bshaffer / oauth2-demo-php

A demo application for running an OAuth2 server
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cookbook misses id_token column #36

Closed bingalls closed 10 years ago

bingalls commented 10 years ago

Following the step at _Create_an_AuthorizeController fails, until you run ALTER TABLE oauth_authorization_codes ADD COLUMN id_token VARCHAR(80); [not sure about 80 as size] Be sure to update the CREATE TABLE at the start of the cookbook. Note that you must display errors in php.ini, to see the problem (or view log).

bshaffer commented 10 years ago

I am not sure how this is happening, since the composer.json is requesting the v1.0 tag, which does not contain the id_token code.

This would only happen if you are requesting the dev-develop branch of oauth2-server-php. Did you change the composer.json file?

bingalls commented 10 years ago

I copied & pasted instructions, step by step. I'm guessing the problem is under _Initilize_yourProject git clone Perhaps you should direct readers to a tagged release, or install via composer? I did not change composer.json; that was not one of the steps. The only version I see in composer.json is for PHP >= 5.3.9. No 1.0 tag. The only modifications I made, was to host under ~/public_html (and db username/password).

bshaffer commented 10 years ago

Oh I see... you're using the Walkthrough in the documentation?

This repository is for the Silex demo. Will you reopen this bug at instead?