Closed SaniGit closed 10 years ago
Thanks for pointing this out... that Controller
shouldn't even exist, and doesn't make sense to include in this library (as you can see, the data returned is static. This method should be defined for the APIs of your project, and not through this library)
fixed in e304ee7a0f35662aa20bac9a94e71ac5b00dac22 - ResourceController removed
Hi @bshaffer,
When testing the resource endpoint
curl -u testclient:testpass https://serverIP/Symfony-OAuth-Server/web/app_dev.php/resource -k -d 'access_token=YOUR_TOKEN'
the TokenController gets executed instead of the ResourceController.
It is due to the fact that the ResourceController and TokenController have exactly the same route annotation. ResourceController should have the route e.g. @Route("/resource", name="_resource") instead of @Route("/token", name="_token").
After modifying the route the following error is raised:
CRITICAL - Uncaught PHP Exception ReflectionException: "Class OAuth2\ServerBundle\Controller\Application does not exist" at /var/www/Symfony-OAuth-Server/app/cache/dev/classes.php line 5997
Here is the full stack trace:
in /var/www/Symfony-OAuth-Server/vendor/sensio/framework-extra-bundle/Sensio/Bundle/FrameworkExtraBundle/EventListener/ParamConverterListener.php line 81