bshepherdson / foam-migration-test

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Create a DAO AutoIndex or LazyIndex to only create Indices when first used #203

Open bshepherdson opened 10 years ago

bshepherdson commented 10 years ago

From on February 19, 2014 11:58:48

Either create an AutoIndex which automatically adds indices when a new sort-order is selected or else create a LazyIndex decorator which defers the creation of an Index until it is first used. Alternatively, this could be built in to TreeIndex so that it doesn't build it's tree-index until it wins its first plan auction.

This feature would save memory in applications with a lot of indices (like QuickCompose).

Original issue:

bshepherdson commented 10 years ago

From on February 28, 2014 06:01:43

I created an AutoIndex class which is being used in QuickBug, but I'm not happy with the design because it can only be used as a top-level Index. It would be nice if it could also be used as a sub-Index as well. To do this, I would probably need to make it extend AltIndex.

Status: Started