying Complexity: The intricate details of some blocks (like the marine arthropods) might be overwhelming; simplifying these could help in maintaining focus.
  4. Color Differentiation: Slightly varying the shades more distinctly between categories could improve visual differentiation.
  5. Interactivity: In a digital format, interactive elements allowing users to click on blocks for more detailed information could enhance user engagement and learning.


    Overall, the infographic succeeds in making complex data accessible and visually appealing but could benefit from minor adjustments to improve clarity and user interaction.

sheikhuzairhussain commented 3 months ago

Name: Sheikh Uzair Hussain Roll Number: 21f1001254

The Spiraling Opioid Epidemic in America


The infographic titled "The Spiraling Opioid Epidemic in America" is effective in visually representing the dramatic rise in opioid overdose deaths over the last 20 years in the United States. It effectively highlights the three waves of the opioid crisis, providing a clear and impactful visual narrative.

What Works Well

What Doesn't Work and Can Be Improved

Afringowhar commented 3 months ago

Name: Syed Afrin Gowhar Roll No.: 21f2001140

Title: Learning Out of Poverty



Areas for Improvement:


"Learning Out of Poverty" is a compelling and visually engaging infographic that effectively communicates the multifaceted benefits of education. By improving text readability and providing data sources, its impact could be further amplified, making it an even more powerful tool for advocacy and education.

Harsehraab commented 3 months ago

Name: Harsehraab Singh Sarao Rollno. 21f1000507

Title: Market share of AMD and Intel during Q3 2019 URL:


The stacked bar chart aims to visually represent the relative market share of AMD and Intel CPUs during Q3 2019.

What works well:

  1. The use of contrasting colors (red and blue) makes it easy to distinguish between AMD and Intel's shares.
  2. The precise percentage values are displayed for each segment, allowing viewers to quickly grasp the exact market share figures.
  3. The simple and clean design with a clear title and legend makes the chart easy to understand at a glance.

What doesn't work well:

  1. The lack of historical data or a time-series view limits the chart's ability to convey trends or changes in market share over time.
  2. There is no additional context or explanatory text, making it rely solely on the surrounding information to explain its significance.

What could be better:

  1. Including additional bars for previous quarters or years could provide more context and showcase the progression of AMD's market share gains over time.
  2. Considering alternative chart types, such as a line graph or an area chart, could potentially convey the historical trend more effectively than a single stacked bar.
  3. Incorporating additional data or dimensions, such as market share by product segment (e.g., desktop, server, etc.) or geographical region, could provide more granular insights.
U-Adithyan commented 3 months ago

Name: U Adithyan Roll No.: 21f1000703

Biggest Tech Acquisitions of 2020

Source: 2020s-Biggest-Tech-Mergers-and-Acquisitions This Visualisation shows the biggest acquisitions that happened in the tech world during 2020- The year the COVID-19 Pandemic hit globally




While the current design for the visualization is visually appealing and eye-catching, a simpler visualization could have been much more effective at conveying the information without much clutter or empty space.

vpleaides8 commented 3 months ago

Top Lithium Producers in 2023

Student: Kruttika Milind Soni (21f1001029)



  1. The use of the lithium mine visual to represent the data is very meaningful. It lends semantic encoding to the visualisation.
  2. The colour and setting of the mine transports the viewer to the basics of what the data is about.
  3. It specifies the unit and provides country names and flags to try to be more visual.
  4. They have given the source of their data in the visualisation itself and also clarified that the numbers are estimates.

Faults and improvements

  1. The slight perspective caused by viewing the data from a bird's eye view skews the perception of area. This creates a Ponzo illusion where we think the data in the background should be larger than it is.
  2. Trying for realism has led to fuzzy edges which undermines the clarity that smooth edges provide.
  3. The edges also have a depth being represented as pools of chemicals which also leads to confusion in the true size of the polygons.
  4. The perspective unnecessarily leads to a 3D visualisation where a 2D visualisation was possible.
  5. Use of percentage would have been a useful metric here.
bhumikaxyz commented 3 months ago

Name: Bhumika Taneja Roll No.: 21F1006329

It Fell From the Sky



This visualisation by Luiz Amorim depicts information about meteorite impacts. It uses a combination of elements like a world map, timeline, and text descriptions to showcase this data.

What works

  1. Compelling title and image: The title “It Fell from the Sky” and the image of a meteorite immediately capture the viewer’s attention and effectively introduce the topic of meteorite impacts.
  2. Use of color: The visualization uses a cool blue color scheme for the background and text, which is appropriate for scientific data visualizations and makes the bright orange highlights of the meteorites stand out.
  3. Clear hierarchy of information: The visualization uses a clear hierarchy of information, with the title and subtitle at the top, followed by the main content area which includes a timeline, a world map and text descriptions.

What doesn't work

  1. Lack of Precision: While the map shows impacted regions, it doesn't pinpoint the exact locations.
  2. Misleading Bubbles: The size of the bubbles and their comparison based on weight might inaccurately portray the actual affected area.
  3. Uneven Timeline: The timeline lacks years or even spacing between markers, making it confusing to interpret the data's temporal aspect.
  4. Limited Connection: It's difficult to correlate impacted areas with specific time periods in the timeline.

What could be better

  1. Timeline: An evenly spaced timeline and color coded timeline bars to visually represent the number of impacts per year.
  2. World Map: Use different-sized symbols to represent the actual size of the meteorites, not their weight.
  3. Text Descriptions: Condense the text to highlight key takeaways from the data.
miqbal07 commented 3 months ago

Name - Iqbal Hossain Roll no. 21F2000965 Title: The World Bank Group Country Climate & Development Reports In Numbers Source:


Short Critique


Comprehensive Data Presentation:

Visual Appeal:

Clear Metrics:

Source Attribution: The presence of the World Bank Group logo adds credibility and assures viewers of the authenticity of the data.


Data Density: The infographic is packed with information, which can be overwhelming for viewers. Breaking it into smaller sections might improve readability.

Lack of Interactivity: The static nature of the infographic limits user engagement and the ability to explore the data in depth.

Overuse of Percentages:

Limited Geographic Detail:

What Could Be Better:

Interactive Elements:


Additional Context: Brief explanations or context for each statistic would help viewers grasp the real-world implications of the data. For instance, elaborating on what a 6.2% agricultural loss entails in practical terms.

Consistent Scaling: Ensuring consistent scaling and clear legends for all visual elements can help prevent misinterpretation and enhance overall clarity.

pranam-pagi commented 3 months ago

Name: Pranam P. Pagi Roll No: 21f3002964

The Top 50 Most Visited Websites in the World (2022)




The visualization effectively communicates the dominance and relative traffic volumes of the world's top 50 websites. It uses a circular layout with bubble sizes proportional to the amount of traffic each site receives, making it visually impactful and easy to grasp the overall landscape of internet usage.

What Works Well:

  1. Visual Hierarchy: The use of circle sizes proportional to traffic volume is intuitive, allowing users to quickly see which websites are the largest in terms of traffic.
  2. Colour Coding: Different colours represent different categories of websites, making it easy to distinguish between various types of online services (e.g., social media, news, search engines).
  3. Concise Information: Each circle includes the website name, URL, country of origin, and traffic volume in a compact format, providing all necessary information at a glance.
  4. Additional Insights: The inclusion of additional insights, such as the total traffic for top websites and high-duration visits, provides more context and adds value to the visualization.

What Doesn't Work:

  1. Visual Overload: The circular layout with numerous overlapping circles can feel cluttered, making it challenging to focus on individual elements. This can overwhelm viewers and reduce the effectiveness of the information being conveyed.
  2. Overlap in Categories: Some websites might belong to multiple categories (e.g., Facebook as both a Social Media Network and a Streaming & Online TV service), but the visualization does not account for these overlaps, which can lead to confusion.
  3. Font Size and Style: The small font size used for labels, especially in smaller circles, is difficult to read. Additionally, the font style may not be the most legible, further impacting readability.
  4. Disproportionate Emphasis: The largest circles (e.g., Google) dominate the visual field, potentially skewing the viewer's perception and overshadowing other relevant sites that might also be influential in their respective domains.

What Could Be Better:

  1. Simplified Design for Smaller Websites: Reducing the number of websites shown or grouping lower-traffic sites into categories could help alleviate the overcrowding issue.
  2. Enhanced Contrast: Using a more distinct colour palette with higher contrast between categories would make it easier to differentiate at a glance, especially for users with visual impairments.
  3. Multi-Category Indication: Implement a system to indicate websites that fall into multiple categories. For example, use pattern fills or multi-coloured borders to represent multiple categories.


Overall, this visualization is effective in showcasing the dominance of the top 50 websites, but it could be improved with better handling of small-scale data, and an optimized colour scheme for better readability and accessibility.

45sajal commented 3 months ago

Name - Sajal Dhingra Roll No. - 21f2001213

Source -

Global Hunger Index in 2018


Aim and Effectiveness

The map aims to show world hunger levels by country in 2018. It uses color coding to represent different levels of hunger severity, ranging from “very low” (in green) to “extremely alarming” (in dark red). This is a fairly effective way to communicate the information, as color coding is a well-recognized way to represent data.


  1. Easy to understand: The color coding system is easy to understand, even for people who are not familiar with the Global Hunger Index.
  2. Clear legend: The legend clearly defines the different color categories and their corresponding hunger severity levels.


  1. Limited data visualization: A choropleth map, like this one, only shows one data point per region. It can be difficult to see the variations in hunger levels within a country, especially for larger countries.
  2. No scale: The legend provides the definition of the categories, but it does not show the numerical scale used to determine which category a country falls into.


  1. Include a scale on the legend: Adding a scale to the legend would allow viewers to see the exact hunger score for each color category.
  2. Consider using multiple data points per country: If data is available, it could be useful to show hunger levels for different regions within a country. This could be done using different colors or shadings within each country boundary.


Overall, the map is a reasonably effective way to show global hunger levels at a glance. However, it could be improved by including more data visualization techniques.

shelleyiitm commented 3 months ago

Shelley R [21f1005512]

> Title: The World’s Oldest and Youngest Countries, by Median Age


Article Url:


The Median age is a single indicator of the age distribution of a population- where half the population is older and half is younger than the listed age. It can help government and private companies plan for age-specific demand for goods and services from the resident population. World median age is 31 years and India's age is 30 years.

What Works:

What Doesn’t work and can be improved on:

Dheeraj-Sathianarayanan commented 3 months ago

Name : Dheeraj S Reg No : 21F1002027

Title: Switching behaviour between phone brands of the dutch - 2014 Edition

Source :



The visualisation depicts the relationship between cell phone service providers in NewZealand as to which company the consumer switches to while buying a new phone. It was done by data visualisation designer Nadieh Bremer based on Deloitte Survey Data.

What Works Well

What Doesn't Work Or Could Be Better


This is one of the most Efficient and Effective Visualisations as it is almost perfect and communicates the phone behaviour pattern of the dutch people.It is very user-friendly and intuitive It was rightfully chosen for the shortlist of the Data Journalism category in the 2015 Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards.

NikitaSharma1 commented 3 months ago

Title : The World’s Best Restaurants in 2024

Name: Nikita Sharma Roll Number : 21f1000637

Source : Link to Article



This visualization effectively presents the top ten restaurants in the world for 2024, as ranked by William Reed’s Best 50 annual list. The map and accompanying list provide a clear and concise overview of the locations and rankings of these restaurants.

What Works Well:

  1. Clarity and Simplicity: The map is clean and easy to understand, with purple dots marking the restaurant locations. The numbered list next to the map is straightforward and legible.
  2. Visual Appeal: The color scheme and icons are attractive and make the information easy to digest. The map and list work well together to present the data.
  3. Geographical Context: The map offers a quick visual reference to see where the top restaurants are located around the world, which is helpful for understanding their global distribution.
  4. Direct Information: The visualization provides the names and locations of the restaurants directly, which makes it easy to identify and locate each one.

What Doesn't Work Well:

  1. Limited Detail: The map and list only show the names and locations of the restaurants. They lack additional details like the type of cuisine, or the reasons these restaurants are ranked highly. This could make the visualization more engaging.
  2. Uniform Map Markers: The dots on the map are all the same size, making it hard to quickly see the relative importance or ranking of each restaurant.
  3. Map Scale and Context: The map is quite zoomed out, which can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact locations of the restaurants without referring to the list, especially for restaurants close to each other in Europe.

What Could Be Better:

  1. Ranking Emphasis: Using different sizes or shades for the dots based on their ranking could help viewers quickly grasp the relative positions of the restaurants.
  2. Additional Information: Adding brief descriptions, the type of cuisine, or notable awards for each restaurant in the list would provide more context and enhance the informative value of the visualization.
  3. Interactive Elements: An interactive version of this map could allow users to click on each dot to get more detailed information about the restaurant, including photos, descriptions, and links to their websites.
  4. Zoomed-in feature: Providing zoomed-in for areas with a high concentration of top restaurants, such as Europe, would improve clarity and help viewers distinguish between closely located restaurants.
Arvind-Gunasekaran commented 3 months ago

Name: Arvind Gunasekaran Roll No: 21f1001014 Student Email:

50 Years of Video Game Industry Revenues, by Platform


Infographic Link:

Brief: This visualization of video game industry revenues by platform offers a detailed look at how different market segments perform against each other. The various Industries categorized are Console, Mobile, PC, AR/VR, Handheld, and Arcade Gaming. These insights highlight the shifting dynamics in the video game industry over 50 years.

How effective is it at what it aims to do? The graph aims to show the evolution of video game industry revenues across different platforms (arcade, console, PC, handheld, mobile, VR/AR) from 1970 to 2022, while also marking significant events and game releases that influenced the industry. It effectively communicates both the quantitative data (revenue growth) and qualitative data (industry milestones).

What works well?

  1. Choice of Graph: The graph presented is a stacked area chart combined with a timeline. This type of visualization is effective for showing how different segments contribute to the total over time, as well as highlighting key historical milestones and events in the video game industry.
  2. Data Labels: Each segment is labeled with the category and revenue figures, providing immediate context without the need for additional interpretation.
  3. Historical Context: The inclusion of key milestones, game releases, and technological advancements (e.g., the launch of Atari 2600, iPhone, and Steam) adds valuable context to the data. This helps viewers understand the factors driving changes in revenue.
  4. Visual Appeal: The use of retro gaming imagery and a vibrant color palette makes the chart visually engaging. This can help draw in viewers and keep them interested in the data.

What doesn't work well?

  1. Overcrowding of Information:

    • Cluttered Timeline: The graph attempts to cover a large amount of historical data and significant events, which can make it look cluttered. The numerous milestones and annotations can overwhelm viewers, making it harder to focus on the revenue trends.
    • Small Text: Some annotations and text elements are small and may be difficult to read, especially for viewers with vision impairments or those viewing the graphic on smaller screens.
  2. Complexity for Casual Viewers:

    • Visual Complexity: The stacked area chart combined with a dense timeline can be visually complex. Casual viewers or those unfamiliar with the industry might find it challenging to understand the detailed information quickly.
    • Layering Effects: The overlapping areas for different platforms might be confusing, particularly in sections where revenue contributions are similar in size. This can make it hard to differentiate the exact contributions of each segment at a glance.
  3. Lack of Detailed Revenue Data:

    • Absence of Specific Figures: While the graph provides a general sense of revenue trends, it does not include specific annual revenue figures for each segment. Detailed numbers would provide a clearer understanding of the scale and growth of each platform.
    • Revenue Scale: The vertical axis shows total revenue, but it might be beneficial to have additional markers or lines to indicate significant revenue milestones (e.g., $50B, $100B) more clearly.

What could be better?

  1. Detailed Data Labels: Adding specific revenue figures or growth percentages at key points in the graph could enhance understanding. While the overall trend is clear, precise data points would provide more detailed insights.

  2. Breakdown by Region: Including regional breakdowns could add another layer of depth, showing how different markets have contributed to overall revenue trends.

SriNandhiniThiyagarajan commented 3 months ago

TITLE : Small states can be significant players in development and good governance.

dvd 1

Effectiveness : This visualization effectively shows the relationship between government effectiveness and the Human Development Index (HDI), along with other variables such as political stability, control of corruption, and freedom rating, across different state sizes

What Works Well

  1. The main message that small States can be significant players in development and governance is clearly conveyed.
  2. Different use of colours for small , midsize and big states makes it easier to differentiate between the categories
  3. The legends are comprehensive and clearly explain what each color aids in better understanding.
  4. The scatter plot effectively shows the relationship between government effectiveness and the Human Development Index (HDI), making it easy to identify trends and outliers.
  5. The labels on the scatter plot provide specific information about individual states, making it easier to identify and compare their positions regarding government effectiveness and HDI.

What Doesn't Work Well

  1. In the scatter plot, the points overlap, which can make it difficult to distinguish between individual states, especially in densely populated areas.
  2. Some of the text and labels are quite small and may be hard to read, reducing the overall readability of the chart.
  3. The visualization packs a lot of information into one image, which might overwhelm viewers and make it difficult to quickly grasp key insights
  4. Some areas of the scatter plot have overlapping labels, making it difficult to read the names of individual states and interpret specific data points.
  5. While trends are visible, the visualization does not provide explanations or context for why certain states perform better or worse, leaving viewers to infer or seek out.

What Could Be Better

  1. Improved Labeling : Using larger, clearer labels and reducing overlap would improve readability.
  2. Enhanced Clarity : Simplifying the visualization by breaking it into multiple, more focused charts might reduce cognitive overload and make it easier to understand specific aspects.
  3. Color Blind-Friendly Palette: Adopting a color palette that is accessible to color-blind viewers would ensure the visualization is inclusive and easily interpretable by a wider audience.
  4. Contextual Explanations: Adding brief explanations or context for observed trends and outliers could help viewers understand the underlying reasons behind the data patterns, making the visualization more informative and educational.

Best Regards, SriNandhini T, 21f2001390.

subhashree211002 commented 3 months ago

Name: Subhashree M Reg No: 21f2001407

Projected 2023 global GDP


Aim of the Visualization:

The primary goal of this visualization is to represent the projected 2023 global GDP (Gross Domestic Product) by visualizing the relative sizes of different economies. Using a circular chart, it aims to provide an overview of economic power distribution among countries and facilitate comparisons.

Effectiveness and What Works Well:

  1. Concise Overview: The visualization effectively condenses a vast amount of economic data into a single image. Viewers can quickly grasp the relative importance of various countries without needing to analyze extensive tables or reports.
  2. Visual Comparison: The circular format allows for easy visual comparison. Countries are represented as slices, making it straightforward to identify major players (e.g., China, the USA) and their approximate contributions.
  3. Annotations: The inclusion of annotations adds context and highlights significant events. For instance, the annotation "India dethrones..." draws attention to India's rising economic position.
  4. Memorability: The circular layout and labeled slices enhance memorability. Viewers are more likely to remember key points about global GDP distribution.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Color Choices: While color coding helps differentiate countries, the shades used are too similar. Using more distinct colors would improve readability.
  2. Visibility of Minor Contributors: Although the visualization includes all contributing countries, those with smaller GDPs are difficult to read due to small font sizes and narrow slices. Larger or clearer labeling for these countries would help.
  3. Proportional Representation: Ensure that the slice sizes are proportional to actual GDP values. Inconsistent sizing can mislead viewers about the relative economic sizes.
  4. Abbreviation Clarity: Avoid using abbreviations that may be unfamiliar to the audience. Full country names or widely recognized abbreviations would be more effective.
  5. Legend and Scale: Including a legend or scale to explain how circle sizes relate to GDP values would enhance understanding and accuracy.
  6. Misleading Representation: Pie charts imply a whole that sums to 100%. For projected values, a different type of chart (e.g., a bar chart) might more accurately represent the data without implying a misleading completeness.
  7. Additional Context: While annotations provide some context, more detailed explanations would improve comprehension. For instance, explaining why India's GDP position has changed adds valuable context.

Overall scope for improvement:

Refinements in color choices, label placement, and clarity would enhance effectiveness, While including more detailed contextual information and ensuring proportional representation would make the visualization more informative and accurate.


Arshi81099 commented 3 months ago

By: Arshi Khan Roll no.: 21f3002806

Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 9 38 57 PM

Brief: This image shows the trends and results of the General Election to Parliamentary Constituencies in June 2024. The dashboard displays various visual representations including:

Overall Seat Distribution: A circular graph depicting the distribution of 543 seats among various political parties. Party Wise Vote Share: A pie chart representing the percentage of votes received by different parties. Party Wise Results Status: A table showing the number of seats won, leading, and the total number of seats for each party. Effectiveness: The dashboard aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the election results, including seat distribution, vote share, and detailed results status for each party. It effectively communicates key data points in a visually engaging manner, making it easy for viewers to understand the election outcomes at a glance.

What Works Well: Visualization Choices:

Circular Graph for Seat Distribution: This type of graph is effective in showing the proportional representation of seats won by each party, giving a clear snapshot of the overall election outcome. Pie Chart for Vote Share: It visually represents the vote share distribution among various parties, making it easy to compare their relative popularity. Data Labels:

Each segment in the vote share pie chart is labeled with the party and percentage of votes, providing immediate context without the need for additional interpretation. Results Status Table:

The table format clearly shows the number of seats won, leading, and the total for each party. This detailed breakdown helps in understanding the exact performance of each party in the election. What Doesn't Work Well: Cluttered Visualization:

Circular Graph Overcrowding: The circular graph showing seat distribution can become cluttered when representing a large number of parties, making it difficult to distinguish between smaller segments. Pie Chart Overcrowding: Similar to the circular graph, the pie chart can become overcrowded with many small segments, making it hard to read and compare. Lack of Detailed Data:

Specific Seat Numbers: The circular graph does not display specific seat numbers for each segment, which could provide more detailed insights. Absence of Regional Breakdown: The dashboard lacks a regional breakdown of the results, which could provide additional insights into the geographic distribution of party support. Visual Complexity:

Text and Annotations: Some text and annotations in the visualizations might be small and difficult to read, especially for viewers with vision impairments or those viewing the dashboard on smaller screens. Color Distinction: The use of similar colors for different parties can make it hard to distinguish between them, especially in the crowded sections of the graphs. What Could Be Better: Enhanced Data Labels:

Adding specific seat numbers and vote counts to the visualizations would provide more precise data points, enhancing the understanding of the election results. Regional Breakdown:

Including a regional breakdown of the results would add another layer of depth, showing how different regions have contributed to the overall election outcomes. Interactive Elements:

Adding interactive elements, such as hover-over tooltips or clickable segments, could allow users to explore detailed information for each party and region more easily. Improved Color Scheme:

Using a more distinct color scheme for different parties could improve the readability and visual distinction between segments, especially in the more crowded visualizations. By addressing these areas, the dashboard could provide a clearer, more detailed, and user-friendly representation of the election results.

Arsh-21 commented 3 months ago

Top 10 Largest Nuclear Explosions

Name: Arshpreet Kaur Dhanjal Roll number: 21f1000788

Image source 5-2

The visualization aims to depict the ten largest nuclear explosions in history, focusing on the height of the explosion's "mushroom cloud," the yield in kilotons (kt) of TNT, the date and location of the tests, and the countries responsible. The graphic succeeds in providing a clear and impactful representation of this information, enabling viewers to understand the scale and historical context of these nuclear events.

What works well?

  1. Visual Clarity: The use of mushroom cloud graphics for each explosion is effective and immediately communicates the subject matter covering both aspects (height and radius) of an explosion. The radius of the impacted area depicted within the graph gives additional information in a non-cluttered manner. The varying heights and detailed depictions of the clouds illustrate the relative size of each explosion.
  2. Proper Key: The definition of a proper key giving detailed explanation about how to read the graph in a compact manner is a great addition to the visualisation.
  3. Scale Comparison: Adding the illustration of Mount Everest and reference to Stratosphere is a clever addition to give relevant context regarding the height of the explosion.
  4. Chronological Order: The visualisation effectively communicates the time progressive nature of the explosion giving the viewers insights on the evolution of nuclear explosions over time.
  5. Utilisation of space for extra information: Additional information in the blank spaces help give viewers more detailed context and increases the information passed to the viewers in an efficient manner.

What doesn't works well and Potential Improvements.

  1. Small Font Size: Text readability is reduced due to the relatively smaller font size in comparison to the visuals. Some of the text, particularly the annotations, is small and hard to read. This can be a barrier for viewers, especially those with visual impairments. Since there is a lot of free space, the font could have been increased for better readability.
  2. Coverage of Available Area: The centre part of the illustration seems empty in comparison to the rest of the visual and more detail could have been incorporated there.
  3. Bar Height Disparity: Difference in height in the upper layer and lower layer of the graphs is something that should have been avoided and can introduce some bias in the viewer's mind.
  4. Colour Scheme: Though the colour scheme is apt for the context, it has made the visual a bit bland and could be improved by using contrasting range of colours to depict the information.


The visualization effectively communicates the scale and historical context of the ten largest nuclear explosions through clear and impactful graphics. The use of mushroom cloud imagery, chronological ordering, and scale comparisons with Mount Everest and the stratosphere add significant value. However, improvements can be made in text readability, utilization of empty space, consistency in bar height proportions, and the color scheme. Addressing these areas would enhance the clarity and overall effectiveness of the visualization, making it more accessible and informative for a broader audience.

praddyyyy commented 3 months ago

Name: Pradeeshwar A Roll No.: 21f1007071 image Find the Image URL here


Visual Appeal:

Detailed Data:

Clarity and Organization:



Accessibility: Color Usage: While colors help differentiate data, similar shades can be confusing. Additionally, the color scheme might not be easily distinguishable for colorblind individuals. Text Size and Orientation: The text, especially towards the edges, is small and oriented in different directions, making it difficult to read.


Simplify the Design:

Improve Accessibility:

Add Context and Sources:

Interactivity (if applicable):

trishulam commented 3 months ago

By: Vamsi Krishna NK Roll Number: 21f1003596

image Image URL

Visual Strengths

Engaging Format:

Rich Data Representation:

Effective Use of Legends:

Visual Weaknesses

Complex Presentation:

Accessibility Issues:

Contextual Gaps:

Improvement Suggestions

Design Simplification:

Accessibility Enhancements:

Temporal Information: Include the date or time period the data covers to provide context on its relevance and timeliness. Source Attribution: Provide detailed source information to enhance the credibility and traceability of the data.

21f2000265-Abel commented 3 months ago

Name: Abel George

Roll Number: 21f2000265

Cumulative iPhone Sales

Apple’s iPhone 2013 event featured a few very impressive-looking charts such as the dramatic increase in processor and graphics performance between the very first iPhone in 2007 and the iPhone 5s, but a far more controversial chart displayed “cumulative iPhone sales” since 2007 shown above.

My Analysis

A Few Recommendations

harshymehta14 commented 3 months ago

Name - Harsh Y Mehta Roll No - 21f1001295

TITLE: India - Consumption Reference Link - Blume Report, Case Study by Think School




Consumer Stack (Classification of Indian Consumers)




The division of Indian consumer gives a good idea about there consumption pattern and contribution to the economy. It also helps the companies/ startup to understand their target audience better. It gives great insights like



A really helpful report, cutting all the noise around the economy and helps evaluate the real numbers. The report effectively conveyed valuable and not so obvious truths.

visist16 commented 3 months ago

Name: Tallam Visist Rooll No: 21f2001553

Mineral Analysis


This composition explains the natural sweetness, viscosity, and nutritional content of honey, highlighting that it is primarily composed of sugars, with a significant water content and small amounts of other substances.

Pro's Clear Proportions: The pie chart clearly shows the proportional composition of honey. The sizes of the slices accurately reflect the quantities of each component. Labeling: Each segment is well-labeled, making it easy to identify the different components and their respective percentages.


Lack of Title and Source: The chart lacks a title and a reference to the data source. Including these elements would enhance the credibility and context of the information. Design Aesthetics: While functional, the chart's design is quite basic. Incorporating some design elements (like shading or more refined fonts) could make it more visually appealing.

sujashaaa commented 3 months ago

Name: Sujasha Roll No: 21f3001115

Pasted Graphic 1

Image Source:

This graphic provides a clear categorization of the main human activities and natural processes that release methane into the atmosphere. It offers a helpful starting point for understanding the major contributors to atmospheric methane levels.



varunbalaji1303 commented 3 months ago

Name: Varun Balaji Roll No: 21f1005027


Article Link: Image Link:

Title: Where Toni Kroos made his passes vs. Scotland | UEFA European Championship, 2024

Effectiveness: The chart achieves its goal of showing pass distribution and completion rate.

What works well:

What doesn’t work as well:

What could be better:

Fashmina123 commented 3 months ago

Name: Fashmina Mohamed Roll No.: 21f3003099 Title: 50 Most Visited Websites in the World Source:


PROS: Global Reach: The image includes websites that are popular all over the world and suggests that businesses can use these websites to reach a global audience. Brand Recognition: The websites are all well-known brands. This means that users are more likely to trust these websites and be willing to do businesses with them or on their platforms. Wide Variety: The list includes websites of various categories, for example, social media, search engines, e-commerce, and news. This concludes that these websites help to meet the needs of almost any user.

CONS: Security Risks: Some of these websites are targeted by hackers. Users need to be aware of security risks that are associated with these websites. Addiction: Some of the websites on the list can be addictive, which can cause addiction and time management issues. Privacy Concerns: Some of these websites are criticized for their way of handling user data. Users may be concerned about their privacy when using these websites.

WAYS TO IMPROVE: Focus on user privacy. Improve security and be aware of security risks. Promote responsible and efficient usage of these websites.

SOORYAKIRAN-B commented 3 months ago

Name: SOORYAKIRAN B Roll No. : 21f1003835 Image URL: Title: The Most Popular AI Tools of 2023


The Most popular AI tools of 2023

Artificial intelligence had its breakout year in 2023, with large language models (LLMs) and text-to-image generators capturing the attention and imagination of technologists and investors alike.

Similar to other recent breakthrough technologies like the internet and the smartphone, the early stage of AI’s tech adoption cycle has already seen the creation of highly-used software products. Not surprisingly, ChatGPT, OpenAI’s product that sparked the artificial intelligence boom in late 2022, emerged as the most popular AI tool of 2023.

ChatGPT dominated the industry’s web visits with more than 60% of visits from September 2022 to August 2023, building up 14.6 billion visits to their website.

About the Visualization

The visualization effectively conveys the popularity of various AI tools in 2023 by displaying the number of visits each tool received. It aims to highlight the dominance of specific AI products.


Visual Clarity and Appeal: The use of different colors and sizes for the circles representing each AI tool is visually appealing and makes it easy to distinguish between them. The large size of the ChatGPT circle immediately communicates its dominance in the field.

Contextual Information: Including a timeline of tech adoption cycles for the internet, smartphones, and AI helps place the rise of AI tools in historical context, which enriches the reader’s understanding of AI's impact and the growth of AI in industry perspective. It shows when the tech companies started working on AI and was aware of its powers and effectiveness.

Comprehensive Data: The infographic provides specific visit numbers and percentages, giving readers a clear quantitative understanding of each tool’s popularity. This allows for an immediate comparison between different AI tools, showing how dominant ChatGPT is with its 14.6 billion visits, accounting for 60.2% of the industry total. The exact figures for each tool, such as Character.AI’s 3.8 billion visits and Midjourney’s 500.4 million visits, help highlight not only the leading players but also the relative scale of their user engagement. Additionally, by including smaller players like Civitai with 177.2 million visits, the visualization paints a comprehensive picture of the AI landscape, acknowledging the contributions of lesser-known tools.


Lack of Detailed Source Information : While it mentions data sources (Writerbuddy and Coatue), it doesn’t provide detailed methodologies or additional context on how the visit numbers were collected, which could raise questions about data reliability. Without knowing the data collection methods or the timeframe considered, readers might question the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information presented.

Text Density: The lower section of the infographic, especially the tech adoption cycles chart, is dense with information and might be overwhelming for some readers. Simplifying or breaking this into multiple visuals could improve readability.

Overemphasis on main contributors: The graphic heavily focuses on ChatGPT and Character.AI, with much smaller representations for other tools. This might overshadow the contributions and popularity of smaller yet significant AI tools. The disproportionate sizes could lead to a skewed perception, making it seem like only the top two tools matter, while the variety and innovation present in the AI industry are underrepresented.

What can be done to improve?

Interactive Elements: For an online version, adding interactive elements like tooltips with additional information about each AI tool could enhance user engagement and provide deeper insights without overcrowding the visual space.

Highlighting Lesser-Known Tools: Providing more balanced representation by highlighting some unique features or niche use cases of the lesser-known tools could give a fuller picture of the AI landscape.

Simplicity in Data Presentation: Simplifying the tech adoption cycles graph or splitting it into separate, clearer sections might make it easier to digest, especially for readers less familiar with such data.

Overall the visualization completes its task of representing the top used AI tools of 2023 and it also includes AI tools of different niches which is useful for understanding diversity of AI tools and the innovative areas where the people use AI tools. There can be some improvements done in order to convey the objective more clearly and also to reach more viewers.

ashrithgit commented 3 months ago

Name: Ashrith Reddy A Roll No: CE21B002 email id: Title: An Industry Transformed: Four Emerging Trends in Film & TV link:

Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 11 22 59 PM Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 11 24 10 PM

Note: My Analysis is on the overall Information Given visually in the above link

This outlines four major trends transforming the Film & TV industry, including the rise of new streaming platforms, a surge in content spending, increased investment in indie content, and escalating TV series budgets. These trends reflect a growing consumer demand for streaming services, a shift in production spending, and a potential redefinition of the entertainment landscape with a focus on diverse content and high-quality productions.

To Describe the Pros and Cons in terms of the given representations and Information over there. Positives:

  1. Uptick in New Streaming Platforms:

    • Increased competition can lead to more diverse content offerings.
    • Consumers have more choices for entertainment, potentially at lower costs.
    • New platforms can provide opportunities for indie content creators to reach wider audiences.
  2. Surge in Content Spending:

    • Higher production values can lead to better quality content for viewers.
    • More jobs and economic opportunities in the entertainment industry.
    • Potential for global stories and talent to be showcased on an international scale.
  3. Spending on Indie Content Rises:

    • Indie filmmakers have more opportunities to get their work produced and distributed.
    • Audiences can enjoy a wider variety of unique and innovative content.
    • Independent studios and creators can gain more recognition and financial support.
  4. TV Budgets Continue to Soar:

    • Higher production values can enhance the viewing experience for the audience.
    • More complex and engaging storytelling can emerge from increased investment in TV series.
    • Cross-media storytelling can create a more immersive experience for fans of film and TV franchises.


  1. Uptick in New Streaming Platforms:

    • Subscription fatigue may occur as consumers are overwhelmed by the number of platforms to choose from.
    • Fragmentation of content across multiple services may make it harder for viewers to access all the content they want.
    • Higher costs for consumers if they choose to subscribe to multiple services.
  2. Surge in Content Spending:

    • There is a risk of unsustainable spending leading to financial instability for some companies.
    • The focus on high-budget productions may overshadow lower-budget but equally valuable content.
    • Environmental impact of large-scale productions may be a concern.
  3. Spending on Indie Content Rises:

    • The pressure to produce content quickly to meet demand might compromise the quality of indie productions.
    • Indie creators may face challenges in maintaining their creative autonomy when working with larger studios.
    • There may be a saturation of indie content, making it harder for individual works to stand out.
  4. TV Budgets Continue to Soar:

    • The high cost of TV productions can lead to fewer risks being taken in terms of storytelling and innovation.
    • There is a potential for a widening gap between the haves and have-nots, with only a few major players able to afford the most expensive productions.
    • The cost of talent and production could lead to higher subscription fees for consumers.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the information, we need to consider several factors, including the clarity of the message, the relevance of the data, the depth of analysis, and the potential impact on the audience. Here's a detailed report on these aspects:

  1. Clarity of Message:

    • In above given link the information clearly identifies four emerging trends in the Film & TV industry, which are essential for understanding the current landscape and future direction of the sector.
    • The use of bullet points and numbered sections makes the information easy to follow and digest.
    • The Charts are structured in a way that guides the reader through the trends in a logical order.
  2. Relevance of Data:

    • The data presented is relevant to anyone interested in the Film & TV industry, including investors, content creators, market analysts, and consumers.
    • The focus on recent developments (as of 2021) ensures that the information is up-to-date and pertinent to current industry dynamics.
  3. Depth of Analysis:

    • A good overview of the trends but may lack in-depth analysis or critical discussion of the implications of these trends.
    • It presents data on the growth of streaming platforms and content spending but does not delve into the potential challenges or risks associated with these trends.
    • This Information could benefit from a more detailed examination of how these trends might interact or the long-term sustainability of the industry's growth.
  4. Potential Impact on Audience:

    • The information is likely to be impactful for those looking to make informed decisions within the industry, such as content producers deciding where to allocate resources or investors assessing market opportunities.
    • Consumers may find the information interesting as it provides insights into the changing nature of their entertainment options.
    • However, the impact could be limited if the audience is looking for actionable insights or strategic recommendations based on the trends.
  5. Presentation and Accessibility:

    • This appears to be part of a larger series, with references to related topics and a newsletter subscription option, which could enhance its effectiveness by providing additional context and resources.
    • The inclusion of a copyright notice suggests that the information is considered valuable intellectual property, which could imply a high standard of research and accuracy.

In conclusion, the Over Information provides a useful overview of the Film & TV industry's emerging trends, which is valuable for gaining a broad understanding of the sector's transformation. However, it could be more effective with deeper analysis, critical discussion, and the inclusion of the promised visual representations to support the data presented.

Jigyasa2408 commented 3 months ago

Name - Jigyasa Roll No. - 21f1001644

Title - Top 10 most valuable global brands of 2024


What works well? Clear Rankings: The descending order of the brands by value provides a clear view of the top 10 rankings.

Percentage Changes: Showing the percentage change in brand value next to each brand adds context regarding growth or decline.

Visual Simplicity: The use of left-to-right layout makes it easy to follow the rankings and comprehend the differences in brand value.

What doesn't work well? Drivers of Change: The reasons behind the significant increases or decreases in brand value are not provided, leaving viewers without context for these changes.

Comparative Growth: How these brands compare to the rest of the top 100 or other significant brands not in the top 10 is not visible, limiting a broader understanding of the market landscape.

Ways to improve Adding context for growth drivers, comparative insights, and sector influence are areas where the visualization could be improved for a clearer understanding.