I am trying to lift a BAM file over from the genome space of one species of Drosophila to another. I converted the species1.bam to species1.psl (with UCSC bamToPsl), using the -fasta option to write out species1.fa. After liftover with pslMap I have my species1_to_species2_over.psl, that I need to convert back to BAM and most importantly I need to write the sequence from species1.fa in it. I am working with sequence variants so this step is fundamental.
In: usage: [-h] [-f reads_fasta] [-N n_limit] [-H] [infile] [outfile]
It is not clear to me if and how the [outfile] is to be specified, since I have tried in many different ways: either making and empty file for it to write in, or just specifying a root name to write, or not specifying anything at all.
When I don't specify and [outfile] it writes and empty ".sam" file, when I do I always get the following error message (and an empty SAM file):
usage: [-h] [-f reads_fasta] [-N n_limit] [-H] [infile] [outfile] error: argument infile: can't open 'species1_to_species2_over': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'species1_to_species2_over'
So how should the [outfile] be specified in order for it to write the SAM file?
I installed your tool as indicated here in its own conda environment with samtools. I'm working on a HPC cluster running on CentOS Linux 7.
PS. I have also tried just running -f species1.fa species1_to_species2_over.psl $sampleName.sam and encounter the same issues.
Background: I am trying to lift a BAM file over from the genome space of one species of Drosophila to another. I converted the species1.bam to species1.psl (with UCSC bamToPsl), using the -fasta option to write out species1.fa. After liftover with pslMap I have my species1_to_species2_over.psl, that I need to convert back to BAM and most importantly I need to write the sequence from species1.fa in it. I am working with sequence variants so this step is fundamental.
sampleName=species1_to_species2_over -f species1.fa species1_to_species2_over.psl $sampleName.sam | samtools view -T -b > $sampleName.bam
Issue: In: usage: [-h] [-f reads_fasta] [-N n_limit] [-H] [infile] [outfile] It is not clear to me if and how the [outfile] is to be specified, since I have tried in many different ways: either making and empty file for it to write in, or just specifying a root name to write, or not specifying anything at all. When I don't specify and [outfile] it writes and empty ".sam" file, when I do I always get the following error message (and an empty SAM file):
usage: [-h] [-f reads_fasta] [-N n_limit] [-H] [infile] [outfile] error: argument infile: can't open 'species1_to_species2_over': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'species1_to_species2_over'
So how should the [outfile] be specified in order for it to write the SAM file?
Details: I installed your tool as indicated here in its own conda environment with samtools. I'm working on a HPC cluster running on CentOS Linux 7.
PS. I have also tried just running -f species1.fa species1_to_species2_over.psl $sampleName.sam
and encounter the same issues.