bshao001 / ChatLearner

A chatbot implemented in TensorFlow based on the seq2seq model, with certain rules integrated.
Apache License 2.0
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get wrong result when use trained model to infer #74

Closed QDPeng closed 5 years ago

QDPeng commented 5 years ago

the training stage is good,loss fall to 0.04,but when I use the trained mode to infer, the result is bad. I don't know where is wrong.!!!! I test BeamSearch and GreedySearch, this results is not good. Can you help me?

bshao001 commented 5 years ago

What did you mean by saying bad or wrong results? There are many reasons that impact the final outcome of a chatbot, way more than the model itself (yes, if you try Transformer model, you might get better result than using seq2seq/nmt).

Firstly, what training data did you use? The quality of the training data is at least as important as the amount. Secondly, based on the amount of training data, and a few other factors, you training may get over-fitted or under-fitted.

You can check all these or, give me more details so that I can help you. If you have wechat, you can add me, and I might be able to give you detailed assistance.

QDPeng commented 5 years ago

this is my wechat id:anay333, you can add me

QDPeng commented 5 years ago

hello, I have a question: Why reverse the source sentence?

bshao001 commented 5 years ago

With a simple google search, you should be able to find the answer. There are plenty of articles explaining this.