bshambaugh / BlinkyProject

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Add a sendStringoverWebSocket function from the remoteSignerNewRPC branch #16

Open bshambaugh opened 1 year ago

bshambaugh commented 1 year ago
// refactor this with sendStringoverWebSocket
// getthepublicKey
void websocketSendMessage() {
        // voidArray(64,messageString);
        // mergeArray(64,'fun',messageString);

         sprintf(txpacket+strlen(txpacket),"%s","message"); // add another thing (by bret)
         sprintf(txpacket+strlen(txpacket),"%s",","); // add another thing (by bret)
         sprintf(txpacket+strlen(txpacket),"%s","something_is_wrong"); // add another thing (by bret), make this messageString
        // sprintf(txpacket+strlen(txpacket),"%s","\n"); // add another thing (by bret)



        // voidArray(129,messageyString);
