bsm / sarama-cluster

Cluster extensions for Sarama, the Go client library for Apache Kafka 0.9 [DEPRECATED]
MIT License
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Use GroupProtocol chosen by CG Coordinator #275

Closed stevevls closed 6 years ago

stevevls commented 6 years ago

The CG coordinator chooses a group protocol by inspecting the ordered protocols in the JoinGroup requests and choosing one that all members support. The CG leader is expected to use this choice to assign partitions. Currently, though, the protocol on the CG leader is read from config. This isn't an issue if all consumers are using sarama, but if consumers are using mixed libraries, then it could result in the sarama CG leader choosing a protocol that is not supported by other consumers.

dim commented 6 years ago

@stevevls I appreciate the PR but sarama-cluster is now effectively deprecated in favour of the (much more flexible) native intergration