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FreeBSD Community Management & Engagement Team
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Should we 'always be recruiting' ? #4

Open koobs opened 2 years ago

koobs commented 2 years ago

Edit Decision: Yes, always be recruiting.

@jhfoo asked

when is your recruitment closing? Feels only then can we have an inclusive convo and

How many are you looking to bring in? after suggesting, regarding goals, roadmap:

Before we get too invested in tactics we should think about what we are trying to accomplish, per the 4 points listed in readme

This raised the question of whether after this initial round of recruiting, whether we might want to have an 'always open' recruiting process/position, so that interested folks could get in touch and apply if they wanted to.

This would look something like, and require:

Depends-On: #18

khbsd commented 2 years ago

It seems like it could get overwhelming pretty fast if we just have open recruitment. I think 6 people max would be good.

jhfoo commented 2 years ago

You can maintain an open door, and raise the bar for entry each time someone comes in. Still early days to assume everyone will stay commited?

khbsd commented 2 years ago

My thinking was we could fill up to 6, and then if someone drops off add someone else. Imo that's more manageable than keeping an open door.

koobs commented 2 years ago

My thinking was we could fill up to 6, and then if someone drops off add someone else. Imo that's more manageable than keeping an open door.

We could tweak on this: have an open door, high bar, with a max until we work out how we can handle a larger team consistently and effectively. Any apps we get beyond the current max we put on a "wait list" where we can discuss how we can best use new members before offering the join.

The main advantage of an open door is the pipeline is always open, always advertising, always working

koobs commented 2 years ago

It seems like it could get overwhelming pretty fast if we just have open recruitment. I think 6 people max would be good.

I'm cool with one more for now, modulo exceptions for a ton more diversity (time zones, languages, gender, culture)

As we start to do more "not just tweeting" work like roadmaps, regular meets and more, we can reeval our people needs