bschwind / opencascade-rs

Rust bindings to the OpenCascade CAD Kernel
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Proposal: Consistent naming / patterns #17

Open DSchroer opened 1 year ago

DSchroer commented 1 year ago

Currently the naming of methods and functions in is inconsistent:



  1. Always use the Opencascade convention for C++. (CammelCase with no _, including standalone functions). Not the rust convention.

    type_name(...) -> TypeName(...)
  2. Since cxx has no better way yet, use _ to show associated types for functions that cant be bound using self. This covers constructors and other similar functions.

  3. In, since it is in rust, we always use rust naming conventions and make use of the cxx_name attribute to point to the correct c++ method.

    #[cxx_name = "Shape"]
    pub fn shape(self: Pin<&mut BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse>) -> &TopoDS_Shape;


Free floating functions are hard to reason about. Since Opencascade is a class based library, we should follow the same by re-attaching methods to the respective parent. If a function is associated with a type it should be private and attached via an impl block to the associated type.

    type StlAPI_Writer;
    fn StlAPI_Writer_ctor() -> UniquePtr<StlAPI_Writer>;

impl ffi::StlAPI_Writer {
    pub fn new() -> cxx::UniquePtr<ffi::StlAPI_Writer> {

What do you think? I feel this will be a good step forward and help reason about how future additions to the -sys crate should be made.

bschwind commented 1 year ago

This sounds reasonable to me!

I hadn't put much thought into organization as you can probably tell, my original goal was to just get this working on the bottle tutorial and get a feel for how to bind to C++ code.

You're right to be thinking about better organization now though so it doesn't become a pain.

Maybe the best way to start is to apply what you've suggested to one of the opencascade types and open a PR so we can get a feel for how it'll look.

Eventually I want to make a much higher level layer on top of all this, but it will be very helpful to more easily bind to the lower level stuff with your suggestions.