bsherin / tactic

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Hotkeys menu not working now. #1220

Open bsherin opened 1 month ago

bsherin commented 1 month ago

I had to comment out all instances of because when it's in I get infinite re-renders.

bsherin commented 1 month ago

I tried narrowing down where the problem is. I was able to get it so that it worked with code_viewer after I turned all of the relevant functions to use useCallback.

However when I tried to do the same thing for the library viewer it didn't work. I suspect this is because it uses a table. It's possible I need to use useCallback on the functions passed to

There's also the issue that there are a million dependencies for the various functions. This could be improved by handling state in a more elegant way, perhaps by using a reducer.

bsherin commented 1 month ago

See this blueprint issue: here

bsherin commented 1 month ago

I added some code to suppress the error messages