bshaffer / oauth2-server-php-docs

documentation for the oauth2-server-php library
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Implements UserCredentialsInterface and refresh token when expired #93

Closed Listen-WebDev closed 7 years ago

Listen-WebDev commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

i have implements UserCredentialsInterface interface and implements two methods in according with interface (grant type password):

checkUserCredentials getUserDetails

It work perfectly i retrive user from DB in getUSerDetails and the server store access_token in db in right table but token expire after 1 hour.

the scenario is that user login into a App (ios or android), my server.php generate an access token and the user is always logged in app. (like facebook app). but my access toke expire after 1 hour.

how to refresh token when expired?

any ideas ?? thank all!!!