bschmookler / eic_elastic

Generator and analysis for elastic electron-proton scattering at the EIC
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Issue in proton reconstruction #2

Open panta-123 opened 1 month ago

panta-123 commented 1 month ago

Hi @bschmookler ,

I try to reproduce your plots for 5_41 FOAM. But I am getting only one entry in proton reconstruction. Elastic_reco_5_41.pdf

I am using yout inputfile and running:

source /opt/detector/epic-main/bin/
#Run DIS events through npsim
npsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/epic_craterlake.xml --numberOfEvents ${NEVENTS} --skipNEvents ${START} --inputFiles ${INPUT}  --outputFile ${OUTFILE}

#Run reconstruction
eicrecon -Ppodio:output_file=${RECON} -Pjana:nevents=${NEVENTS} -Pdd4hep:xml_files=epic_craterlake.xml ${OUTFILE}

I am seeing this consistently, in other beam energy as well.

Do you have any idea?

bschmookler commented 1 month ago

My guess is the issue is related to the implementation of the PID detector lookup tables in EICRecon within the last few months. Now the PID ID code in the ReconstructedChargedParticles collection comes from those lookup tables. Previously it was just based on geometric matching to the Monte Carlo particle.

Unfortunately, those tables haven't been fully optimized yet. So, these lines may need to be updated:

bschmookler commented 1 month ago

Actually these lines: